— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142023
My friends. by decrease.
The first mother, father.
2 the cat.
3 the brother.
4 other relatives.
5 other cats.
6 Other people

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142022
Palomino: If you know what and where it is before the shops - you will stop buying anything =)
I personally saw a long time ago, as the comrade loaded out a round bread from the car, crushed one, half the street followed him, ripped off with a dirty mashed gloves, which the podi in his own car and forged, put on the counter back and quietly handed over to the store.

Vail: the column failed

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142021
and AAA:
Today, I take a look at the theory of probability. The story of a fisherman who caught a fish in three different places and caught something there. The student asked what it means to "smile", I am still impressed.

The BBB:
This is better than if she had been familiar with the works of the same Sorokin and did not ask.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142020
xxx: Porn site RedTube became the new general sponsor of the club "Washington Square" from Brooklyn
yyy: our football team also instead of playing some porn show, we are waiting for a brazzer in sponsors?
zzz: I think that genre that shows our broken, for brazers - overcrowding

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142019
From the discussion of RT:
The leader is just super)
“The agent of the Kremlin must first be beautiful, smart and insidious... It’s not the Pentagon where they are burying their employees at night at the cemetery.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №142018
In the English city of Swindon, police officer Steve Hutton tried to stop a suspicious car for excess speed. The driver came out of the car and ran away.

Hutton, who pursued him, cried out that he had a dog, and to convince himself.

This caused the frightened fugitive to get confused, and he stopped. Using the moment, the police caught him.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №142017
The windows should be adjusted over time. This is due to their weight, especially the door.
40 – How many legs do you have? Two, especially the right.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142016
"Yandex is a fungus. You go into the forest, found a fungus, showed on the camera - the app shows whether the fungus is edible or not.

And if the app because of the 0.3 megapixel camera confused the podosinoyik and the pale pohanka, then who will respond?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №142015
Actors in Soviet films are playing better every year.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142014
During the stagnation, he worked as an electrician in the factory. In the workshop people with humor, almost every day something will come up (closed factory, harmful production, work volumes are small, a lot of free time).
We had an electrician Nikitich, already at the age (that was what I thought then), very much wanted to become a master. The man vanity, got to the energy of the office – appoint me I.O. The Master! And so several times. His candidacy was rejected, but the whole workshop learned about his wish, and our joke-workers, the electricists, took up the matter. First, intentionally attached to Nikitich the nickname - "IO". Nikitich was terribly offended, quarreled with Matt. Then the inscriptions "IO" began to appear in various localized places of the workshop. Everyone was rotting, and the evil Nikitich ran around the shop and scattered or painted these inscriptions. Here is the culmination:
Near the workshop in the center of the square is a smoking bedroom with bars and a hole for smokers. From the door of the workshop to the smoker between the trees is laid a sandy path with sidewalks of about 70x70 cm. In the morning, 10-15 people are going to smoke, talk.
I go out of the shop to smoke, from the pavilion - laughter, reason for laughter: on each pavilion tiles to the pavilion itself paint is written - "IO". I join the company, everyone laughs, waiting for Nikitich to come out. Finally, Nikitich comes out of the shop (an explosion of laughter), sees the inscriptions, tries to wipe with his shoe (an explosion of laughter), moves his lips (laughter), lights his face and runs back to the shop (laughter, discussion of options). He runs out of the shop with a break (laughter), tries to squeeze the inscription from the nearest plate - it doesn't work (laughter), again lights the face, squeezes the plate with a break and turns (pause, explosion, people roll on the shops and in the grass): on the rear side of the plate the inscription - "IO". Nikitich turns the next plate – “IO”. The people with the whisper are scattered by the scourge.
The night shift signed all the plates on both sides.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142013
It’s angry when you watch reports from PMEF-2017 about blockchain, innovation and advancing development, and you still have water in the basement to heat up to wash.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142012
At the age of seven I thought I would be the happiest person if I had:

TV with controller; Dendi console and video magneton to watch ninja turtles.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142011
In the interview:
Do you love people?
I worked as a surgeon for 10 years.
I didn’t get to work :(

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142010
What was Pushkin’s relationship to visual art?

Several hundred portraits: close people, friends, acquaintances, state figures, historical figures, writers. Illustrations of his own works. Single landscape paintings. Drawings of birds, horses and trees. Magnificent in its rhythm, plastic displays, sometimes even transitioning into images. The paintings cover the poet’s manuscripts. Some of them are on separate sheets, outside of the text. In his manuscripts are often found vignettes, endings, designs of cover, sketches of illustrations. A subtle acquaintance with Pushkin graphics A.M. Efros thus defines its content: "This is a diary in images, a visual commentary of Pushkin to himself, a special record of thoughts and feelings, a sort of report on people and events."

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №142009
xxx: I am squeezing up. I recommend Nottingham.
YYY: Is this oil suitable for the planner at the head of the shop?
xxx: the boss of the shop is better dry, and then ice.
Otherwise, you will like it and get stuck.
yyy: Musie knows a lot in lubricants

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142008
here here :

Beer and water diet.
All morning cups and tea are unsweetened.
A day without lunch.
In the evening, 0.5 vodka + 1.5 beer with "light snacks" such as fermented cabbage.
I lost 3 kg!

Three pounds? It was the liver, confess!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142007
When you take a shower in the morning - you are sometimes visited by brilliant thoughts) in Russia, you can launch Yandex. fungus. go to the forest, found a mushroom, showed on the camera - the app shows, edible mushroom or not, offers cooking options)) well or just when you take it in the morning, there are brilliant thoughts)))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142006
Ladies and gentlemen! I understand it all for the sake of Hollywood as such, but take care of it.
On the one hand, a shock of the inviolability of the law of conservation of energy. On the other hand, the subtlety of biochemical processes and hormonal abnormalities. You don’t listen to each other at all.
Calorie deficiency is a great way to lose weight. But the deficit can be created by both reducing revenue and increasing spending. The most effective is the combination of both. And in what proportions - you need to look individually in each case.
A significant increase in physical loads at a weight of 120 kg will lead you to a hospital bed rather than a sports fit.
Eating everything in a row, but a little and killing yourself in the gym is also not the best idea. Think with your head, people, don’t just eat in it.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №142005
Why is the first letter of the sentence not in the headline? Where is the point at the end?
“Now I know who wrote ‘Hui’ in my entrance.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142004
One day I realized that in my past everything wasn’t so unambiguous.

I was with a girl at her parents’ house. We drank tea. Her brother joined us. We talked about childhood.

“I, by the way, noticed,” said my potential aunt, “that baby nicknames have a great impact on the child. We are out of Vitalika, - She nodded to my girlfriend's brother, - All childhood was called "Horse-Fire." He, you know, has always been so shy! He was always running everywhere. He is still active, unstable.

“And Katya, we’ve been calling ‘Puppet’ all the time,” said the prospective aunt, whispering at my girlfriend. What a beautiful woman has grown up. As a child, she was a beautiful doll.

I drank myself another tea.

I decided not to mention the fact that my dad lovingly called me a "cowboy" throughout my childhood.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna