— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №7343
The Japanese people are fucking fucking. The guy at the station sleeps on the store of the grandmother, judging all the way after drinking, whether the fucker was tired from work and her rubble. They stole, they stole. I guess they’re going to be fucking fucking. Ann no, nihuya, made her a cliché and went to the neighboring store to see what would happen.)))))

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №7342
Those of you! During the victorious euphoria, I washed a child from a slight hustle. I see, the pulse is scratched, took the green, smashed, everything is okay. Then the Musa visited me, put her there, took the green again, and went on... I painted it in full: the stars on my shoulders, the name on the fingers of my hand, etc. The wife comes in - and almost loses consciousness, type, you are a thief, we need to go to the doctor tomorrow. They started to wash - no hero, a high-quality German green was kept, like Akinfeev. And so go. The doctor, according to his wife, was carefully interested, and who is your father...

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №7341
During the preparation for the exam, I put in the asche status of MATAN, SUCA: STOP, STOP, STOP!!! to
Who is Mattan?
WOW: It’s a frog like that... it wraps into the mool mosquito through the ear... it eats out everything... and then goes out for the exam... through the JOPU!! With a wild pain!!! to

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №7340
Should I show you the magic?

not none

A simple trick.

What makes me sick

What I'll write below is a lie.

What is written above is true.


Jan is betrayal!

How did you do it?! to


[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №7339
Blindness is full.

Chush: The other day they were fighting with his wife, at the height of a quarrel, shouted that because of people like her, normal men are disappointed in the female race and go to pidarasa.

Yesterday, my wife checked my cell phone.

ChushЪ: And in the end I proved to her at noon that "Andrei neighbor" is a real neighbor, just a mistake, and not a friend-minetnik in Albanian(((

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №7338
The Note:
What was the cry you had in the middle of the night? = = )
and KSIH:
Yes to fucking! I am in anger! The wolf came to me yesterday.
The Note:
and catman? You are +)))) Well? fulfilled his dream? Fucked that shit? Let me tell you!!! to
and KSIH:
What to tell there!! In the middle of the process in the apartment broke up prematurely appeared from work and with screams of the type of "you end, the coward!"" began to chase in one of the socks Katya around the apartment! I became psychotic and ran to my neighbor. I come back in half an hour. She was morally ready to find 2 bodies in the apartment, and there these two are already sitting in the kitchen and argue to the hiccups "which Linux distribution is better for the home station"! So little - so they did not come to a common opinion they arranged a quake in the waya-faja!
and KSIH:
On my attempts to attract attention to themselves both slowly flattered, and at the end in general pushed the hell out of the room and advised not to interfere with the process! As a result, the romantic evening ended in the fact that I 2 hours alone dried beer in the kitchen and watched MTV!, and 2 of these fools after 5 matches pleased with each other came out of the room and did not pay attention to me went to my dear dad to work to collect a new computer!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №7337
Spirit is
I stayed with the girl ;)
Spirit is
The Virgin :P
It was rofl
Spirit is
There is :)
Spirit is
I say :P

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №7336
As for stupid blondes, stupid brunettes just envy them.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №7335

In Soviet times.

The Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Gennady Christmas

He was speaking on television. The head of TV Lapin visited the rehearsal and

Then he asked Christmas:

Why are there so many Jews in the orchestra?

The Christmas answered:

Do you know how to play violin?

and no.

And I am not. And they can.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №7334
An analogy with the stable.

A costly husband carries almost the entire salary in the bank.

The wife borrows from this bank to support the family and feed her husband.

My husband is pleased with the increasing contribution. The woman is pleased with what she can contain.

The Family. The bank is doubly satisfied!! to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №7333
...painted by a talented Krasnoyarsk artist and just a good man Egor Zhong...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №7332
† Alucard †: I am shy, shy and shy!
Funny_user: as well as fucking, uilo and luck.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №7331
Called the object yesterday.
They say no, I’m coming.
Of course they don’t have a fool, because they don’t have a light, but the notes work.)))))
They probably thought it wasn’t transmitted by air or sexually from Odmin.))))
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000 ugga
In the last instance, I would not refuse.
Internet is a new form of communication
There are only managers, everything has gone through a strict casting.
I am not a fan, I am a fan, I am a fan, I am a fan, I am a fan.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №7330
Vampirchik: What are you doing?
L0ki: fish, type, dried hawaiian
Vampirchik: in the sense? o.o
L0ki: yeah papik did, did not dry up nikuya... the piston was half-grey
L0ki: He doesn’t do everything...
L0ki: not the current with fish such a hernia, I am already afraid of myself :(

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №7329
The future is behind biogas, as Yulia Tymoshenko said. And he promised to produce 20 billion m3.
I wonder if it will produce the whole volume alone or how.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №7328
Toughened (15:03:18 27/06/2008)
I have sperm in my head.

ACID (15:03:59 27/06/2008)
Spit them out or swallow them.

Toughened (15:04:42 27/06/2008)
I study biology on the subject of reproduction.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №7327
Nick> Have you tried in the 90s to record the final screenshots of the series on the cassette and roll on the country on all the gardens in time, sowing horror among neighboring grandmothers?

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №7326
I'm going through the test "Are you a vampire?"
Genius question: Do you feel uncomfortable thinking that someone wants to burn you or cut off your head?
No shit, it is nice!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №7325
Black Rose Vertigo
Is there who? O_O

Black Rose Vertigo
Probably not –

Black Rose Vertigo
Or there is – o

Black Rose Vertigo
But not there –

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №7324
>>> Chemistry, the mechanism of formation of covalent non-polar connection. Urgently!! to

<<< :O: +O: > :O::O:

>>> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >! to

<<< This mechanism is O+O=O2 :O: + O: > :O::O:

>>> and what "is this mechanism"??? You can’t help the cattle.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna