— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №3453
Sometimes they say I am boring.

You are what? seriously?

They say I am boring.

Others don’t say it, but they mean it.

Sometimes they suggest that I am boring.

To shut down faster...

I don’t feel bored, I’m normal.

They’re all boring, and I don’t care what they say.

Don’t take it in your head.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №3452
patronize (19:40:58 7/04/2008)
Only when you get up in the morning, in the summer on a rainy day and go out on the street you can feel like cold drops kiss your skin with small injections of cold, how they penetrate almost to the heart and wipe out the fire of anger, hatred, rage... replacing it with cool calm... and how with the outbursts of thunder the soul cheers and rolls out, there, in the gray hill to dance and shake away all the worries... only so you can know freedom by breathing a cool whirlwind on the parts of the light and asking the head to the crystal of thoughts... you stay for a moment and feel - you are alive as never before!

Prof (19:42:01 7/04/2008)
And in order to give you ultimate encouragement, the sky sends lightning down upon you.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3451
On January 14, a murder took place in the city, a student of the third course of the meteorological university cut off one of the two assailants, while trying to "shoot" his phone.
He is now threatened with up to five years in prison. If this incident causes you the same feeling of injustice as I do, raise the top, let the country know how our cattle are being protected.

The fish, the hole!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №3450
Solitude is when a roll of toilet paper lasts for six months.

Are you confused with chronic malnutrition?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №3449
I already by quotations determine which admin bacha has been arrested...

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №3448
One boy had a very old computer. So old that even Warcraft 3 was hard on it. On the boy’s birthday, his parents decided to upgrade his computer by buying a new monitor. The boy was against, saying that there are much more important parts for the computer, that the monitor and the current works well. But his parents did not listen to him and still gave him.
Now the boy is sitting all behind the same prehistoric computer, but, fucking, with a twenty-inch LCD monitor, because of which now not even a varicella works.
Using this opportunity, I would like to send a greeting to those good parents. Thank you fucking.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №3447
I have an encyclopedic mind, but before answering a question, he always says first, “Let’s know...” and then answers any question! It’s terrible to think what he’s doing with his head.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №3446
11pm, I try to go home. I go to the stop and catch the car. A police patrol is slowly coming in. I’m in my pocket for the cold. From the car:
Where is it so late?
Home to...
It’s cold and I’m ready to show up. The head continues:
Where is the "home" and how much money?? to

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3445
Quotes about the student and the goop:
Is your phone more valuable than someone else’s life? In the official language, this is called "exceeding the necessary defense". How it’s called in human terms I’d better not say."

Yes to! is more expensive! The price of a mobile phone is not in rubles.
I'm also a student and I have a mobile phone that I can earn by spending my time and my life, why should I give it to some speedboy?! to
And of course, a student who carries a knife with him should understand the level of permissible self-defense and if a trampoliner is unable to distinguish a trampoliner from a serious person with a knife, then this is only his (trampoliner) problem.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №3444
We from Tomsk are told:
> Good morning ladies and gentlemen!>
> It happened that we had to use your PF-Report program. I would like to thank you. We are software developers ourselves and teach software development to our students. Your program is chosen by us as an excellent model for students. On its example, we demonstrate to future developers almost all possible errors and shortcomings in the user interface and functionalities that can only be done.
With respect, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Miroshnichenko
> and tn Professor of the Department of Computer Engineering
Tomsk Polytechnic University

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №3443
Collective creativity is when one works and the others work with all their strength.

They try not to climb!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №3442
It was a history of auction in Turkey for carpet by phone.

not my own. You are here

How I traded in China.

There is an anecdote:

Two businessmen gathered to negotiate. We met somewhere.

cabbage, ordered themselves on the rope of what there are businessmen at negotiations

They drink; they bring them, they destroy, they mean, and they look at each other.

They silence.

Then one says:

“Okay, suppose you named the price for which you want to sell, I’ll say.

I named the price I wanted to buy, we both laughed...

The case!

The trade in the market in China approximately looks like this: the most sacred look

The Chinese seller, who calls the laowa (European, then bish) the price in

three or four times the true; the homeric whisper of the buyer,

These prices do not exist even in the most expensive boutiques.

New York, Paris and Milan; painting of hands, folding of fingers

on their hands and feet with the full names of all the relatives who

sitting on the burdened neck of the unhappy seller; demonstrative squeezing

such a favorite thing on the shelf, a sharp twist in the direction of the exit;

cobra-shaped throw of the seller, with a powerful grip on the sleeve;

continuous striking of the calculator buttons begins – the seller price

The buyer increases, the buyer decreases, the buyer increases; finally, “O’Kee?” O’Kee! “The banknotes

- first carefully read by the buyer, then no less carefully

verified by the seller; and all this under complaints on the subject,

that he, the poor-unfortunate Chinese, was stolen, robbed, forced to

sell below the cost, and he still cannot, fool, understand,

Why does he do all this, except maybe because he

The buyer is his best friend and then he gives the buyer a visit.

the card of his shop and takes the death oath the next time

Just come to him and no one else. The card is taken, the oath

The parties differ, excessively satisfied with each other and themselves.

And a couple of three (and even more) enthusiastic viewers all over.

of this comedy.

There are people who just love to go to the market just to

to negotiate. I have a friend from Colombia, so he’s there every time,

When he needs to get rid of stress, he goes and buys a new watch. Well, these

famous Chinese counterfeits, which are accurate copies of all

There are longins, bracelets and rolls, you know? It has been at least two years.

They go to the same place every two months, to the same Chinese.

They know each other very well, even have already drank together a couple of times. and all

Every time a Chinese man tells him that this is the specific clock.

A pure exclusive, and only to him, as a friend and brother, ready to give up on them.

A ridiculous price of 1000 yuan (100 euros), practically at its own cost.

Next follows the above-described scene, the price drops to 80-100 yuan,

The deal is done. Everyone is happy, no stress anymore. This my

My friend’s house is 20 hours.

In all trade negotiations, it is assumed that the seller

The buyer moves toward a lower selling price, and the buyer toward a lower price.

Increase in purchase price. Somewhere in the middle they come together.

and pleasure. It’s normal to buy for small things without knowing exactly.

The real price of the goods - if you pay too much, then a little. Also before

I did too.

But here I had to buy a bunch of all swarms for winter, so

Peter is not worn. The wardrobe was subject to a 90 percent update.

Costs, to be honest, are huge. I have a problem: I can’t.

to negotiate. In theory, of course, I can, and in practice.

Also, when it comes to business, but when there are all the little things for themselves

Buying is hardly a trade. I know I’m paying too much.

I know the real price, but I don’t want it. Because of Lenin. More precisely, time

It is sorry. I don’t find any special in the auction process.

I don’t like to negotiate!

In this case, of course, the game was worth a candle. In other words, it had to be

Stress and save. Then I decided to think, and not just so.

Think perpendicularly. As it is now fashionable to say,

“Laterally” First, I realized that I needed to change my strategy.

There is no way to influence the seller’s strategy. What can be done,

If the process of trading has not changed for millennia? And here I remembered

The Dutch auction.

The Dutch in Europe have always been considered to be the hottest merchants. Being

Once upon a time, one of the great sea powers, they brought from their

overseas colonies a bunch of all the exotic barrel and sold for

The auctions. In an auction, there is always a possibility that

Buyers will enter into a conspiracy and buy at a low price. Then the Dutch

They invented a trick. Unlike the traditional system, the owner of the goods

It is put at an initially overpriced price and then gradually decreases.

her, holding in the head some minimum, after which he will just remove the lot

from the auction. The first one will shout, “I’ll take it! “He bought it. No one knows,

which the seller considers to be the minimum acceptable for himself, and

competitors are willing to buy, so the price of sale in Dutch

The auction was always higher than the traditional auction.

Probably my entry was a bit delayed. I just wanted to show

all that painful path that led me to moral decline, all that

the depth of which you can now estimate...

First I went to buy a jacket. Coming to the Commercial Complex

It is located next to the Shanghai Museum of Science and Technology.

Laos size clothes. I watched, I looked, I turned away.

embarrassing calls, offering all kinds of rolls and T-shirts from Armani,

I looked at the object of my desires. An important factor for me.

The fact that there were no buyers in this store at the time – I was very

I was worried, and the spectators could hinder me. I went into the store.

There was a girl standing at the shelf, a boy sitting in the corner and talking.

by phone. I ticked my finger into the jacket, the girl gave it to me, I sample it.

Like a shirt for me. And the quality is good - a thick top, sticking

It is made of thick wool fabric.

How much?

A thousand yuan.

and five hundred.

That was exactly the price I was willing to buy this jacket. and I

I think they were willing to give it for that price. At the same time, and

I would be glad to have “divorced” the lava. But the girl, of course, started me.

Talk about the amazing quality, that the jacket is cheaper here

Not at all, then, deep-mindedly shaking his forehead, knocked in the buttons.

a calculator with such an appearance as to count losses, and issued:

and eight hundred.

I answered:

and four hundred fifty.

The girl blinked her eyes a couple of times, but seemed not to enter – too much.

It seemed incredible to her. Again she had a hard life.

China in general and Yin's personal life in particular and dropped further:

and Seven hundred.

I answered:

and four hundred.

She grabbed the air with her mouth a couple of times, like a fish pulled out of the water, trying to

I said something, and then I looked at the boy who was just

I finished talking on the phone. He felt awkward, stood up and

approached to us. The girl looked at me again, at him, again at me,

He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, and finally shouted:

Six hundred and fifty.

I answered:

Three hundred fifty.

All of. Her world was destroyed. Fragments of this world catastrophe exploded from within.

Untrained girl’s brain... She complainingly slapped something in Chinese

The boy. He listened to her and spoke to me in good English:

You don’t want to take this wonderful, wonderful, amazing one.

The jacket? This is the best jacket you can find in Shanghai!! to

I answered even more exaltedly:

“I see that this is the best jacket in Shanghai, and I really want to take it!”! to

Truth is very much!! This dress has been my dream since I was a child!!!! to

Why don’t you take her?! to

“Because I’m not willing to pay six hundred and fifty yuan for her.

What is your price?

My price (I emphasized the word “my”) is very high, higher.

The sky! I blinked at him and smiled gently, demonstrating in all the way.

The high professionalism of St. Peter’s dentists. The price, po

I’m willing to buy this jacket – three hundred and fifty.

No, it is impossible! He expressed such indignation.

Naturally, what was heard was, like somewhere there in heaven, Stanislavsky.

Stopped by jealousy. – I can, of course, throw away more... Just because

I like it, it’s six hundred.

I smiled even more gently and said:

Three hundred!

The boy turned out to be much smarter than the girl: he fell into a stupor immediately.

The girl nodded him something with a trembling voice and went to the corner – probably,

The loss of faith in humanity.

The boy grabbed the air with his mouth and finally said:

Fifty and fifty...

I didn’t think a second – I had to get an overwhelmed opponent:

Two hundred and fifty!

A... A... Five hundred!

and two hundred!

The girl indignantly grabbed him something from the corner, throwing a finger at me

It was as if I wanted to get stuck in place. He hardly returned his eyes.

from the Middle East, to the Far East and to the Middle East.

The right anger:

But you were willing to buy this jacket for five hundred!

But you weren’t ready to sell it to me for five hundred!

But now we are ready!

Yes, but I am not ready now! I would buy it for 200. O’Kee? or

Will we continue to negotiate?

The most difficult thing for me in this situation was not to run out. I am afraid,

I would do that, and they would take me out. I needed a jacket.

We can’t sell it to you for two hundred.

Looking at it, he was almost crying. I know he could sell this to me.

a coat and for two hundred – approximately so it was costing with the minimum

acceptable for the Chinese market. The tears in his eyes were

He, the Chinese, the merchant in hell knows what generation,

A lot of “divorce.” It was so “technically” that it didn’t.

I could not think of any countermeasures. at all. What to do, what

to do?! Suddenly he counted.

Oh fucking! All my troubles are from humanism and humanity.

– Listen, – I leaned and confidently whispered to his ear, – I know,

How to solve this problem. I will tell you as a friend...

How? how?! to

Now your price is five hundred, right? He was doomed. – is

My price is two hundred, right? He sneezed again and squeezed his nose.

I took a calculator from his free fingers, turned the display to him, and

Five hundred plus two hundred divide by two. It happened like you.

You know, three hundred fifty.

“Give me the middle between your price and mine, O’Kee?” And that – only

Because I like you...

He looked at the calculator and kept silent. Couldn’t I believe that I

He has shown such a supernatural kindness (he has already written it).

I was, apparently, in the devil), or was he still grieving bitterly for his

the fate that brought him with this moral wickedness (that is, with me).

I shrugged him by the shoulder. – O’Kee? have agreed? and hao? “Good”

in Chinese)

He breathed a long and intermittent breath and whispered: - Hao...

In my opinion, the girl in the corner was crying – was she sorry for her jacket or was it?

There were tears of relief that I would finally get rid of them.

The shop.

The boy was really in shock. I understood it when I paid.

Usually, the Chinese are very selflessly looking at banknotes, looking at them underneath.

different angles, to the light, scratch the nails, especially the dirty even put on

the table, covered on top with thin rice paper and with all the strength of hard work

Plasma coin – on the paper appears the wise profile of the Great Carrier.

The boy took my three hundred and a half, as if they were burning.

his fingers, and squeezed quickly to the table. Silently packed his jacket. Gave a package

to me.

Thank you very much! You have a very good shop, I will definitely come.

to you more! Don’t give a card?

The boy’s hand shrugged, was, by inertia, behind the card, but the girl,

Maybe he burned his back with such a glance that he just went off.

You know, the cards have ended... Just... Today...

I’ll give it next time, okay?

It was evident in his eyes that if I came to him again, he would give me

A card dotted with some Chinese poison. and especially

so that I may die long and painfully.

Okay, then we will see you! Thanks again! You are very good.

The English language! I smiled at him, turned to the girl, smiled again.

and wider. All of good! You have beautiful hair!

At the exit, he turned, smiled so that the scales broke, and waved them.

With the hand: See you! I will come to you again, I swear!

They did not shuffle. Their faces were dark.

My heart was singing and rejoicing (I’m probably still really moral)

The wicked. I realized that I started to like trading!

I went to another store to buy myself a few sweaters.

In the winter, there is no heating in Shanghai. has chosen

I bought a few pieces, asked for the price, named my own. The old uncle.

who traded there, made his first move to lower the price, I did

Their own. My uncle broke through my strategy right away. We must give him a tribute,

Young people are much smarter than young people – experience has probably affected them.

After another cautious move (just to make sure you’re not wrong)

In his moral, or rather immoral, principles, he immediately said:

Give it up, guess it! Your first price you wanted to buy was

and four hundred?

and ah!

Do you want to buy it for 200?

and exactly!

Give it half, right? I give three hundred!

As a friend?

As a brother!

I thought there were two elderly Germans and one young man.

Yankees and listened with interest to our dialogue, even abandoning

Drying in disassembled pieces. My uncle knew it was better.

I went away quickly until the rest of the buyers got into it.

is happening. He also, without looking, threw my money on the table, quickly.

I packed everything and almost took me carefully out of my hands.

the store, judging that I am his best and favorite buyer, and

I sincerely assure you that you will be happy to see me again. Their visiting card,

Actually, I did not give it. Probably finished too. Here right now...

I finally fell morally, to the level of “under the plinth.” and mercilessly

He smelted the souls of three other sellers, buying himself shoes according to the same scheme.

shoes, a few T-shirts and a warm coat, scattered by dragons.

I’m not going to wear that shirt. I bought it just because I love it.

to negotiate...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №3441
A dolphin on skiing is very Russian - achieving the impossible

Unclear for what.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №3440
<a> is a good thing. If it were possible to remove pieces of memory from the brain like in a pack of folders, I would remove everything about 4 parts of a strong nut and re-examine it.
<b> sickness
<b> destroys brain cells
<b> all in your hands

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №3439
About the computer:
XHH: Sleeping mode does not swallow
Yyy: but it snatches the suck cruelty))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №3438
I ordered
Take on Saturday.
Pay on Monday
Sorry our organization does not work on Saturdays unlike some oxen
Then our courier, who, like all normal people, rests on Sundays, will dedicate his weekend to you and deliver the bill and cartridge to the office, which is working hard on the last day of the week – when ALL normal people are sleeping or away from Saturday drunkenness.
In this case, your courier will waste time in vain. On Sundays, there is only a finite advertising department in which there is no one person with blank hands that would insert a catrice received from your drunk manager.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №3437
I know that Russians are aggressive people.

2: Why? Of course if Putin will push the red buttom some day then it will be damn to you all of us, but in fact we are very kind and peaceful nation...

Exuse me?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №3436
There is a saying that if you cut off the head of a cock, it will run for a long time.
Husband comments: A good way to check the presence of the brain. Cut off the blonde’s head. If it fell, it was Moscow. If he ran, there was no mosque.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №3435
It crashed so that it could not drive the cursor to +. It rattled even more.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №3434
I was served with a fruit today, it looks like a mini mandarine, it's called a calamondine - it's a hybrid of chincan and mandarine. they said that it contains more vitamin c than a kilogram of tomatoes... when I bite this scarf there was a feeling that all the universal acid is collected in this wonderful fruit...
I will plant in my house, I will grow, I will feed my enemies.

You will plant - do not dig deeper than a centimeter. More water in the sun. The first of the seeds will grow. and verified. the second year grows, every couple of months bears fruit))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna