— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №3253
<Unlimit> what is the number?
<irusa> Unlimit: 1
<Ultra_Puritanin> Unlimit: 30
<310890> Unlimit: 31
<Unlimit> sps

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3252
>>Mla... So I want a rubbish bowl around the comp...
> and >
>> I look at this quote. and pluss. I understood why he plushed. >>First thought - 1471 people also want garbage around the car!

two years wanted a cage at the comp, half a year ago it appeared=) now I want a garbage container..

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3251
From the channel (Arena)

18:22 Impotencia > why are boys afraid of me? I want to be friends with them.
18:22 I come to them, and they run away, and shout that I should not come. Even PCs are running away. In private, they ask me to leave.
18:22 Impotencia > What about me? My persis is very beautiful. Maybe others don’t see him like me?
18:23........... > Change your nick. Remove the first two letters.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №3250
The bugs burned... Scuco, I didn’t even think so!!! Ruby in the sea battle on the ash... and the ships have them in excellence fuck!!! = = )

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №3249
Kosyak: We Russians are so harsh that after eating we wipe our hands

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №3248
How can you expel a man from work for the fact that he walked with a badge "Merchendaiser Bayarsky" and also with a drawn beard and a hat...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №3247
inoy (10:04:58 29/03/2008)
One day I woke up before Olka, went to wash, found in the bathroom her mask and I had a plan.. Drawed on one half-jacket of my eyes, turned on the camera and put on the TV, quietly lay my ass on the pillow and said "Ola, I have a cool smile?". You are 32 years old, my son is 3 years old! You are the company director! Are you going to get rid of your teeth anytime?and "

The key word here is the director of the company. Those guys, despite their success, are still with me. Give me a smiling ass.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №3246
>who wants to see admin basha live - plus :)

I can take pictures)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №3245
I go through the medical commission. in front of the surgeon's office I ask: Who is in the medical commission?They answer that there is no one.I go to the office.all like let's say where you go, in the row of the dolls children, etc.One grandmother says: here is everything on the medical commission!I am her:and you? She: And I too! She is 65-70 years old. Well, I’m going to take a break: Grandpa, you don’t know what, since January 1, 2008, the new law was passed! A: What one? From January 1st, you can go to the cemetery without a medical certificate. and. and. and. and. The young man who was next to me was lying down. the grandmothers barely bit me...they don’t have good teeth.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №3244
by Prizrak101
The computer came from the cement factory.
by Prizrak101
I opened the cover, and a piece of cement dropped out of it in the shape of the cover *ROFL*

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №3243
Regular scratching of the neck is a primary sign of intelligence.

by Yuri Tatarkin

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №3242
When I was a student, I worked in a circus.

People there work miserably - and here's a time

There was a crown in a circus with a broken wing.

The owner carried him with him everywhere, almost taking a bath with him.

And one day the crown began to repeat some sounds (which he

I probably liked it).

It imitates the door that opens, then a phone call, then learned

The sound of a broken lamp.

Over time, the sounds became more and more.

And one day the crown mastered the sound of a whispering and at the same time

The shooting fighter.

There was even a number in the circus.

The crown was flying under the dome and picking the clowns, then the public.

All this accompanied by shooting.

The kids were delighted.

He apparently liked it himself.

But the number did not last long.

The bird learned to speak the spicy words it began to comment on

their speeches.

And if you want the phrase-A, I knock on it and it becomes purple in a speck.

It corresponded to the performance.

He is like a turtle god.

No longer fit.

Number is closed.

Maybe the bird is still alive, I don’t know.

Student years have passed.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №3241
According to studies, a third of British people suffer from paranoia. residents

The British believe they are being watched or persecuted.

The results were obtained through electronic and

SMS correspondence of residents of the United Kingdom, as well as records of

Street surveillance cameras.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №3240
ProVizzoR: Fuck, what kind of electricity savings when changing the clock?! I woke up earlier than I went to bed!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №3239
There is a casino on the Grand Prospect "Captain Morgan". Like any casino, they have a huge glowing sign. Sooner or later she should have begun to sneak. And the other day it happened. Believe me – the burning red inscription in the night "Captain Organ" looks more than epic.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3238
I don’t know at what time I’ll leave work.
We are moving today.
Funny is! Congratulations to! Don't forget to start the cat from the beginning to find out where to put the bed in the IT department.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №3237
Olya →
and hello.
How did you wake up today?

and ppc! The body until the last struggled with itself, materialed me loudly, eventually got up, went washed and I woke up at the table with a cup of tea in my hand.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №3236
Message from a girl:
If I could draw with text, I would draw a heart, a volume, round and barely noticeable shelf to it, so that it seemed to be beating... I would draw with white symbols on a black background so that in the middle of it you could see your reflection.
But, the only thing I know how to draw is a whistle, and then a male) =>

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №3235
XXX is Hi. I know I’ve bored you with letters of happiness, but I can’t stand, and suddenly it won’t happen:
This letter has traveled around the world 20 times. Jeff Sanderson refused to read it and two days later his only son died.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Vasya did not want to read this letter and was thrown into his ass after 3 days. Fedya did not want to read this letter and he was also thrown into his ass after 3 days. And Grisha read this letter and was thrown into his ass the same day. Glad you read this post."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №3234
The philosopher:
Where do these fools get rid of?
The philosopher:
She caught me in shock.
The philosopher:
The crossword is sitting, and I am watching the circus. There is the question "7 not", well, it is clear that the octave. It begins in every cell to write pre, re, mi, fa, salt, la. Then buy out that the cell is only 6. Huh you think? Then he picks up another cage and writes "SI" there. Then, with an angry face, he closes the magazine and pronounces: "People with this tower are completely upset, even crosswords can not normally come up with."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna