— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №1454
I hate two things most in the world: the unrusified root and the rusified photoshop.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №1453
PC_DOS: I love the miracle of technology called microwave =))
He swung a cold garlic cake – and in 20 seconds it’s soft and moist.

Fourique: You guys... if it’s fluffy, it’s not a microwave... rather a nuclear reactor.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №1452
xxx:There were not a couple of days...thanks I did not send a message at the office "Critical application error.In your account ended funds.To replenish the account and continue to work put 50p. in the reader."
450 rubles collected in flops)))

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №1451
I still hope to go to the office...

Cheese of office?

and the toilet)

It’s office because there’s a lot of paper and a lot of work ;)

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №1450
Zvukach: Today I noticed that the most useful thing you can learn on the campaign posters "Elections-2008" is that March 2 is Sunday...

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №1449
-=Dobpoe ytpo=-
* spreading tears and cosmetics on the whole face and grabbing for clothes* no! No is! I didn’t mean that!

by Vlad
Changing the anger is not mercy for a moment, I look at your mouth first, then in the area of my palate... the answer after you!

-=Dobpoe ytpo=-
Do you want me to say "go to fuck"?

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №1448
I was proud!! and :)
situation in the store.

Preamble-with my girlfriend I do the repair. at 2 o'clock at night we slept to whiten and paint.the apartment is empty and NOT a rubber ring.The only nearest working establishment-store.I decided to buy condoms and use them as gloves :)))).

I go in with my girlfriend.Night shop one for the entire area - a line of people 20, most young people. She approaches the cashier-please me condoms of the greatest size!!! to
(I am proud of it!!)
The cashier gives...
My girlfriend here is printing one and pulling on her hand! What you need "What you need!and "
(I am proud of it!!)
The taxpayer asks:"How much do you have?and "
Answer:(Look at me)-"Four", a short pause (thinking))-"although not for any case let us 8"
(I immediately got 20 centimeters higher.)
We bought, we went out.They drive with admirably envious eyes.On the street I explain that she was surprised here ;) Rjali all the way home.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №1447
I saw it at the crossroads. Broken the matrix, his blonde pushes from the crossroads to the edge. He insists he has strength, but has reached it. There are two other blondes coming out of the car.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №1446
DeMoN: and Unconditional Reflexes – is it like, if in Russian?
Greed: unconditional reflexes: integrated into the child at birth, not uninstalled, and with age simply suppressed by a firewall from the cerebral cortex

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №1445
Dear: Well, I communicate well...especially not with native speakers, but with the same misfortunes as me)) So this is how it all started: for five minutes I am dumb. I approach the object, joyfully burning it. With intergalactic accuracy. In response, I get a normal European smile and a machine gun line of English words... after which my brain releases a blue screen of death, melting.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №1444
XXX: soul, placed in a static holder, is experiencing a precession, although it is not essentially a gyroscope, it is very annoying to me!!!! to
It should be noted that what I called a precession is essentially just a particular case of a reactive movement with a rotating effect, of course there can be no precession here... but it irritates me no less... (((
YYY:0_o in Russian
What a shit the shower turns and soaks the curtains!!!!>_<

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №1443
Today I was instructed to disassemble the warehouse entirely, that is, to remove all the shelves and throw them out.
We’re going to get our electric shield out there.
Well, I am standing in front of the warehouse, it is at a height of three meters (from the floor to the ceiling), I take a tail and start to cut the shelves from the whole roof, rubles, flies fly, fun).
I haven’t destroyed so long ago.
I cut the music louder and louder) like here...a grenade falls under my feet...I can’t even describe what I thought in that second...
Luckily there was no fire.
Z is. The Military Pope

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №1442
My uncle recently burned. He is 54 years old, he is a professor of VUZA. Recently in the net he saw the advertisement of "I am a machine and I need gasoline" and said: "It is completely illiterate - it is necessary to write not to me, but to me."

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №1441
(from ASKA, the guy lives in America)
to us here as the DDT came, they were asked to fulfill the Motherland, Shevchuk the fool said "you will not have the Motherland, you left there";

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №1440
X is Hi.
y: Hi, this is my Anti-Spam control. If you would like to chat with me then please
give the correct answer to the following simple question.
What is the name of our planet? English please. thank you.

X: Earth
X: Earth
X: Earth
Tagged: fucking earth
X: The Earth
X: Planet Earth is fucking.
X: Earth
X is Earth!! to

Try Mars – a real acquaintance had...

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №1439
Dear members of Odin!
Please do not delete this message!
Also a request to all comrades, pluss, that she see the one for whom it all begins!

Message to The Witch :)
I hope you’ll read this; I still want to invite you somewhere, no matter, and you’re not going! Maybe at least you will turn your attention to me, and something will change! I very much hope for that.

To all who supported me, thank you! If you didn’t like it or disappointed it, I apologize :)

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №1438
=>Krofk@<= (17:48:08 30/01/2008)
Prefecture as Affairs

Miyagi (17:48:46 30/01/2008)
Go, you go, at the end of the day.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №1437
XXX: My girlfriend's most erogenous zone is the back of the neck, it's worth massaging it slightly during sex as she immediately ends. Is it normal?
YYY: You know, it is divine. I want your problems...

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №1436
My stomach hurts and I have eaten well.
Sunshine, tell me where it hurts. Up, down, to the right, to the left?
She is: everywhere. I ate well on all sides.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №1435
@Ordog, who are you studying at all?
Yarik air conditioning...pneumatic transportation and all that hernia
I don’t remember exactly what the name is.)
Paul_ik you are a type of trolley bus "psh" do? =) is

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna