— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2594
It was an ordinary claw, embarrassed to the loss of working capacity. I bought a keyboard that can be cleaned, poured into a joke!
Now it is humidifier, I hope not to burn.
Fuck, I’m destroying progress! =) is
by BaD.P1nG

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №2593
¤G@me_OVER¤: What are you doing?
Victor: Stay up
¤G@me_OVER¤: 0_o
Victor: get stuck, it wasn’t a handle to action, it was a synonym of offgenic.
¤G@me_OVER¤: Ah, and I was naive already running away
Did you scare the wall?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №2592
<_47_>: recently at a lecture on document circulation came to the conclusion that in order to create the most controversial document, it is enough to write on an untouched A4 sheet: "Checked: clean sheet"...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №2591
xxx> the existence of the internet, undisputed, controversial without porn

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №2590
I have seen such a picture - two people came to us in shape... and I am standing at the rectorate watching such a picture.
two in shape - Hi... we were promised lists of discounted
Secretary - Go to the h*j from here! Fuck you! Do I not give you it clear?
Two people in shape - we will complain!
The Secretary is us! I said from the university!

These two offended and left with nothing... secretary our man... hope to congratulate her on March 8th =)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2589
[18:15:04] <Karamelka> I never asked for anything in two years of being online.
[18:15:24] <Obana> dear caramel, let’s look at your question by example
[18:15:32] <Carramele> let us
[18:15:34] <Carramele> on what
[18:15:53] <Obana> oh, I don’t even know
[18:15:56] <Obana> well can it be rough?
[18:16:00] <Course> can
[18:16:11] <Obana> Well say, is it hard to make a mine?
[18:16:19] <Carmel> is not difficult
[18:16:25] <Obana> why am I not asking you about this?
[18:16:36] <Obana> and two years ago also did not ask
[18:16:39] <Caramel> well it’t be real
[18:16:47] <Obana> you have answered your question yourself
[18:17:06] <KaraMelka> well how is it? You can do it.
[18:17:13] <Obana> but you can too?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №2588
by Pindez. If you translate the rules written in American English by Americans, then the master of iodine will meditate nervously in the side.
As such, at no time should you tell anyone your password, allow anyone to use your account... This simple phrase in the English would sound like "Never tell anyone your password" and here "as such at no time should"... "as it is said in the prophecy, at all times, whoever once said his password should be cursed..."

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №2587
Quote about ball mice.

At the time when the first Quake appeared, and the computers in Chernigov Polytech were already equipped with mice, in this institution in one of the computer classes worked as a lab student a guy named Vanya. He was wearing a beard and playing Quake. Vanya played very well, but if he tried, he could have won. One day someone offered him to play in Quake on the foxes – Vanya agreed and won. Later in the institute, it became a manicure to play with Vanessa on the moustaches in Quake, but nobody managed to win. There even appeared a type of underground bookmaker office that was betting on Vanilla's moustaches. As a result, all this was made public, and the dean covered the bench, forcing Vanya to shave her buttocks in order.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №2586
Quotation from the allowance for buch accounting:"attribution for pregnancy and childbirth caused by a workplace accident or occupational disease..."
It’s terrible to work in such a place.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №2585
Golden boy> yesterday the nurse burned.
> after the urine analysis.
> names the name of the patient.
> I said the urine analysis, not stepping into the bank.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №2584
WilliamWolosTM: in any movie, a momhacker sits behind a damned comp, in a damned room, in the darkness and on his monitor all sorts of puppets fly which more resemble the 3DMark tests and in which he understands everything! % of
WilliamWolosTM: Looking at what thread the cubic flying and grit "Here’s the niche they have a proxy buried, and the access server right here, here’s he, masqueraded... well..." clicks the mouse on the circle and fuck he’s on the pentagon’s servaque! And around monitors, monitors... on which at a speed of 10 pages per second, the Ping team reports!
WilliamWolosTM: Fuck it up!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №2583
In Russia, only border with a height of at least 30 cm is considered a double line.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №2582
I bought a new respirator and a printer. While sleeping, I thought – what does he remind me of?? to
In the office, I put out of my pocket, I look - well, Darth Vader's mask, only blue =)
In the end...
On the face of this dwarf, dark glasses, on the back of an orange construction helmet, on the chest on two ropes an old mother is attached, on the spine a coat of a broken garbage bag, in the hand a stick from a swab, expropriated from a cleaner... A miracle flies into the room to the bugs, whispers and whispers through the respirator, pulls a vacuum cleaner behind him and says with a dead voice: “Where is Skywalker?” Where is my son?" then turns to the vacuum cleaner and asks: "R2, did you not see him?"
The bugs were in the car.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2581
Here are the news lines:
11 March 2008 at 19:39
Zhirinovsky was hospitalized after meeting with Putin (video)

There is only one phrase that comes to mind: “My Kung Fu is stronger than yours.”

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №2580
Sometimes you have a painful desire to put your mother’s status, but you remember that you have very decent people in touch... and what is most disgusting, they also consider you a very decent person.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №2579
On the eve, the heads of the Protestant churches of Russia sent an appeal to the prosecutor-general with the demand to close "Telechannel 2x2". Their arguments are as follows: this television channel is engaged in "hidden and obvious propaganda of homosexuality and pedophilia, as well as antisocial lifestyle and numerous vices." andquot;

That’s for the fuck! Propaganda is if Lisa Simpson said that fucking boys is cool, and Shef would be an outspoken pedophile and sing songs about it. Fuck stupid idiots who determine the parameters of morality and morality. A Malakh+-type joke or house two is far more dangerous for people, because these programs are watched by a dumb, naive beast, and twice two are watched by normal people with a good sense of humor.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №2578
We stood here in the universe in the smoking room, and the door from the dining room immediately goes out into the smoking room, but this door is grid-shaped and almost always locked... this is a prehistory.
The history. We stand, we smoke, here a cat runs out of this door, looks around with wild balls and runs to the iron gates, they are locked, she finds a click there, twice as little as the cat itself, tries to crawl into it, does not get, she begins to scream loudly and long... we decided not to eat in our dining room anymore...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №2577
She wrote an explanation:
I H H H H H H H H H On March 11, 2008, she was late to work due to the lack of regulation of the mechanism of organization of her own time, caused by a change in the start time of the working day, and as a consequence, a change in the usual time spent on the road.

I have to answer the fucking shit.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №2576
from the forum

xxx: Tell me, is it possible to increase the speed of incoming traffic at the expense of the outgoing??? I have an inbound traffic of 7.5 kbps... and an outbound traffic of 250 kbps.

yyy: Water supply speed from the crane: 3 l / min. Slip speed in the sewerage: 30 l / min. Is it possible to increase pressure through sewerage?

zzz: It is possible if the neighbors from the bottom block the sewer, and the neighbors from the top open the crane :)

yyy: This will no longer be an increase in the pressure in the crane, but rather, traffic from an additional provider. The quality of the water will be the same.

zzz: The quality of the water, of course, the sanitary will not be very, but when the sewer is washed - it will be better.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2575
She is:
Didn't you congratulate me on March 8th?

She is:
From February 23.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna