— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №4033
The Beloved! I do not offend you at all, but it was very wonderful, if the next time you would call me not a scream, you are dumb, you are dumb, of course, not to me, but to the manufacturers of Ikea knives, but somehow otherwise, for example: "Dear, you could not come to the kitchen to anoint me, a curved-handed, the finger that I cut, because I am not only curved-handed, but also lazy, and could not sharpen the knives normally!"

People, help me share this simple thought about my cat!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №4032
Fuck you!

For those who have more than 12.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4031
Now I am writing to 3 people in the ass: 1) my girlfriend, 2) a girl who wants me, 3) a gay who wants me but will never get, because I am not an ahtung))) I am so afraid to go wrong through the window.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №4030
< Smile: I am for the slogan - anymore in every home
> ROOT: Yes
< Smile: More precisely, each harer by a twisted pair
< Smile: Or to every fool - by fiber optics

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №4029
From the Auto Forum:
xxx: Dad bought the accent.Sitting down, riding a little. 103 narrow-eyed horses are feeling. But here is the trick: why does the exhaust tube smell of burning polyethylene. What would this be?
Is the polyethylene burned?! to
zzz: the car works on the flight
www: to xxx: Smell the exhaust gases

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4028
Seminar on Econometrics:
Two girls are discussing something fiercely, the preacher writes another regression on the board.
One of them cried out to the whole audience:
You will be a good Jedi and I will be a bad Jedi.
Without leaving the board, he noticed:
There are no bad Jedi. Bad Jedi are Sith!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №4027
How are you fucks.)
Yesterday I talked to the deziger on the phone, (he is Russian) about the site.
As everywhere there are little things, that is, for example, you make a website, and it is normally displayed in the Internet Explorer and in Mozilla (Fire Fox) is bad.
Well, caroch both coupled, because the project needs to be handed over, I tell him that he checked in.... and the name "Fire Fox" forgot...but I remember that there is a fox and fire, well and said that I checked in "Pylka Lesicke"...then a minute of silence, and roast in both..)))
Now Mosilla is called the Pollen Fox.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №4026
So in the union of ments did not take the tabular weapon after the change...So here...the picture, absolutely real...77th year, Zhytomyr,ment returning home clocks at 11 p.m.,going through the arch in the yard of the house...In the arch two goops and a girlfriend,one of the goops in the hand a knife and he so sweetly says:"Hey,man,post,you don’t want to fuck up?"...Now ment throwing the situation:"I want"...Gop:"Take off trousers and scratches"...Ment quietly sits down, tasty cuts out, jitters with a cloth In this time, the gospels rpyt,spurely in the ecstasy of the

c) SummerNight

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №4025
Happiness as a lady!
For the first time in my life, I have been offered so strongly.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №4024
The news:
Russia has written off its $4.5 billion debt to Libya.
For the first time, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has invited a foreign leader to his home for breakfast.
Putin ate breakfast for $4.5 billion

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №4023
menta fucking barely to the department did not take... I go down from the loft (cable pulled inter-home) and I mint with a machine in a helmet type to the wall... ppc
well mom approached her told me that I was shot... fucking in the shrough then there were 2 butterflies with mints full of combat readiness.. and here the fox we 6 people descend from the loft with the staircase cables and tools... some dwarf called and said that on the covers terrorists with fanarians... and this we from 12 days to the hour of the night pulled a screw pair on the truss... you drop from the loft you slide in an automatic oak tick and crack to the wall and then to the floor (
I was camouflaged with a mahahedhat hat on my head as in an avgan (by a cloth dress) and all in the wires of a whipped pair and ads slide and in my hands a disassembled switch plate...

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №4022
First, 17.04.2008 14:10:46
Listen, and the excess of traffic in 11 gigs is a dohu?

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №4021
Certification of VISA. Local people give a test in "informatics".
The following question shocks me:
Creation of an operating system?
And then the most brilliant first option of answer:
1) The luck...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4020
I want warm, beer and a girl.
I’m busy, I’ll be free, I’ll help. 😉
He: Well, in one, you can really help me.)
* please *
She: Okay Okay
He says: Thank you to you!!! to
Take the Baltic

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4019
Gentlemen, stop the non-obsessive advertising of innet resources on the tower, because nichren is not funny. And we put it up to the top. Go to Nubia.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4018
I had such a case in my life I came in the morning to the kindergarten to my son, well there are all kinds of competitions... and such a competition -the teacher reads a part of the poem and the parent must continue in rhythm.
So here’s:"Train carrying pencil..."
And I take it and lick it - "The eyes will be pulled out children..."
The fathers appreciated it, but the pedagogical staff still believes that I am a dolboeb sadist.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №4017
by Ser
Hi, what are you doing?
I sit in the church and read Nietzsche.
by Ser
Aaa... and lol!! to

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №4016
She is:
Damn..if I get a diploma I will not soon)))))I am drawing such prospects here..elsi I will give a diploma....then my grandmother will give me either a completely new computer or a laptop at my discretion within 50-55 pieces. And my mom and aunt said that the machine will be bought with my mom..but more accurately, I know that my mom with the legs will not drive and so far if after the diploma I will go to the courses while in line for the car we will get the rights..a machine or a 3 or a new Ford focus that will soon come of course I would have to diploma to do...for atkie the prospects..but I am such a trick that I break up.

He is:

He is:
And I'm stupid: "You don't give up the diploma, you'll get puzzles, poor fuck"

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4015
If you wanted to go to the toilet before the accident and still want to after, then you’re just a cool guy!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №4014
XXX is
Sometimes they will write this: “We are a young couple) we are looking for the same offspring as we are) A girl is bi, a young man is heterosexual, NO! They have sex with men!"


XXX is
Heteros, but fuck the sauce.

(You are on interesting websites)

XXX is
I don’t even know what to say about burning...burning? ( by

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna