— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №5313
Russian puppies in the 1990s were so harsh that they ate juppies without diluting them with water.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №5312
Working with a girl, she writes:
You enter a dark room and find my clitoris with your tongue. Tagged with"
So I imagined this picture: I go into a dark room and start looking for the clitoris with my tongue. Instead of it, different objects are found. the switch, the switch, the router.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №5311
XXX: Are you offended?
Yyy: No, I just heard it from different people 10 times a day. I am so good, one.
You are a happy onanist? and that happens.
I am not an onanist, go on.
X-Men: Otherwise I would say shit.
Fuck, kill yourself
Will I ask my grandmother to find me?
I mean, I am an onionist.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №5310
I buy a meal in a store that slowly sysadmin.
As usual, while I put it in the bag, I forget to hand over and break to the exit. The cashier tells me:
and man! Take the delivery!
The second cashier turns and instructively says to her:
He’s not a man, he’s our computer.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №5309
If you have fallen on fame, it means that it already needed capital.

the repair.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №5308
In the evening, the people return home in the road, soon a stop and part

Passengers are getting closer to the exit. Among them is the drinking.

The man. It sounds like a favorite driver’s radio station.

The song says, “Well, you’re so terrible.” A man insults

This is the attitude of the performer toward women and he begins to get upset. No is

Having the support of those present, he decided to address the victim.

The woman standing in front of him:

“Well, it’s about you...”

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №5307
Synoptics challenged a box of vodka to a rheumatic patient!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №5306
Only in Russia in the company at the department of "C", engaged in license checks can come the same company of electricity at GUVD and cheat to check whether we have licensed software.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №5305
twelve (11:43:30 14/05/2008)
What are you doing?)

yyy(11:43:56 14/05/2008)
the hammer)

yyy(11:44:04 14/05/2008)
listening to music

yyy(11:44:08 14/05/2008)
and in contact with Lazio)

yyy (11:44:13 14/05/2008)
I am short at work.

yyy (11:44:17 14/05/2008)

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №5304
A friend’s mother said:
found a hidden pack of cigarettes, and silently did not argue about anything, put a note "throw the smoking daughter"

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №5303
Vika: complete lack of vigilance on the part of the partner provokes fainting :D

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №5302
As a child, I once asked a friend:
How long do you chew the gum?
The genius answer:
Until I lose.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №5301
The joke is that I’m going to see Daech live...

How do you know?


[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №5300
I went out on the balcony to smoke... sunshine, clouds... I stood smoking... and in my head was the thought that something was missing.. >%/...

He looked up and realized that he lacked the inscriptions on the sky - "The Simpsons" and characteristic music.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №5299
I went to be arranged by the incoming administrator to one hotel, there they gave a questionnaire, one of which sounded like "Can you use the PC". Written by "No" took

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №5298
21:21:31: I have taken myself off on the thought - if I have 500-600 kB.s inets not enough then how do you chew on 32?
21:22:03: I don’t live – I’m weary on the internet space........
21:22:35: stumbling and fleeing with a weak hope
21:23:03: with the stretched brush of the right hand.
21:23:36: forever abandoned me and gone unforeseeably far forward...
21:24:04: BLADE OWNERS OF ALIM AND HIGH SPEED!!!!!!!!!! to
21:24:15 For I will pursue them
21:24:22: And I will destroy!!!!! to


[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №5297
A number of Estonian farmers have received tax notices, according to which they are obliged to pay for methane released by their cows into the atmosphere. This was stated by the President of the People’s Union of the Republic, Janus Marandi. He asked the Minister of the Environment to comment.

So close to people... and dismantle all of us!

Fuck him with the cows, you look at their chairman's name O_o

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №5296
I am: Tom, hello
T: Hello
I: I have news for you.
Hm, let it go
I: Are you sitting?
T is yes.
I : well.
Q: Are you pregnant?? to
I: No, not this one.
A: Okay, then the rest is all shit.
I: Not entirely! This is a cat, not a cat!!! to
T: (pause) crazy... I’d rather be pregnant...

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №5295
The yellow ants. These ugly, ugly creatures! At first I thought that their habitat was just the kitchen. But now I found them on the table, which is next to the entrance to the kitchen and on which I have a computer... for half an hour I watch unsuccessful attempts to get out of the LCD screen of the monitor of a couple. I care for the man with all my heart. If he dies there, it will be a complete shit in the form of the presence of his body in front of my eyes every day!!!! to

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №5294
Do you live in the 6th micro district?
WOW : Why?
XHH: Why is it? You are in the 6th micro district, do you really live there?
YYY: Yes, once it is written!
XXX: What is the house?
YYY is red!
Name the street.
WOW any one?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna