— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №2534
I went to the cinema for the movie "I am a legend". They said - terrible pipe like.And here the scene starts typically "all the pipe is so quiet, but here the pipe is already something out of the corner as it jumps out".Affrozh Will Smith on the whole screen - breathes, rotates balls.
Here from the back rows is distributed a compressed chrip -"боооольннноо.."
Herase Dolby Surround I think.
Will Smith steals further, sweats all over.The same shrimp from the rear, but already with a stir - "sickness.."
The guy! All of it! On the screen "a loud pedestal" - the creatures jumped out.
Creatures - "BLUAAA-gay-!"
Women's voice from the back rows - "Oh MAA!"
The man’s voice from the back rows – "Anya! The Scuckle! Leave the eggs! It hurts!and "

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №2533
(from a conversation with my wife on msn)

Nemus: Today when I hanged my clothes in the closet
He dropped a bag, I picked up the bag, and nuts began to roll out of it on the clothes, what would it be for?and ;)
They were delicious, I ate them right there!

MaWka: The closet that is in our living room?

Tagged with: ugu

MaWka: Theme, sweet, do you remember I told you that I came up with a way to get rid of rats?

Nemus: fuck, don’t say I ate radioactive nuts

To please you?

Nemo: Well try it (

MaWka: If you were a rat, you would already be dead!=)))

Nemo is fucking.

* Nemus came out of the chat.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №2532
On my feet the shoes of the Milky Way. My mantle is woven out of Elf silk, protected by the magic of immortality. On my unnamed finger is a ring that unfolds the threads of my enemies’ fate. I have a belt that breaks the phases of the curse in my biofield. On my chain of lunar silver Amulet of Universal Wisdom. On my head is the helmet of the angels of antiquity, the age of which is counted from the time of the creation of the stars. In my hand is the cloth in which the strength of the warriors of Ancient Sparta is contained. In my heart there is an unwavering courage, and in my head there is an unwavering thought: at half a.m., after the passage, when the sanitary workers have a shift, I must go from here.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №2531
Brattook: Pizzetz at Musa's status
BratTOOK: "Dear girls, women, women, grandmothers, girls and transvestites! with holiday you! ask you one thing. catch asking questions like.."Do you love me?""And this dress is for me?""And why do you love me?"","And if I wasn't so beautiful then we would be together?"and "And what does this dead prostitute have in your luggage?"!"
BratTOOK: And this person still says that staying in the cliff hasn’t affected his mosque.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №2530
1: and here a shorter lie found a type of how to earn money on the net, such as clicking and getting money for a click, what is the point?
2: Nothing is true.)
1: a nafiga such a money to do, chet I don't rub
It seems like you are sitting like down on the links and then you will also be stolen money.
2: You referred to them you think you will try a month you will earn $100 max if you trick it 500 dirty then you will not be charged half of for bad connectivity and so on. then the minimum amount that they can send is dedo 100. they send ))) comes the check of the city bank ))) you explain half a month that this is such a bank in America half a month you can make it if the deadline has not expired then you get tanks 50 and you go give to the mother who with a tail and with a phone ticket has long been waiting for you.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №2529
.::W[i]SE::W0[!]F:: (21:37:02 9/03/2008)
Does she have an injection?

[SlaM] (21:37:43 9/03/2008)
I broke the modem.

[SlaM] (21:37:43 9/03/2008)
On Wednesday or Thursday.

[SlaM] (21:38:23 9/03/2008)
The modem first started.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2528
Should I buy a bagger 2.5 balloon?
I’ll buy beer next to the house.
Amsterdam in bottles.
UUU: just here I bag at the saleswoman from the kiosk calculated a successful
I give her half a bottle and take for 22.5p 2 bottles, and she gives 25p.
WOW: I say, then another one.).. three times has already rolled, the main thing is not to give

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2527
I read in the Abyss about the toilet from the drillers...
A group of geophysicists placed on the subject of the detection in the layers of oil... the toilet to dig reluctantly... the drilling plant was adjusted, a hole of 500 meters depth was drilled, walls were placed around and a roof was covered from the top.
After some time, they notice that they do not use the toilet, more and more by habit in a clean field, began to find out...
The answer of one of the respondents just killed:
- Well, when it's still normal for the little one... and with serious intentions you come, sit down, smoke a cigarette, think, do the main thing, get up, do the last stretch, fasten the pants, belt, just take a step out of the toilet... and in the run such a sound... BLAYAMSSS... the second time no one came :-)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2526
Major: I am delighted when in the DC SEXI-Klyushka downloads from me kubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso at a speed of 15 Kbs for a day.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №2525
111: How is health?
222 and hz.
1 of 111:?? to
222: I was stolen a bag with a bank of urine in the tram (

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №2524
[NNZ]Lander> well guys, well blasphemy this day to upload porn.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №2523
The routers - lets go.mp3
XXX: There is no point in linking.
The hymn of the routers?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №2522
Comments on the film:

I watched the movie two weeks ago. I liked it very much!! You can watch it again on the day of the premiere.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №2521
<Pamflet> I can't unarchive the folder. What to do? Error: An unexpected end of the archive

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2520
Zweistein> Fuck what your subculture brings!! to
Zweistein> I encountered in a book on physics the word "photones", so after 10 seconds I understood that this is a photon in the predictive fall of a multiple number!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №2519
You have to sleep very tightly and actively between your husband and your breast-fed child, on the same bed.
Wow what? Well, it’s clear, but actively...
Well, because there’s a portion, let’s put it there...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №2518
zxc: you understand, leha.. I have no illusions about the future of this country.. I was looking at a guest from the future - Moscow, 2084... they have a robot verter there, a cleaner - with METLO! They have a teleport there, disguised under the bus - wood!
And the door in this bus is like the door in the village! You talk about nanotechnology.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №2517
<~Elka> she loves to talk
<~Elka> with a long conversation with her I am feeling stupid)))))))
<o5_TaHKucT> I also feel stupid when I have a long relationship with you

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №2516
by Fermer:
I’m in the web, and you?
and Levka:
On the web of what?
by Fermer:
and Levka:
To confuse her?
Everything leads to porn! =) is

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №2515
She (12:09:50 6/03/2008)
All girls, sooner or later, will become women.
He (12:10:24 6/03/2008)
Not all, some will not be.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna