— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №3213
XXX: You have your servo dropped. Ping does not go.
YYY: What is it?
YYY: guess...
I am not at work. - I am not at work.
Fuck what to do.
From the 1st of April...

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №3212
Question: "why water is poured into coffee and not vice versa" published: "You may have meant: why water is poured in coffee and not vice versa"
Russia and Hule.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №3211
I paid the loan today.
In the building of the bank is a motosalon which I could not fail to pay attention to the name.It is called "Vizgi and spray"
Here would be close to open SEX-Shop and name it "Breastfeeding ";

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №3210
And you know that the expression "Before marriage will heal" has gone since ancient times, when the mutchens tended their future wives to sexual intercourse.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №3209
We also went on to work with our manager...

How is?

In short, I wrote a service on his behalf "Please withhold 10,000 from my salary because I am out. In addition, I swear that I will not climb pornographic sites anymore, and more so on gay sites, so as not to inflict moral and material damage on the company.

The director-general signed in agreement and put a visa that said we need to keep... And then we put it on the table with his own signature))))

and what?

Nothing — he apparently automatically signed this service for execution... Now there is an aret here on everyone — from what he had 10,000 of his salary kept!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №3208
Readers of Basel! Volgograd residents are asking for help! In our city absolutely all roads are covered with holes, it is impossible to drive, daily accidents due to the quality of roads have become the norm! The authorities are not going to spend money on repairs. Please raise the quote to the top, let the people of all Russia know about our problem! Per then our measurement of the Grebeners will crumble!

thank you!! to

The City of the Eagle joins.)

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №3207
From chat with a partner on WOWy:

Yes, nice fight!!! to
1 - Where are you from?
2 – Russia
2 - it is in the Europe 0)
1 - Well what is in Europe I know! But fucking! What a hero I am like a fool sitting with the dictionary for the third week to communicate with you!!! to

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №3206
Morauder: I went to put a cica...
LIP: yes... the cica doesn’t whisper... she won’t get up in the morning.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №3205
Gooty: Oh, and then Andrey Shevchenko was removed from the field for non-sporting behavior.. he fought, flogged, mocked.. in general, hindered the combiner to clean corn)

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №3204
> (01:16): not the amount of sex is to blame for the development of AIDS
< (01:16): And uneducated saleswomen of the Soviet times, asking questions like "boy, you why"

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №3203
I’m sitting on a Russian probnik, the text is shuffled and everything... I don’t know... I think I’ll open the tower with it... I’m opening the rules of grammar there... fool, no you, I’ve started to believe in God!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №3202
my ideal girl...beautiful, smart, cooking well, fun, loves to clean up and make clean, loving to chew on the intimate front, faithful, pleased to give in pop, knows how to do a massage, does not argue and does not offend, in sex loves to experiment...for example, brings a beautiful girlfriend for sex with three...she buys contraception and beer for me))

The first word of the quotation is clearly superfluous =)

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №3201
111: Shake up, fought over aquarium fish! = = (
222 is it?
111: Well, they said that it was fun to look at them, she is like that - this type of brainless beings, and temperament is different...
222: straight like women
111: This is the same thing I said to her!!! = = (

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №3200
395924 [ + 1471 &#8722; ]
I want to have a rubbish bowl around a comp...

I look at that quote. and pluss. I understood why he plushed. First thought - 1471 people also want garbage near the comp!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №3199
My sister (C) to my wife (G) says:
C) said on the back of the acne, went to the doctor, Dr. Grith "I would advise you to wash with a washing machine better"
G) and what?
C) What and what? It helped.

c) Shtopor

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №3198
The night. We sit with a friend in the section for a report on pre-graduate. Radio in the kitchen sings "you wanna peace of me", the friend sits sings "yu ona pis of my fight". I listened, listened and asked:
Where did "Boy" come from?
He thought...
And then, fucking, it became clear that it was very much like a plagiarism, ept)))))
Fuck Starcraft, Fuck the Terranes.
Tomorrow is the report, and we are looking for who said this: we launch missions, we use all kinds of shows of me z monai and opera quo, we build units, we force them to hike in different directions, stels, goliaths, tanks, and none of them is so puzzled. But we definitely remember "yoona pis of my fight".
After a couple of missions, it turned out that Britney Spears spied the fighting cry of the mariners coming out of the barracks))))))

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №3197
Why say "Let’s stay friends", when can you send a nahuy?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №3196
<Londo> Listen, why does Abramovich have so much money? That is billions of dollars!
<Yapet> You just have small requests and little imagination. Here he will buy himself a land-crafting machine for tuning tunnels. Millions for 300.
<Yapet> Will be in the digger play )

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №3195
So we go back to the cottage?? to

George is
If I drink in the state in which I am happy, I am covered.

Lana Egor, you are a man!

George is
You know, I think because of this phrase the life expectancy of men and less than women.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №3194
Soon there will be a project such as "Woody"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna