— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №3193
Because it got...

The people! No, no... the people are crazy!! Look around! What a fucking thing is going on around! What we all have become! The meaning of life for everybody is now niibaza steep car, pants, and some other shit.

have grown up people who cannot imagine a street without bombs, scattered shit, hopes and other spiders.

Why did the old ladies in the USSR not collect bottles? that, in the USSR bottles what was not...." © THIS is not funny!!! Do not think of smiling!! to

Fool, on the tower on the first of April laid out a textbook of Russian language, so more than half dispersed that this fool nihuya is not funny... fuck in the mouth, it is our, fool, mother tongue! The urds... struck with their Albanian, ы, gy and other hernias...

Our army and the police were terrified at night.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №3192
Minelay: He punished himself. A week without injection.
Minelay: Yesterday morning my son woke up. Gladly so. Did you see my grandmother and grandmother’s puppets?! to
Reptile: O_o
Minelay: Here you are there. My wife and I were planning to repair the new apartment. They made from newspapers, paper blades!! to
Reptile: And what did you answer?
Minelay: The Truth!! to
Minelay: As I thought then...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №3191
comments on the person taking the loan: During the completion of the questionnaire behaved inappropriately (in other words - just a bad guy)

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №3190
I go to the metro today. In the hands of the KPK-shnik with the ass, in the ears of the monsoon.
To the house is still far away and in the car is almost empty, looking free and old ladies rushing to the free place as on the embrasure of the enemy dot is also not visible. Sitting next to the girl also sits in her ears and ears, only she reads a book from him and reads in Word, respectively, her backlight constantly fades. He read and reads. After a while, he started pressing at me, and then put his head on his shoulder. There is only one stop before mine, I think I need to make some contact. I watched it without headphones. I say "Let’s put a normal reader". She turns her head to me and I really see smiley 0_O and she s with a quiet scream "Eb, I thought I was home" dragging in the other direction

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №3189
We have in the universe a coffee machine humorist hoov.
Then fuck in a cup of 15 tablespoons of plastic, then, crazy, such a shit: a guy scratched 4 rubles for a set for tea (water, tablespoon, sugar), swept all this matter into a crack.
At the exit - a set for tea and 28 rubles delivery.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №3188
A large skate-tail jumped into the boat to the burned tourist and a long poisonous spike struck her deadly in the head.

An ordered murder!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №3187
Nothing is free now. Even if you want to be deceived,

You have to pay first.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №3186
A friend called from Russia to one of the Egyptian hotels. When on

The receptionist took off the phone and said something in Arabic, he asked:

Do you speak English?

He was answered:

and yes.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №3185
The pessimist thinks the glass is half empty.

The optimist thinks the glass is half full.

The programmer thinks the glass is twice as much as needed.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №3184
I don’t have time to close my ice season.
But now I have opened the sporting season... Figure digging in a pair, rowing on beds, shooting with a beetle or bone from cherries, throwing a tail, pushing a cage and a squad, jumping from 10m. towers in a concrete solution, running through the crossed terrain for a dog that swallowed a bag with chicken... This is only an incomplete list of cultures-multi-sports recreation on my facade. )))

And when it’s time to harvest...there’s one consistent powerlifting!! to

So on the 2nd, the Olympic Fire Walk should pass through my landscape! And to me - the presidential award and the state award for high sports achievements!

True, as always, instead of the prize will give you... well or in the best case - a kilogram "Barborisque" with the words "Sushi and Grow!"

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №3183
I'll be a good mom, what do you think?
Tsar Solomon: If you keep drinking beer, watching hockey, and sitting in the gym, then you will be a good dad.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №3182
to :
Oh the spring.
I sit in the classroom and the sun is shining.
whether on the street, or in the neighboring office several children's voices sweetly sing the choir "Lyalaya doll";
We’re getting excited until we start to understand that they’re performing a theme from the happy three friends...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №3181
I suggest opposite each quote on the main one, which does not contain grammatical and syntax errors, to place the icon "verified for errors";.
For those who like the idea, add a quote.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №3180
[22:47:15] xxxh: passed shakes, on the neighboring car "help.." written) did not report the campaign)...
[22:49:07] I remembered the joke, I was still studying at school, I walk in the courtyard, there is a dirty little bit like this, I approached, I wanted to write "help me", I write p..o..m..o..i... and the doors open, from there the uncle such a healthy half naked comes out with a scream " I will wash those little bites!It was with a girl there.)
[22:49:08] WOW: The topic was a long time ago, the shadows pointed out. I met with a girl alone, and there was nowhere to go, I took the keys from my father's cry, and there with the girl, the whole process was in the midst. I see through the window fell what it is writing something on the car, I go out evil very, he dropped. It was written on the window, I didn’t have time to write.
[22:49:16] hhh: to throw
I will kill the cattle!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №3179
Val> Overall, all the power of anti-terror control my friend felt on himself at the airport in Bundess when he asked Mint "Can I shoot here?", talking about the camera he did not show. German police have a heroic sense of humor.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №3178
Riot girl -> Van my max....he has a very little brother.....

Riot girl -> I'm sorry for it

Riot girl -> His mom went to the store on
Half an hour, we sit at his house.
The child bed

Riot girl -> baby begins to cry
Max calls his mother.
My mom is crying.
You must feed him, feed him.

Riot girl -> He goes to the kitchen... returns, again calls his mom and asks with such an unfortunate voice:
I have his chest.
You feed...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №3177
Dear minor readers. Rosenthal is the name of the author of a good (if not the best) textbook on Russian. It’s a pity that you don’t know that...
In other words, Oleni, learn the Russian language!
Admin BOR, a great idea for 1.04! Congratulations to you and all your readers on this wonderful holiday!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №3176
<< N u X >> 16:16:25
Do you have any animal shops in the area?

<< N u X >> 16:16:49
I don’t mean 24-hour alcoholic.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №3175
The student room, night In order for a friend to be more comfortable with the girl, I sleep on the bench, giving them my bed. The process went by a couple. I pretend I am sleeping. The other too. The phone vibrates on the table. I quickly picked up the phone. Dialogue in the dark is like a couple tomorrow. I say everything quickly and I am going back to bed. Here a guy from my bed stands up, pulls my phone out of my hand and whispers at the phone:
- Goat, you woke up Anton and we stopped fucking!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №3174
He is
– Sunnychko, the fatherhood of Alexandrovna or Alexeevna, am I confusing all the time?
Alexey, what has happened?
He is
I am writing an official letter to the bugs, that only you have the exclusive right to have my mosquito and the rest of my body, and if the bugs want to pull out my mosquito again, let the person first turn to you.
– – – – – – – –

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna