— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №2614
A friend recently asked what to give to women on March 8th, the word

For the word, I told the story. Further from his words.

It was so in my previous job.

The DR collected money, an amount of money was delivered on the eve of the day.

The Nominator. He went to the store and bought a gift for himself. Then this

He gave the gift to his colleagues, and they in turn gave it to his boss. and

On the appointed day and hour, our boss solemnly congratulated the jubilant.

He gave me a gift with the words, “This is a gift from us.”

Then people are tired of buying all the stuff, money is better.

to obtain. But the boss insisted, no, we will give gifts.

In short, we came out of this situation. We had a box underneath.

We put in it for weight every piece of clay, packed, tied.

The bandit and all this... was handed over to the boss for a donation to the nominee. Oh! Should have been

Look at our faces when one of us received such a “gift.” A is

especially in the context of an important and solemn boss... He would know that

It gives. And the name-man fake so thanked colleagues and the management for

Care and attention.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №2613
SMS message: "You have won a trip to an exotic mountain country.

Military Command »

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №2612
<goto> The program should be simple, not correct.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2611
Rex: Ksta Senya at work heard a story about a boy who was a moderator of the forum and entertained his dad there.
My dad had been pulling his belt for three weeks, but he didn’t break it 😉

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №2610
The Pha:
Myha, why linear DVDs are not read on the drive, what can be the reasons other than the region... the rest of the disks absolutely read everything +-

Miha: the drive of the licensed disks is just in shock... I can’t believe: not a license...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №2609
1(10:20 PM)
Would you tell me something beautiful?? to
2(10:21 PM) :
1(10:21 PM) :
I am afraid to ask bad questions!!! to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №2608
My tribe (2,5 years old) dug somewhere a sheet with the image of different comp device. He was very interested in it and, to the extent of his abilities, he began to call them, remembering how his aunt did:
And the mount, and the sixth, and the sword, and the pinter, and the mouth, and the mouth, and the mouth, and the mouth, and the mouth, and the mouth, and the mouth, and the mouth, and the mouth, and the mouth.? to

Nepal is

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №2607
xxx: shake, the FSB allowed conversations to listen and check in correspondence! What to lose doing that?
YYY: Hope to blur the popular flashmob. Talk and write about drugs, weapons and terrorist attacks. Let them sink...

Dick is right. This method is described by Lukyanenko, in my opinion, in the labyrinth of reflections... I do not remember exactly in which book of the cycle... we cry out, we climb there and look at the hat – and we insert it into all the messages!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №2606
> Dok : smoked just then and went home. started the dressing room, and the chat thought. realized that when I burned a cadie caught myself on the thought that I have already 5 times removed the jeans.

...and I realized that I was gone when I woke up and found jeans on the carpet in the hallway, and here are cedds in the bed... on my legs...

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №2605
The thunder crashed, the trees rolled.
The bushes around trembled.
It comes to us on the light.
The terrible grandfather Mazai
WOW: This is what?
Poetry :D
Difficulty trouble
Everything goes out instead of rhythm.
Who is to blame?
The terrible grandfather Mazai
P.S. Do you hear a whisper, and do you have normal poems?
HGH: in the sense?
Lyric there... Romance
HH: Yes, of course there is
I found the forbidden door where it was.
There are probably winter bird stories.
Don’t ask me to show you this.
I can’t explain where the summer colours are.
The road is not easy in autumn.
If you follow the trail, know.
Watch the abandoned door.
A terrible grandfather named Mazai

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №2604
A girl writes to me and at the end puts a point. And no smiley...It’s unbearable!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №2603
I go to the universe, near the garbage there is a tractor with a trailer full of garbage and drivers kneel down in the dirt with blades. In the tractor plays the banderos music "beautifull life".

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №2602
I installed a pirate version of Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World...The Russification machine is put on the machine and the English version is not subject to repulsion...I thought a lot when I received a random quest to bring the hand of the masturbator"...I thought until I saw this creation...Here God himself called a terrible monster with four hands...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №2601
iLLuSioN: Yesterday I went to the neighbors to tell how to use the internet, mailed the mail, explained what and how... The next day I go to the radmin to see what they are busy, I watch the picture, the neighbor is sitting and responding to all the spam lists of bots "Hi we are all well, learned to use the internet"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №2600
My Cat Breaks Ukrainian Flag in British

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №2599
Drinking alone with friends.

Drinking alone, but with friends... It sounds like "Yes, shaking, but in the presence of women "

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №2598
Ex: I threw out the garbage, and on the way back decided to go to the store for a beer. To avoid a stick, I put a hose at the entrance. I bought it and went out.

VLD and?

Ex: Generally speaking, the garbage had to be carried out a second time.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №2597
How sad it is "The user of XXXX has no friends of friends"
This is full shit shit.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №2596
In our store of building goods you face unlimited human stupidity every day.
One of examples.
Buy: Please show me this shit for 34 rubles.
Sold: Sorry what one?! to
Buy this for 34 rubles.
I sold it. (returning from the warehouse with this shit)
Buy: Yes, no, I showed you this one for 34 rubles.
Sold this?
Buy it. how much does it cost?

I want to spit in the face.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №2595
Dimo$: Forgive me for everything :)

by Frider ))

FRIDER: What is the shit?

Tagged: confess

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna