— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №3313
When I worked in a department that was dealing with SMS jokes on TNT, one day all the subscribers who wrote came to answer "Che za huynu ti pishesh?"
Repeat the test text...

c) Loola

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №3312
The soc. The survey:
Whoever starts the morning with basha, plush.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №3311
I went to the store in the morning.
Two blondes choose a cake.
The first (read): "The shelf life is 120 hours." Is it that? Two days in all?
The second (thinking): Yes, sixty and sixty.
Blondes for a day.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №3310
M is
I checked the reflexes!!! to

Y is
Reflexes are normal

M is
Moral principles are restored!!!! to

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №3309
The distant forest path. The Twilight. On the bench, very tightly embraced, a couple is sitting.

Guy:...and here, you understand, on each of the servers, a thousand people...

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №3308
Everyone who first entered the tower was rotting so that the glass was shaken (except for those who decided to start on April 1). Over time, the reaction weakens, but it’s not the fault that can and becomes worse, but not to that extent, but it’s the fault of the development of resilience.
Whoever agrees, knows what to do and where to bring.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №3307
Today is National Day of Love. If you do not please others with this news, you will not be able to do this for seven years. The test is fully checked. In 4 days, someone will confess to you in love, the one who truly loves you!!! If you break the chain, you will always be unlucky.So, send this message to at least nine people.

You know... I’ve died thirty-eight times... I’ve lived fifteen lifetime periods of misery and twelve more lives no one will fall in love with me! So deep down on all these chains!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №3306
There was an elderly woman in the area. There are 3 cables on my account.
She is in a deep marasma. Our cables suck out its positive energy and prevent it from communicating with the Great Cosmos.

by kora_f
The grandmother will only be saved by reinforcing enema and a couple of cubes of nutritious euthanasia intravenously.

My grandmother made a statement yesterday. I visited her area yesterday. She sent him very dirty and obscene to the primary source, after which she cut off the third cable.
I have already found where portable welding machine is sold. Her door will be welded on the contour and painted with fresh paint.
You can’t even talk about the phone and electricity.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №3305
by Anita:
Fuck, here a bunch of people in the office cheats, they don’t just let you work, they don’t talk to you, they don’t give you anything.
by Anita:
I like it :-*
Just for fun:
Call them to the monitor that they can see my window.
Just for fun:
Call me call...
Just for fun:
Called?... They are reading?
Just for fun:
Are you ready?
by Anita:
Just for fun:
This is :
Just for fun:
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y!
by Anita:
=-O =-O =-O

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №3304
Application for Siamese:
"Please replace my mouse (with a ball transmission) with an ocular mouse."

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №3303
(Knowing girl survey on aska conducted)

Happiness: Have you purchased a household technology in the last six months?
George Arthur: The Tea Shop
George Arthur: In Eldorado
Are you planning to buy something next year?
George_Artur: We are planning
George Arthur: The Tea Tree
George Arthur: Not in Eldorado
George_Artur: They went to the ass with their teasers

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №3302
And why are people studying, trying to hack programs, and I will not respect their work and go to buy a license? By purchasing foreign licensed software, we demonstrate disrespect for our hackers. This is ugly...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №3301
Sky (02/04/08): we guess the wish today at 16:32 :)

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №3300
I paid the loan today.
In the building of the bank is a motosalon which I could not fail to pay attention to the name.It is called "Vizgi and spray"
Here would be close to open SEX-Shop and name it "Breastfeeding ";

Maybe with the same name.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №3299
Yesterday from the ur listened to the radio, there a guy called, he asked, quickly call associations on the words that we ask, without thinking:
D: The cow
D: Boogie, okay, just reply faster
D. The rest
Tag: beer
D: The cow
H: Well the breasts (claim) )))

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №3298
Peter’s members are creative.
First, they came up today that children from 11 p.m. to 6 p.m. can now not leave the house without their parents.
Secondly, erotic and pornography can now be shown on TV in Peter's after 11 p.m. to 4 p.m.
How to bring kids home?
An athletic idea, I think.

c) Scotland

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №3297
I went to VZFEI to learn about graduation... there was a blonde...

Hi to you. I would like to know a few questions about admission: you have entrance exams in November, and I am being called on from October 1st - how do you solve this question?
We will give you a certificate that you are participating in the contest.
And what: is this certificate relevant in the military?
What about the set?
Why do guys disappear before exams?

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №3296
Warranty =)
Aaa... and I have 75% resistance to sleep and other spells of the mind including education.)

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №3295
The Comrade! Have you forgotten the pellet?

This inscription in the top, forever!! to

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №3294
Give me a mystery!
I do not know the mystery.
In order to chew in front, you need to chew in the back.
Hm, the cat?
I did not expect such a response...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna