— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №1414
xxxx: why are all the asshole conversations viewed by someone?
XXX: Where are they from?

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №1413
Status in the ASK Library staff:

XHH: I print the acts. Not the sex. Sex is filmed, not printed. In order to make a sexual act, you must first write a script. and then film. But I print... Acts of Writing Books... Although, I would be very pleased to print a sexual act. I printed it, and then it would go down. Librarian porn star... I’ll print a copy, then I’ll print a sex... And then I’ll shoot... Exactly...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №1412
by DEO
As a hamster?

and live)

by DEO
He is wasted.

Eat-Sleep-Drink-Eat-Sleep-Drink-Tracks Strawberries into the Household - Eat - Trying to Fall - Sitting on the Roof of the Household - Eat - Sleep.

by DEO
I am a hammer...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №1411
xxx: We lie down tonight, well after "all" in bed. She says: "Leshka, I think I got into a fairy tale!". I say, “Wait, I will kiss you happily, and you will turn from a frog to a beautiful princess.”
XXX: I said I was a fairy cat!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №1410
It remains a mystery why his hands hurt after him.

Wear your clothes xDDD

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №1409
xxx: I think and think if it is worth adding to the resume of the graffiti skills: I can shoot with both hands.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №1408
11:43 Kilo: We admin at work made a gift for the new year. I bought a rat. I saw her today. Those sadists slapped her tail!
11:43 x_X: How did you go? )))
11:44 But hell they know why they did this.
13:03 Kilo: I have to go! Here are the wicked!
13:03 am Who is Who? OO
13:05 Remember I told you about the admin rat? Well so here. I understood why they struck her tail. They bought the rat, and where they will keep it - not. They planted her in an old bowl for food left by one of the admin predecessors. The cover was not closed to the end, so that the cattle did not suffocate. She constantly came out of this cover and ran on the shell, eating the wires. He did what the rats were told to do. They could not catch her two hours later. So, they wrapped her tail and wrapped her in an old netbook on a worn-out system without intestines! The urds!

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №1407
Do you know which ones are the most cruel?
2 is
2 is
Which one? 😉
who, sending a letter to technical support, describe the whole problem in the subject of the letter...

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №1406
From Asha
1. did you do it?? to
Last month I earned 12 lamas.
1st I say – you did it!!? to
My salary should have been 5%, that is, 600 pieces.
1st Fuck to fuck!! Did you put the petard under the cigarettes?? to
I got 270...
The general contractor came and ate the bulls when it exploded.
I ask, where is the rest of the money?
You are fired, fuck it!!! to
I think with 270 pieces I can afford a hand grenade on the door of the general?? to
1 How much do you have to pay?? to

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №1405
She: And you? Where do you like to walk at night?

He: at night I go to the refrigerator and suck.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №1404
I walked with a new girl last night. Then I went to work in the morning. I get two sms in a row from her -
1st "How are you now a poor little puppy at work. I love you so much and I love you so much ""
2nd "Oh you guys! Do not disperse! Call me, let’s talk a few more times. P.S You have a great member!"
in 10 minutes - "shortly choose yourself, I can't decide which one to send)"

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №1403
Tomorrow morning the person you like to confess to you in love you will be together and he will invite you to visit tomorrow your best day, if you do not send 10 such before 12 night records your love story will end it is not a joke.

Tomorrow morning, if you do not go to the zoo at 10:00, then a begomot with a member of 35 cm will run to you and confess to you in love, and after that will have you in a pop without vaseline.It is not a joke.A bunch of people caught on this.It will be your happy day and you and the begomot will be together for the rest of your life.Shared it all,even those who are not on the net, or the begomot will bring a rhinoceros.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №1402
In the ASK

You know, I thought for a long time and still decided to be with you. You are good, kind, you have something that is not in others. And I really see that you don’t treat me like other guys who want to sleep with me. After all, there were many times when we were in the same bed with you and you didn’t stick to me, you were very decent and nice.
You are different from other modern guys.
YYY: Go to court shit, I’m going to fuck you so much so I don’t want to plant anything.
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH What is??? Are you fooled???? to
Please forgive me for the mistake!!!! The Truth.
Go plant whoever you want.
YYY: This is what I wrote to the employee. She stumbled there at work.
Oh yeah, you’ll never see me again.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №1401
I am a sex machine.
It is: the car. ohh. under the windows)
Why under the window?
She: because the nephig does not work and everything needed is constantly hanging :D

[ + 107 - ] Comment quote №1400
1st :
Ksta, I am tormented by the question here... Is it normal when the little one is black on the leg? O_O
1st :
Yes, nothing special )) Fucked them about dewer... Then a couple of days walked as a disabled (he was sick in the stomach)... then it seemed to have passed... it doesn’t hurt at all ))))
2nd :
You will not even notice the debris.

The idiot! You have a fracture with a bleeding - and you can subdue - to the traumatic point.

People, in the name of saving the fool, plunge to the top - or the guy will die from blood contamination when the finger starts to rot.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №1399
Ankh: If you have a choice, don’t take both of these sticks NEVER!
AgRRessive: What is it?
Ankh: They are indebted to me. Greet or buckle in the clutches or go anywhere... Go to the cafe. There is such a messy and polently misses everyone. So Max said to him straight in the face: "You crash smiling on a pedestrian." But Pete got me at all, grabbed Max and the fox CRICKNUL: "Retire from Sudar, he is at work!"

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №1398
xxx: Today I went to Pashka, after his compound, the cursch drove
Yippidy yi yippity yay. Did he let you go for his computer? O_O
Wait, he’ll make you an offer soon 😉

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №1397
by Natalia [10:13]:
Thank you dear! Well, why does the IT shnik answer to any question that you need to overload the iron and it turns out to be right? : * (

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №1396
myshkin> Do you have ski skiing?
aleonika> Yes, and the mountain burning sticks.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №1395
Yesterday we had paparazzi in the bath, well, and the knot before this to take on the soul must...toast fucking:
1 – Let’s take a bath.
2 – I’m going to fuck you.
... 😉 😉 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna