— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №2654
Don’t be foolish, but don’t be foolish!! to
(The cry of the soul)

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №2653
Ppc!salon of cellular communication: comes a young man, well dressed, phone smartphone...and asks, wash, I have my phone broken...detailing question:what happened...response:I call myself, and I am busy!He was answered that it was very serious, and sent to Lermontov28 (local psychic)... and he went!Within an hour he comes... screams, hysterics, the door hasn’t broken... the wash, where has it been sent... well, the sellers ask him, and why do you call?I want to check if I am online or not.! to

The Penny? Welcome to our...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №2652
Yesterday on TV.
Zyuganov: in Russia it is impossible to develop small business,
Everyone has to get on the foot!
Putin: I agree, that’s why we all need to sit down and think...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №2651
Selling a Loose Car. In the set of spare parts to the car: engine after repair, gearbox. There are no documents. It is necessary to replace high-voltage candles and wires, and replace the ignition lock. Who called me early, if interested call me again, I found it!!! to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №2650
The other day was the following. I went out on the street, looked into the parliament package, one thing there. He smoked and threw it into the urn. Next to the urna there are two guys (I realized they work and go out to smoke). Then I met my girlfriend from the dog, brought home, she gave me a pack of parliament, I smoked it and threw it into the same urn next to which the same guys smoked. Then he shot the man a cigarette, his last, according to the tradition gave with a pack. The Parliament. I go to the urn, there are the two. Horom Three - Fail to yourself in the matrix!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №2649
No, is that normal? Shhas decided to wash the dishes... turned on the water... the dishes was a mountain of this under the end of the soap already on the machine everything that was in the dishwasher and on it... But now tell me my favorite fools who put the dishes on the dishwasher? I realized that it was electric sausages when I thoroughly wiped them the back of the fairy... I can’t unfold Ryu...

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2648
For half an hour I tried to understand why on one Linux forum everyone writes in transliteration. And already when I almost understood everything and solved the problem, I discovered that the forum is Polish.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №2647
In a society of equal opportunities, there is always a place to send a person.

Who finds no place for themselves.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №2646
There is an unknown word in an English text today.

The idempotent.

In the context I understand the meaning, but let, I think, I look in the "language" of the

Anyway, I did not regret it. I cycle :


1) Impotence

2) Impotent

3) Impotent element

• Completely primary idempotent

• Completely primitive idempotent

idempotent separating congruence - idempotent separating congruence


Wikipedia gave a symmetrical answer:

A binary operation is a binary operation.

Possessing Impotence

Google has also left behind:

Mathematical notes

Resolving Nucleus for Determined

The task of optimal...

(the fourth or fifth result from above).

I was afraid to continue reading, but I can sleep peacefully - the importance of this

No one knows the word.

by PS. Impotence is, you know, that

X * X = X

Ideipotent numbers are those whose square is equal to the number itself.

So the numbers 0 and 1 are politically correctly called "idepotent".

have in mind.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №2645
This dress ruins you.

I don’t like it, I can remove it.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №2644
He says hello. Like your nothing?
She: What kind of joke is that? If I have a small chest, it doesn’t mean I need to call it "nothing"!
She: Nothing lies in a pink hose and feels comfortable
He is E-E. I mean the affairs...
She: And I’ll start work only in a week, so it’s okay.
She: I could even ask how I feel!

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №2643
c) Domofon

Z is. Yoptanach will thoroughly explain how this quote will be explained by The Great and Mighty Captain Obvious...

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №2642
Sema-Kun: I have a stock of hentai... of all different genres.
Z!LoT: And how you distribute them by genres is interesting
How about: hard hentai, soft hentai, hard-soft...
Q: Are you looking at the pencil?! to

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №2641
Sap4 - Doc, here we need your help!!!!! to
Dohtur is Chago?
Sap4 - here Tolik drunk beer with milk fucking. Instead of pouring in the tea... cups of grit confused)))
Do you fuck a lot?
Sap4 - well somewhere from half a liter 50 to 50.
Dutch is Hui. And how he? Who is winning?
Sap4 - judging by the pale color of his face - while milk.
Drink it with vodka 😉
Sap4 is Tolika.
But it’s not shit, milk.
Sap4 – I’m sorry for it.
Do you have milk??? =) is
Sap4 - not fucking, Tolika.)))))

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2640
<=L=>: Hello to you! I have a question: if you buy a notebook with a vesta, will the screw be easy to put on it?

Azazel: =) I would have known Billy that Vistu is not even called a windy today... ))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №2639
<Your Favorite Toy> I made an affiche, for one there is the essence of the show - metamorphosis...that is. The heroes of the island in the modern world... the type in the ass are chatted... in the box are broken... well and it was necessary to make the interplay of times. I drew a brick... but for the attribute of modernity, nothing smarter than inserting a helicopter, did not come up with it. Nico, approved... soon the Basheviks of Saratov will go over the poster...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №2638
Okay, I will tell you.
The strongest erotic fantasy I had was this: I am naked standing for the four, and the girl puts me under the h** cool, drops (type cow doit) and condemns "give me a milk, my cow."

Edick, you probably mistakenly mistaken.

Fuck to Sori.

I have a better experience with the dairy industry. How is Udo?


[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2637
Google doesn’t open...
Is the lamp on the modem burning?
3 is yes. This is not a lamp, but a terror LED.
Q: Yes, maybe the problems are on our side.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №2636
Fuck the circle!
The current that the root in the store saw "bounty", approaches the seller and says:"Give me 0.5 Kola and Ubuntu"!
The seller went unwaveringly and got him "Bounty".
I think there are so many 0

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №2635
It’s like a muza as a salary.
They come every Saturday.
I do not burden myself with care.
Understand what the shoe can be.

2: fuck, she spit, sweet friend
I hardly understand you,
Only you are drunk and I am broken.
That’s what Genesis...

If the rhythm of Sergei is not important,
I will call you Don Quijote.
Maybe not so brave.
A very bad bad boy!

You are a bitch. (

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna