— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №1234
Snegopad: What will you do?

Samuel: With a slasher in the hockey store, he wants to look at his mask... you know, such a maniac is still...

Is he going to play hockey?

Samuel: No...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №1233
The fucking. I bought a Chinese manufacturer. Russification is also Chinese production... Only after half a liter, my partner and I finally guessed that the "clear cookies" is "clear cookies".

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №1232
He already has a girlfriend.
Again a minor?
XXX: Should you look at her?
YYY: I didn’t look at it, but it looked like it was 14 years old.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №1231
by Malina2509
Hope dies last

It is usually the first.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №1230
xxx: m-da... by your answers to some phrases I have such an impression that if you come to you with fanfares in the morning in a limousine, and then invite to the Royal restaurant, which is only purchased for you, it is pathetic to offer to get married, to give a thread of a nihilistic ring with a diamond - you will yell and say "well finally, and wake up why it was necessary."
I don’t like stones on rings.
XXX is fucking!!! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №1229
- I, yesterday confused and the report to the client did not send...
Were they pleased?
-Aha, the report was on my village in the game Travian :)))Now he knows that the Rugen Alliance is a snake, I was attacked and sprinkled with 10,000 grains and clay.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №1228
Soap "Behemotyk" : For children :: Virtual Oriflame consultant...bright soap BEHEMOTIK in the form of HIPPOPOTAM))) luck will die)))

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №1227
The hot line of Lexus:
(1)Hello I want to buy Lexus gs300, How much is it worth?
(2) the basic version from $63,300.
(1) Tell a call to you is absolutely free?
2) Oh yeah

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №1226
Tagged with: biobot
Do you use two monitors at once? He should have at least six hands.

by Anonymous
He has six hands, the rest just grow out of his ass.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №1225
From the show on TV:
Ural divers were diving into the water of negative temperature.

Doooooooooo... Ural divers are so harsh that they dive into the water of negative temperature :D

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №1224
y: again the network flew... where the admines look :-(
X: Oh yeah, it’s all overwhelmed.
z: I know where the Tiger square 47, second floor, lives.
X: Take the villas, the torches and forward!
Be it him! All power to the Jews!
See you at 18:00 at the Basilica!
X: Stop, and what about Tiger?
Z: I just know the address.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №1223
XXX: How much do you weigh?
yyy: approximately 0.68 kg Newton
XXX: Fuck... in another system of measurement!
YYY: 68 Mega Din
XXX is fuck! What is your mass?
YYY: Are you at peace?

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №1222
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The crumbling pad, the blue is just a pipet, which, as the type says, began the exam, gets out of the pocket any tickets, all the crumbling such, and the garden itself, nothing writes, the people choose tickets for themselves and quietly sit on a ride, with textbooks, with notes, with wax, he sat for 15 minutes and fell asleep... And he needs a verbal defender, well, the gardener, they tell, and he is sleeping! He hated, then they wrote some leaflet and surname, well, and the assessments, the type he put himself, well, all there OTL.The kids hated, and here, the garden is one baton finished, he is uncomfortable just to give up, he starts to tell loudly his ticket, tasks, the paddle woke up and listened to him, the paddle, and here, when the bot reads the last task, says such a phrase and in my answer here 367,15...", on this phrase the paddle opens one eye, begins to spread a man in his inner pocket of a jacket, gets a wallet, puts on the table 400 rubles, and he is losing!! to

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №1221
and Casual:
I had a funny case after my "disappearance"
We met the boy, walked several times, kissed several times. But the problem is that it turned out to be a rare boredom. In general, of course, not good, but I was lazy to explain something there and I just disappeared. They lived together for 10 years, nothing like that.
And he found out my home address and sent me a letter in which it was written, "Between us it's all over, heartless fuck!" Take your things!
And in the envelope was: the fantasy on which I wrote to him my phone (!The bull from my cigarette!!! And some of my hair!!!

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №1220
Hi to you! Imagine the case right now!! A man arrived at Peugeot in the warehouse... he approaches me all on his pants, and speaks! "I AM CROW!" I am in shock answering: "I too!"
He stretches the cover and there LLC "CRUT" Both are rotting blue!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №1219
A colleague at work said: "I realized this morning that I associated myself with a billiard table"
I wanted to ask - the same flat and with scratched scratches? But I thought it wasn’t worth it :)
It turned out that it was about the green color of the sweater.
c) Tecwyn

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №1218
<PtokaX> Welcome to the new registered member - LLIAKAL!!! to
<Apostle> to us today
The Smoked Shackle
<Turbo> Smoked here, and stopped and fled back
<SabOtaGe> Hello to everyone
<Apostle> sabotage said hello
I said hello in response.
<Turbo> and there are no reactions.
<EJuK.> I fuck scroll 1file at 4 and speed 800 bs
<Turbo> Yozik just O*well - megabyte download wanted. The poor second hour is fighting, the net is dead.
<Apostle> poems to come up - this is the shit of torture
What not to do with boredom?
But if Jedi says,
All of it, Nafig. All of it! Hashimoto is forgotten!
<ghost> that fucking cheat about_O poems write
<Turbo> It is a turboprop. Mat mat, but you are not hot.
<Apostle> my friend, understand - his stock
I can say all things without clothes.
once and two and three and five
Count for half a minute.
<Apostle> About how sad the chat share -
I saw the field.
Now she’s in her bags.
It will be until the morning.
<zelos> yeah, you don’t smoke my server.
<Turbo> Oh, our admin has come..
<Apostle> Why, people, do you have to shut down?
It is easier to smoke.
<Zeros> and
<Apostle> The Mystery of the Soul of Admin
incomprehensible and dark
Smelling our smoke.
She only invented it.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №1217
XXX is
Is this the epsilon of the first (zero) order?
What is Trata (Lyala) Opaopa Trata?

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №1216
1 is sick. The temperature probably.
2 is big?
1: I cannot die. I have a strange thermometer. A maximum of 36.6 always shows.
2nd The Quasi! Where did you get it? Was there anything in the military?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №1215
and Inearth:
I’m getting married 😉

Kernel Panic:

and Inearth:
I just wanted to have someone at home for a long time, but since I am allergic to cats and dogs...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna