— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №11318
I am sitting in an aska with a note. I decided to write to a friend:
I eat and I see dead telescopes
Mother: What else will you say?
The window is wrong!!! to
One is fucking!
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. :(

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №11317
Murphy’s Law of Trains:
It does not matter whether the head or tail of the train starts the counting of wagons. To get into your car, you need to walk through the entire platform.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №11316
Tagged with: ku-ku
by admin: VOK
Progger: Would you put XML support on worker.snc?
Admin: What is it?
Tagged with: AGA
Progger is exactly.
by admin :Wow :(
Eat a banana tomorrow :)
Admin : wow!
Wow wow wow wow!

Throw on the main. The best abyss is better than the main

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №11315
Lectures on Philosophy. The foreign group.
Prepod tells about various achievements there in science, which for 3000 years were impossible and nobody could even think about it.

Here Gagarin first flew into space, but it was previously said that nobody could.
Now the Chinese will fly soon, they will catch up. We will be taken with us later. (Look at the Chinese) - Will you take it with you?
Chinese woman: mmm... well you are not enough, we take! and :)

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №11314
A girl left the man. I wrote to him on the wall:

I closed my eyes for a lot. These eternal strippers in the makeup shop, this ten-day fishing every week, these hiking trips to the Baikal (in which I carried my backpack and you only carried a guitar!). God sees, I’ve been lifting up at five in the morning on Sundays under the Ace of Bays. I lived in the same apartment with your rhino Vasey (and even slept with him in the same bed - you see, he alone is scary!) is
But know that you fold forks and tablespoons in the same cabinet, I don’t intend to tolerate!
Farewell to forever!
Finally, I will reveal your worst secret. Let everyone know that you are not a natural blonde!! to
Now you will paint your own red roots!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №11313
A person calms down when the turn behind him becomes bigger than before.

of him,

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №11312
The telephone conversation:

Did you lose your flash yesterday?

Did you lose what you want as a reward?

You know, we accidentally looked at the content, we can offer you

Position of system administrator.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №11311
The boy had a child. After a while, a friend meets him:

Congratulations to you! How does the young father feel?

Like wet salt in a sauce.

In what sense...?! to

I am not sleeping!

by Andrew (c)

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №11310
How can I explain to him that he is an idiot?
“Tell him "God, you are an idiot"
It will hurt...
- Okay, then "Vlad, do not be offended, but you are an idiot"

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №11309
by Avada:
From the wool answered:
My mother is a pilot?
What such!
Here is the smoke (this is a girl) and Rita (this is a boy)
Mom and Dad are transvestites.
Linux and Vista.
My mom and dad are programmers.
Edward and Ella.
My mom was watching FMA.
Girl with Nick Roy
Both the fathers,
Haruki – look at it.
Both are Yuri.
Lina’s mother is a cat.
My mother-pilot has done it.
Toli and Irina.
Fathers are Aztec odmines.
The children hit the year one.
The fathers pulled them anymore.
Arwen asked quietly:
Who is the Orc Rubbing Lich?
Who will save Morocco?
Of course not a pilot.
The Car and the Faith
Mom and Dad Templar,
Vanessa and Nina.
Mom and Dad Assassin.
The pilot drives airplanes – that’s very good!
They know the value of Goth’s death – it’s also good.
Orcs are cut by the Tolkienists, programmers rush over the fence.
It was evening, there was nothing to argue about.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №11308
YYY: Why are you so sad?
That’s an ambulance, it’s evil.
Was he upset and upset?

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №11307
Doom II is the first PC game I’ve played. I will add about its popularity: it was such a hit that I was at school in a cassette player listening to recorded with the comp. And everybody was jealous – “Neither fig himself, he’s listening to the tracks from the Duma – let’s listen.”" And the inscription “DOOM2” on the board in the same classroom, nobody risked to erase it for two weeks, even the teacher.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №11306
I saw the advertisement of the Samsung WiTu phone: "the phone in which there is everything!" I immediately remembered the 2000s, I was told the same thing about the Siemens C35 in the mobile salon.
I don’t agree on anything now either.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №11305
While women are sleeping, men are fucking. They encourage each other in the ashes. Oh the time!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №11304
MimicRy: Today I saw a smile on a human face for the first time.
There is a girl (D) in the store with headphones in her ears, says the seller (P):
Please give the juice out.
Q: The apple?
D: Yes
A liter of?
D: Ananas
P: O_o

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №11303
I’ve been looking for a digital SD flash drive all day. I found it in an electric fumigator tonight. Long thought

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №11302
I was in the queen today. In the free toilet cabin there is paper.
YYY: It can be crazy.
xxx: I am not

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №11301
Lord Djeron
We picked up a netbook. all the netevuchy ipišniki asks, and this is just dumb warns our dhzp that she takes this ipišnik...we are in ahue

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №11300
1 year and 1.5 years. Silence is serious) A sharp urge for intellectual words (do not forget the age).
His distant relatives came from the village. The car as it is. In the village even two-year-olds on machines other than "BBI" (Mu-mu, haw-gaw, etc.) not speak.
Look what a BBC!
Wow, what a car!
The child so stumbled as a scientist on a wild man-eater, lasted a pause and said "This is a car definitely"
Everybody fell into precipitation.

I didn’t tolerate when they said "shorts". Only the "houses" The meaning he did not understand, but intuitively felt that it was the word that will emphasize his dignity After all, grandmother and grandfather speak very dirty and simple, could get from there. And he listened to the adult’s talk, and removed from it his own.)))

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №11299
He is:
What do you do?
She is:
I’m in bed ?
He is:
MMM, and in what position?
She is:
Chapter 24: From the Book...
He is:
From what book? and ;-)
She is:
Gennady Malakhov "We treat hemorrhoids with a smile" :)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna