— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №4193
I am looking for a cute ready-made (sorry) girl, looking 16-18 years old, black hair, approximately to the shoulder, slim. It was noticed in the metro area of Novogirevo (Moscow) on Sunday (April 20). I will be waiting at school 1666 on April 27 at 15:45.
Help me get to the top, really need it!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №4192
Q: Would you go for a walk?
I was killed in my knee in my ass today, it hurts now!
A: I was killed
X is vaseline?
A: It is scurvy!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №4191
I found the website "All about sports and healthy lifestyle"
It says that so that there are no side effects from ecstasy, you need to dosage clearly.
A healthy lifestyle.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №4190
I go with a friend on the beach. On the river, a ship - in the spring, every large sludge from the river is carved out. The man just grabbed a broken tree, quite large. Interested - how he will pull him on board - stand up, look. Within 10 seconds, we were asked by the loud communication of the ship:

"People, have you not lost the stick here?"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №4189
People help me, do you? The word in the old Slavic language is given, we need to know how it sounded in the old Slavic language and what translation into Russian.The word is-KUNINGJOS.We, twenty girls, have incorrect associations.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №4188
Only after thinking, and having looked at myself at home in the mirror several times, realizing that I was dressed in a long black balloon to the floor in a cap, with chains, with a huge bag behind the back, in which there were 3 anti-gases, several different optical targets, and a bunch of fine useful iron, a meter sword on the side, and a ring on the chest, I understood why I was asked for documents at the entrance of the subway.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №4187
Very early in the morning... Lineage... I cracked my nose... next to the table was the cream for hands and the glue moment...

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №4186
At work in all the enterprises installed radio stations and distributed all calls.So we and one more got respectively DUBRAVA-41 and DUBRAVA-43, and the rest and the emergency department issued DROZD-1, DROZD-2..... and so on to DROZD-9. Fuck, everybody looked at me somehow when I smiled at the microphone with a smile in all my face: DROZD-AVARINY, as you hear, DROZD-AVARINY, answer....
Then I was even fucked by a partner, type,"You heard like a thunderstorm"...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4185
XHH: My girlfriend also likes Bilan, and from Timati she generally pulls...
That is, a former girlfriend.
YYY: Do you break up?
xxx: and
YYY: What is it?
hh: fuck it )) Read above)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №4184
Chat from the local network
xxx: you fucking little boy fucking, you sit fucking here whole days, at this time the normal boys fucking
Zzzz: Who are you fucking there?
XXX: I didn’t mean you
ZZZ: Not for me? Your hand is fucking now.
XXX Fuck the fuck
Wow, I didn’t say XD

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4183
Q: Do you watch the TV?
Aha, and I go on.
M to Nate? Where do you go?
This is my daughter :)
and pls 😉

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №4182
SMS correspondence

The sun laughs, the earth turns, hello my cat, how are your deeds?

>Tanya, do not be offended, but I am madly irritated by all kinds of poetic nonsense on SMS

>I’m sorry if I annoy you. I will no longer

Not you, but stupidity. Smart people are not offended. Smart people make conclusions.

And you called me a fool!!!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №4181
15:59 Ivan_ : fucking, sweetness is harmful to health... I broke my nail about chocolate (((

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №4180
My girlfriend washed off, came to my house, I needed to get rid of it, she was behind the computer village. I’ll be back in half an hour and watch 3! Total Commander is launched. I ask why you started three of them, and she did not find me in the two. I was hysterical.
by Melia

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №4179
13:27:16 * zritsolsuki entered My room
13:27:20 ‹grasshoppers› ups at us girls
13:27:24 *zritsolsuki changed his nick to eat, please

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4178
Why are you sitting invisible?
T: I am afraid.
Paul : Who?
The contact list...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №4177
The guy read the infu in my asky. Bollywood... Further:

Is Dolphin a proga or a group?
I: The programming language
He: I mean that. It is old and no one uses it.
I am sure?
He is sure. I have 2 computer education.
I: to be
One of them is the highest. I work as a system administrator in the most fashionable nightclub.
Q: What is there on the new tower? Did not read?
He: What is the bastion?
You are not admin.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №4176
Case of life. We sit with a friend at the school of biology, there are two other girls, one brain for two and then damaging, the baby began to ask the reproductive system of a man and a woman, a long friend spoke about what the clitoris is and where it is, but a pactal I rolled minutes after 5, when on the question of the function of the penis, one of the girls replied (I had previously buried the baby to feed, she heard): the member has a trophic (nutritional) function, which the baby tirelessly asked: "This type craved and spit?"and "

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №4175
I am walking out on the street today with two guys. Here next to fly, a pigeon with a ball one of the guys catches a pigeon and with the words: "Guli-Guli" ticks the pigeon into the second boy. The second guy is in shock – he asks, “Why?” The answer killed me: “Hule, did you hide cats in me?“!”

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №4174
I decided to drink the tea: I got the last bag of cooking out of the box, scratched out of the sugar stove exactly three tablespoons of sugar, found in the empty bakery half a piece of baton and covered it with the last piece of cheese found in the refrigerator, which was also perfectly suited in size.
I sit down, drink tea and wait for electricity and water, gas and the sun to cut off.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna