— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №1194
How can you not understand that we have not yet created a technique that would not be silenced by your experiments?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №1193
Let Google hear.
Let Google find it.
Google will understand me.
This is not the case on the Internet.
Yandex finds everything in the world.
This is not the case on the Internet.
Yandex finds everything in the world.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №1192
Even more coolly, we create a separate state on some remote plot of land that no one has surrendered to conquer, we establish a law that allows full free exchange of information.
<RED> It would be great
<tsx> the new political system
<tsx> Communism open source
<RED> not a totalitarian opponent))
<tsx> we force all software under GPLBSD licenses to release
<tsx> and the country will be called opensourcing)))
<RED> yellow))
<tsx> and in the outsourcing visa issued only passed the computer literacy test
<tsx> then we will get it-specialists into opensourcing
<tsx> and then from the lack of these spices will upset it in other countries
<tsx> and since life of many countries is already too tightly tied to it, they will bend at all
<tsx> and here we will come and blackmail them
<tsx> gold mountains in exchange for one year of work
<tsx> and so we will capture world domination
<RED> it will be!
<RED> that is what it is.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №1191
The office requires a psychologist-psychiatrist with the knowledge of 1c, for a stunning explanation to the users of the basics of work in 1c, etc. Sysadmin's obsessive conversations on the topic: what all the users of the laser are brainless and do not want to learn.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №1190
Place to surrender. Here may be your quote.
The administration.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №1189
Tatiana: the grizzly is over)))

Seam: What are the consequences?

Tatiana: the liver is time to clean, travel around the world tired, understood what the trick to smoke grasses, beat a man, learned to ride a snowboard, tried Thai massage, fished for the first time (even fish caught, indeed it turned out to be poisonous), perioded in Thai prostitutes danced on the bar stand (blink can not be drunk) and now I am happy to work (already the third day))))
How are you? How did the NHK say?

Seamlessly no. Compared to you, I think nothing.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №1188
Israfil: I cut my girlfriend’s cloth with electricity that... tomorrow I’ll go to the barber.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №1187
Green063: I go to the yard to a friend. In front of it is a rugged cosmic. It stops. From it falls out of 7 boys of 16 years, push. The voice: "bla again ackum sd!" "how he caught me out of charge!!!" "Hole you want, he is old as a fucking mammoth" "Lana, papzani, hunyai. Tomorrow we will go to donate blood and buy a new one!" It’s not just gasoline!"
I slipped under the wheel.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №1186
The Hobbit
Give a acquaintance.
Romeo is
I don't want to meet a girl with nick hobbita
The Hobbit
Why A?
Romeo is
Because I imagine the reasons in the head for which she could choose such a nick, and there is one that is worse than the other.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №1185
In order to get hospitalized, a girl should come to the hospital unpainted. The doctor’s questions about well-being immediately disappear.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №1184
and php:
<DMak> that "send of 581 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe in"?? to
<GDim> broken pipe inside

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №1183
XXX – what is it?
yyy - the life quest has passed (
XXX - what is this?
YYY decided to sweep. he stands in the room of the den, the key to his room lies in the room of the jake, the acluch of the jake lies in the room of the diman(
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY began to dust. That fucking man wrecked my socks. 5 minutes looking for this miracle-sugging box to open. I got. I washed. Dry up on the battery. On the way, I broke the cable.The Role of Role (
YYY – I repaired it. and doped. Shit, I won’t clean up anymore! So many nerves (
xxx - the gags)))))))
XXX - start to drop on the paste marks!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №1182
Taxis, we have a list! by mmm. Potatoes, onions, tomatoes, sugar, fish, oil, milk, bread, water, chips, waffles... fucking and a couple of minutes ago it was necessary to buy the electricity of the kitchens!!! to

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №1181
Gigi, who saw the book "C++ without fear", I wonder if there are people who are afraid of C++, but still in the word "fear" the letter "c" excessive

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №1180
Yesterday broke on the "review of old movies"... Under the hand got Mission Impossible, the first...
And here, who remembers, the film begins with the scene when Cruz kills some fat man in the name of a connective spy. The man does not hesitate, Cruz stresses the situation, next to the "blooded" girl, the fat man is nervous, nervous, and decides to split up:
- So, Dmitry, understandably, this is the name, and the surname, the surname? He decided to clarify Cruise.
– Mdevedev... – finally turns the man...
This is how 11 years ago, Brain de Palma made the future president of Russia :-)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №1179
The history. Preparation for the exam.
Even during the life of Anna Ioannovna thought about who to leave the throne...."
At some point I felt that she really had a chance to think about it after...

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №1178
Evgeny: I want the disc of the 80s to blur at home
Evgeny: so.. clashes, slats and colorful clothes are welcomed.
There is Face Control.
XAM3A: If I'm a girl you don't mind?
Evgeny: I’ll ask the boys =))))))
XAM3A: Fuck, I’m going to be a girl! I will not be a girl...
Evgeny is late. All the kids are ready.)

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №1177
xxx> you’re not going to argue?
yyy> I will! What are you surprised again, cowboy?
xxx> I understand, Ferry poured into the tea. and boiled.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №1176
He &#8206;(21:42):
Sorry for the hard question, but do you have those days?
She &#8206;(21:43):
This could explain a sharp change in mood.
She is (21:43):
Idiot would you go.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №1175
Talk about analytics. The geometry

It’s an anal ass.
Oh, and you are fucking right...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna