— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №7583
by 1635170
A psychological consultation was opened for people obsessed with the fear of the construction and commissioning of the Large Hadron Collider (BAK). You will be listened to and helped to understand the situation experienced specialists trained in the subject of nuclear physics psychologists and social workers. Call 8-800-200-00-22, the call is free.

People, please bring it to the top, I worked in this organization..It's just nonsense, it's worth putting their line.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №7582
Developers, do somebody count back the start of the BAC for the side panel of windows... lazy that page to open.

Bring to top PLZ

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №7581
XXX is
Not just... no love... well I was disappointed... and sex without b... all of it just want... in the real sense of the word...

Sometimes I love some girls.

XXX is
Who are some?

Today is the second time you have no love.

It is very similar to the first.

She lived with her young man at the age of 14. I don’t think you’ve been in the girls too long. She slept with a girlfriend. You are bisexual. You and all-sado group of ideas. and she has a love for passive roles and scenes in the style of 11 minutes

So here.

Do you still hope for love? She comes to the dudes who look into the sky with big eyes and get red when they say sex.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №7580
My mother’s story:
We went to Greece. A bunch of men wandered through the water with sacks, caught fish, for a day they caught nothing, only enviously looked at the girl, who with joyful cries: "Ura! I have 25 fish!" I catch a fish with my hands. As it turned out, she held the bread in her hands, the fish floated, she caught it.

Women’s cowardice knows no boundaries... (Doky)

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №7579
The real hamster is a large animal.
YYY: Did you not play with them as a child in the "launch of a ballistic missile from a underground mine"?
XXX: How is it?
yyy: in the hamster hole you pour 2-3 spots of carbide, pour water and after a while you throw a light bulb... in the radius of 6 of the nuts on a beautiful bow, hamsters fly out and fly in different directions :-)))))
xxx: :)))))))) I didn’t think about it :)

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №7578
<DiverNix> Sitting with Vitey at my house, the plan to enslave Mac with new music was fulfilled, and he decided to drop. The door is closed and I am resting.
<DiverNix> A few minutes later, a message of the type "YouTube! "I go back and I, don't be a fool, take the flash from the notebook and look at it from the balcony. He slips and smiles so cleverly:
Throw it here!
Are you ready to break four gigs of asphalt?
I want to get up!
Stay there, it will be done :)
Will you go down?
<DiverNix> He did not assume that I did not push down, but get two five-meter usb extenders out of the sludge, plug them together and drop the flash at the end :) A man from the window in front of him swung up with a cigarette :)

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №7577
Damn, there is little space on the screw... You have to find a girl and scratch porn.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №7576
The article:
Beam Robots: Interview with Mark Tilden
To the question: "And what do you think of such a terrifying aspect of the problem, like the creation of machine-like things? For example, as in the movie "Terminator", where machines fight people, he replied:
Believe me, no matter how intelligent we make our machines, we don’t have to worry that our toaster, for example, makes plans against us. If, of course, this is not the creation of Microsoft"

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №7575
and all. Everyone has a Firefox search for Yandex. Your mission is over, fly back, fucking aliens!! to

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №7574
What would you think of finding in the folder "My Documents" on the working computer of a very serious person in the sub folder "Science" a file with the name "Science.ppt"? :D

That this was a presentation, was clear immediately, but what? and :)

It was about WinCC... :(

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №7573
I work as an admin, there are no windows on the server. Connected to the video surveillance server and there on the external cameras flashes and points like in the stalker when you enter the radiation. My heart broke furiously. I ran out on the street and it was rainy!

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №7572
nihil - the revelation of a familiar proverb: "A dead gastarbayter in the foundation fits much better than in the reporting."

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №7571
Partoss: two blondes are sitting on the stairs, smoking, each of them holds a cigarette in one hand of the interlocutor and let each other at the same time stretch. "what do you do?"-I ask, the answer broke me: "We have nail painted, we can’t hold cigarettes"

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №7570
My colleague, an avid cyclist, seriously injured his leg. He tried to circumvent a guy at high speed and failed to handle the control. To all the questions “what happened” he replied unambiguously: “The guy went around.” The following dialogue took place between 20 participants:

What happened?
The boy went around.
Did the unemployed get caught?

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №7569
aJah ‎(17:12):
They want to remove me.
Mr Duke ‎(17:14):
Have you heard of me by chance?? to
aJah ‎(17:15)
They are silent, like you are there by rumors.
Mr Duke is:
I want to knock them on the table.
Mr Duke is:
Are you with me?
Yes the leader!
Mr Duke is:
Will we knock together or each of us?? to

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №7568
I talk to a friend on Skype. I wanted a coffee and not to interrupt the conversation I take a notebook and go to the kitchen. My wife, when I pass by her with a note and continue to talk, gives
The cell phone!! to

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №7567
A child of 1.5 years was brought to the party. They sit at the table, try to snoop, eat and that and that. The child carefully takes food in his hands (a long orange, a piece of apple), puts it in his mouth, closes it and, not chewing or swallowing, confusedly looks at others. I show with all my strength how to chew. The child looks at me carefully, for a long time, then pulls food out of his mouth and compassionately stretches me :)

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №7566
This is when New Folder (42) is on the desktop.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №7565
If a woman is surrounded by a crowd of men, it means that no one needs her.

c) Peterburger

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №7564
Friday evening, I come home, I get out of the car, I suck the GPS navigator in the

The pocket was left in the car...

I go into the entrance, with the drunken youth I get into the elevator.

The guys discuss something fun, press the button, the elevator closes and

It touches me, it notices me:

What floor do you have?

And in response from the inside of my jacket GPS electronic voice and reports:

Communication with satellites is lost.

The guys trembled for a moment.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna