— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №374
Nick: Lie diagonally on the bed and I scream HYPOTENOUSE!

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №373
LEX: Today we were called and said: "and you can order your specialists", then a break - "not better to invite if we order them after..."

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №372
N0rdIC: The Writer
I have a fire at home.
Hamster: Is it at home?
N0rdIC: well, near the fence of the churks built a tent with fruits and it is burning
Tagged with: fucking
Mother carries the cat to watch the fire :D

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №371
You just may not have been told or ch, but the girl is invited to date for her personal qualities, not for the presence of wi fi on her buck.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №370
The real shit is when you learn about President Medvedev from quotes from Bash...
YYY: The bears???? to
I am a stupid fucking...
I missed the election.
YYY : :(

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №369
The wall was laid in 2008
Almost eight finished when the programmers came and offered to put 2008 in a binary system. Lack of space... While they thought they would come up with a odmin, scratched everything and laid out 7d8

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №368
Conversation with wife:

Jane is
Why don’t you swim in the bathroom?

Max is

Max is
and ought?

Jane is
Just interesting though. Are you scared or why?

Max is
i.e., the fact that I do not ride skiing, skating, skating, boarding and large and generally looking sitting-leaning lifestyle does not pose questions? Yes, everything is clear here. Ignoring this is suspicious!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №367
I sit down from the monitor.
... in the intricacies of the rhythm of the beggars...
He smiles...

As far as I have noticed...
The banal rhythm is hockey.
The brain is not stressed.

Probably a deep meaning.
It replaces the rhythm easily.
It breaks out...

Whoever sees the meaning of these lines...
I smoked more than I did.
Let go...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №366
* MorMot (~mrt@ entered the channel #linux
>MorMot< and
I’ve gotten upset... I don’t know how to ask... help me.
>Anthony< no one has ever come to fuck with such problems

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №365
Tomorrow I will take a picture of the garage.
We cleaned it for 4 days.
yyy: *WALL* naH??? )
I haven't seen him so clean for 10 years.
Yyy: *ROFL * battu?
You are the fourth person who asks this.

[ + 51 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №364
I want a virgin.

! to! to

Find me him.

He is
Why do you, poor man? = = )

When this child looks at you with such an admirable look, such a moral satisfaction))))))))))

He is

He is
This passion tells me.

He is
I cannot lose work.

He is
I imagine a poor boy looking at me whom I am about to deprive of my virginity.


She has a sick fantasy.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №363
NakotaTM: lost a student hundred years ago already

Sfeno: And what?

NakotaTM: recently wanted to restore and learned what to restore 1000 p

Spheno: Figase

NakotaTM: with money now stress (because I am temporarily unemployed)

NakotaTM: Well I decided to do a genius thing)))
Sfeno: What is it?

NakotaTM: by the way, from this weekend entry without a cold is prohibited.

NakotaTM: Joined a former college fellow. She is currently in computer science and is sitting in training. I took her a clean blank of cold. I went to the shops where I worked, by acquaintances. It had to be printed and filled. This type of makeup should work. The same look, but the content is different.

NakotaTM: in general, if you now judge by my student, I am studying in Eldorado", extends the studak to me "Expert", and the photo was assured by Jon, and the dean of us - Marina from Credit Europe Bank)))
and Sfeno:

NakotaTM: in general, don’t give god the men to get with this student

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №362
The call of an engineer (he was on the challenge)

But what to do??? I have no address, no address.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №361
I’m weaker when I see beer.
I am afraid that a little girl will come, bring a box of beer and say... that if I agree to marry her, my beer... =(

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №360
xxx: I can't today, my grandfather will have a clan collection.
Which clan?! to
XXX: He has a family.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №359
Even though I have not seen anything in my mouth...

It is O_O

It is: NYU

How do you react like that...

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №358
We decided with a friend to buy an indoor with a Vietnamese balsam star. A drug addict such a device, but from a cold helps. Dialogue in the pharmacy:
We have the last one left.
The other: surely?
A: No, there is another one, but a ruble more expensive.
D: What is the difference between them?
P (I wanted to say they are from different parties): and they have different arrivals...
We slipped under the shelf.

[ + 49 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №357
I have something to say, thank God. He did a good job creating my body...I have a beautiful chest, thin waist, good, his mother, his back...BUT WHAT FALL I ask you he took before taking my face?! to

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №356
The One (Onet)
Today, the melody is stuck, I can't get rid of it, I'm walking and singing all day.
by DooM81
Sometimes, what is that song?
The One (Onet)
Student girl sweet candy
A sweet voice.
I can’t remember the words, I’m getting a shit in my head.
DooM81: in the ass of hair :)
The One (Onet)
You’re in your head, you’re already the third.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №355
Heavyweight (18:35:08 19/12/2007)
The Blue
Heavenly (18:35:20 19/12/2007)
Xantys (18:35:28 19/12/2007)
? to
Xantys (18:35:35 19/12/2007)
Forgot to buy?
Heavenly (18:35:48 19/12/2007)
I forgot to dig.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna