— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №9595
I have a lot of drunk virgins from Mars here.
[diamant] tried to log on to the working servo, which was set and forgot last year. I forgot the password. He has overtaken everything ever used, new and old, simple and complex. I cannot remember. made the password, answered a bunch of identity questions, which he himself and invented, finally got to "your old password has been dropped, enter a new". I thought-thought, invented a new complex password, with numbers, big and small letters.
It tells me, “The new password is the same as your old password. Enter a new password"

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №9594
#####: Well you imagine - I take off her, and there... flat! and zero! I was expecting to see something else there. Do you understand my condition?
@@@@: No, it’s you now understanding the state of the program when the NullPointerException...
#####: Yes to you :(
@@@@: And if you were to take off her trousers, then there’s a bat! - Member... then I would feel what ClassCastingException is
@@@@: x_x

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №9593
From the help section of the online store:
The cost of free delivery is calculated from the order amount.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9592
As a friend asked to scan a page from the textbook.He so thoughtfully looks at the textbook and says:"I think that the textbook of 1985 did not even suspect that it would ever meet with the scanner".

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №9591
I am looking for a native of the Yuan language.
Yandex: Maybe you meant the “Java language”?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №9590
Employees came, called the boss to smoke, joked entering "we come to you for a tribute!". I got the answer of the boss: "and who should I bow?"))

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №9589
DigitalSkylines (16:39:04 3/09/2008)
Do you want to start learning a language?

Children (16:42:18 3/09/2008)
I once wanted Italian.

DigitalSkylines (16:43:04 3/09/2008)
And now?

Children (16:47:07 3/09/2008)
And now I want a rest of love sex and I don’t need any language except male.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №9588
The most unexpected thing that can happen at the lecture:
The man in half a voice tells boring information, walks back and forth, ticks on slides, and at the end asks:
How much remains until the end?
- 2 minutes
This fucking unexpected!! to
“Well, in order for you to let me know a little bit, I’ll show you how I make an average saper in 46 seconds! And right on the projector is a saper. With applause...

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №9587
A friend of the couch to throw out the hope was, and he lives on the 16th floor, to endure the fall, so he did - pulled the couch on the staircase fire and called the firefighters

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №9586
Valuev fat macaca... it’s scary to look at him
Slv →
I will correct. Fighting fat macaca.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №9585
You think I’m crazy!% of
Mpak: The real madness is when the voices in your head don’t talk to you, motivated by the fact that you never listen to them.)

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №9584
The first September has arrived! Let’s say what we say twice a year:
"From this semester I start studying!"

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №9583
Yesterday I saw the funniest inscription on the lift button in my life: SAURON’S EYES are looking at you!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №9582
<Smesh> Who is this? Who came to the mind of the catalogue with electronic forms for accounting "e-blanki"?? to

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №9581
She is:
Stop drinking, stop drinking!

He is:
You do not understand, there must be some stability in the country.Our beer and alcohol industry and industry are planning to sell products, there are entire departments of planning and sales.And if I take and stop drinking now.I confuse them with all the maps and graphics.And they will be staying in the warehouses, the workers will not receive the salary, the children will starve.

She is:
and. Logic of Men

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №9580
I have a kiss that sleeps 😉

What kind of shit do you sleep there? and?? to

I look at her all the time! - Kira



by Hulu))

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №9579
The story happened in the summer. At our house, the repairmen did something with the stationary phone, and then strangers began to call. One man succeeded. He called 5 times and asked Maxim. I am tired of this order. The call again:
Can I hear Maxim?
I – yes of course. And he began to scream in the trumpet: You know, along the night streets! I walked barefoot and didn’t hurt my legs!!!! to
He stopped and dropped the phone. I didn’t call anymore :-)

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №9578
I buy new shoes, the seller (P) -girl just brought me my 36th size
Give me some more socks, it’s white.
Is the size 38-42 suitable?

I always wear socks on top shoes.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №9577
(14.17) DereVol@z: KillerToma how are you basking? Do you know who my uncle is? Do you know who he is?
DereVolaz: A!uc@rd hear tell Tomato who is my uncle
(14.21) A!uc@rd: KillerToma you hear the tricks! His his uncle...therefore the brother of his mother!! to

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №9576
Gray_Z: Some people with techniques on "you" and some on "oy"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna