— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №157257
Did you think someone was writing these anecdotes?

A man at work told me.

Ten years ago I went to rest in Israel for ten days, resorts of the Dead Sea, all that, and in the last couple of days decided to look at a long-time good friend, who for a few years before that moved there for a few days (also a normal hefty man who realized that his professional skills and experience can be found a more worthy payment than on his homeland, and dropped). I called him - he was delighted, he says, move from the hotel to me, you will live with me before you leave, I will arrange a real cultural program for you, I will drive in places that your guides do not know. In short, we met, in the evening we sat and drank, remembered the past, in the morning a friend says - I'm going to work, I'll do a quick job there, I'll take a couple of days off, and after lunch we'll go to the holy places, and you'll look, go to the shops. Oh well ok.

The man did not go to the shops - in the street hell, well, his fancy, sitting with a beer, the telecast is watching.

There is a bell at the door. It opens, there grandfather, I say your neighbor, my toilet does not cover the water, I called the sanitary, but until he comes - the money leaks, the water here is inexpensive, and the crane on the toilet is already old, does not cover completely. Help the old man.

Well, no matter how much help, the more our Russian man can do it. I looked, and the water was flowing, quickly removed the armor: the paddle was old, dull, the shape was lost and does not hold. My grandfather said, I bought the trailer already, can you replace it, right? No replacement, no matter what. Replaced, repaired and all okay. He washed his hands, said goodbye, thanked him, thanked him. No matter what, Father, live and rejoice.

He sits and looks at the telecast. Half an hour later, the door ringed again. That grandfather again. You say sorry, thank you, of course, helped a lot, but while you changed your hands and then washed a little water spent, I here counted a little, but you could not reimburse? Water is expensive...

The man, of course, eaten from such speeches, not even to her immediately sent, he thinks, herase, there are customs. My grandfather answered, I need to consult with my companion. Call a friend, say so and so, what do you do? He says, as he knew that you cannot be left alone, okay, give him these three pennies, but only let him first write you a receipt, that he has received payment for the water spent during the sanitation work, done that and that, no claims, date, signature. The man said all this to his grandfather, his grandfather was sick, but he would drown for a penny, he wrote a receipt.

After lunch, a friend returns, he says, this grandfather with his cunning has already gotten all, he does not want to pay for the sanitary, here it is expensive, and no one will do it on the left, because. Such work requires a license. But we will punish him, bring his receipt here.

Calls my grandfather on the phone and strictly says, say, it is from the home administration, we have information that you have changed your sanitary equipment independently, be kind, let me know who did it to you and whether he has a license. Grandfather first in the refusal, said, there was no such, but a friend to him - but here we were given your receipt, where everything black on white, what was done, your signature. Grandfather - be, me, and a friend continues: Well, once you have used the services of a specialist without a license, then you will be fined. Grandfather begins to get upset, and a friend says, in addition to the fine you will still have within three days to call a real sanitary officer, who will have to eliminate the consequences of this repair, because it is unknown how it was done, maybe tomorrow you will flood the whole house. And if you do not call and report, we will be fined until you do. And if God does not allow for this time from you even a drop of water to flow to your neighbors, they will drag you by the boats.

In a minute, they knock on the door and knock!! Grandfather cries: Here is your money, give the receipt! The man rushes, the money took, and the receipt says I can't give it I already took it to the house. Grandfather there is almost in a heart attack, screams, go take her, or I will take you to the police and to the court and to the sportlot. The man says, yes, you asked me, and the old man took the old money, damn you and not the receipt. Grandfather understood that he was taken for the frogs, he began to cry, tears let go. The man says, I am not hunting to go anywhere, I drink beer here, I sit in the cold, I am well. If you want me to raise my ass from the couch, drive a hundred shekels. The grandfather still nodded, wept, began to cry to his conscience, but the man said "goodbye, grandfather" and closed the door. Five minutes later, the grandfather brought the money and the man returned the receipt. A friend told him that for such good deeds, the man himself could get a small fine.

by mskfire

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №157256
Judging by the frequency and hassle of updates, the covid was actually invented by Bill Gates.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №157255
The man who has committed sin is seen by his happy rose.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №157254
When the bubonic plague hit Geneva in 1530, everything was ready. They even opened an entire hospital for the injured. With doctors, nurses and nurses. Buyers fell, the magistrate granted subsidies every month. Patients were constantly throwing babies, and if one of them was alone, then all the property was transferred to the hospital.

But then the trouble happened. The plague has declined. And subsidies with maintenance fees depended on the number of patients. For the staff of the Geneva hospital of the 1530 model, there was no question of good and evil. If the plague gives a bubble, then the plague is good. And then the doctors began to do the best.

At first, they simply poisoned patients to raise mortality statistics, but quickly realized that the statistics should not be just mortality, but mortality from plague. Then they began to cut off the cracks from the bodies of the deceased, dry them, squeeze them in a stupa and give them to other patients as a medicine. Then they began to pour this powder on things, towels and bandages. However, the plague continued to fade. Probably badly worked the dried bubbles.

The doctors went outside the hospital and began to treat the doors with bubble powder at night, choosing those houses where they could then recover. As the eyewitness of these events wrote, "this has been hidden for a while, but the devil is more pleased with increasing the number of sins than with concealing them."

In a nutshell, one of the squalops was so overwhelmed and overwhelmed that he decided not to wander around the city at night, but simply to throw a bundle of powder into the crowd during the day. The smell rose to heaven, and one of the babies, by a lucky coincidence, who recently left this hospital, found out what it smelled.

The staff was bound and handed into good hands by the respective masters. They tried to get more information from him.

The execution lasted several days. Inventive Hippocrates were tied to columns on chariots and carried around the city. At each crossroads, the slaughterhouses ripped out pieces of meat from them. Then they were brought to the square, cut off their heads and quartered, and parts were scattered throughout all the areas of Geneva for the rebuilding. The exception was made only for the son of the hospital supervisor, who did not participate in the process, but confused that he knew how to make mixture and how to prepare the powder without fear of infection. His head was cut off to prevent the spread of evil.

François Bonivare, Chronicles of Geneva, second volume, pages from 395 to 402.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №157253
Symptoms of the new strain of coronavirus Omicron are fatigue and fatigue. In short, we will not even notice, everything as usual.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №157252
My eldest son at school asked an OBJ teacher, “How do I become an OBJ teacher?”

The teacher replied, “It’s not easy. You have to go wrong many times.”

Thus, with self-irony and a philosophical note, the teacher brought to the class that work was like it.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №157251
I had a rest with the guys in the sauna. I am already quite in the food, in principle like everything and wanted us female affection and crazy sex. Called the lady of easy social responsibility, the essence of the love priests came to work. After a little drink and discussing with the ladies plans for the future, I decided to settle with one of the nymphs in a specially designed room. Everything went as if wonderfully, we each other, I ticked the fibers eë soul with her dignity from the inside, she gently and sensually hugged my pelvis with her hips, I gently kissed her ear and neck making frictional movements, my right hand massaged eë a gentle elastic soft chest, then I slowly passed my hand to the hips and touched the elastic butt with my palm. She stoned, I liked it, I began to accelerate frictional movements, eë the stone began to sound louder and exciting, I felt the heat of eë the body, the smell of eë magnificent as the Niagara Falls hair intensified, it awakened in me the desire to absorb eë completely. Alcohol and passion confused my thoughts. At that moment I did not exist in this world, I was completely immersed in the soul and thoughts of the eë world. Suddenly, I was returned to this reality by a thin, penetrating and unexpected voice of a nymph like a summer thunderstorm: - Yes!!! Make me hurt!!! to

I was overwhelmed by panic, all I could do with my penis I already did, deeper I could no longer. I understood that the moment of ecstasy is going away, I need to do something urgently, shake my chest - no, it can leave an unpleasant mark on a beautiful body, shake my buttocks - no, it's childish, shake but the pope didn't have the opportunity because of the posture, to make a "sleeve" on the nose. It sounded eë a gentle voice like lightning after thunder. Time passed, I was in panic, alcohol and blood pulse beat me in the head... I ticked my finger into her right eye... – Aai!!! Fuck the fool!! I heard the disappointed voice of a nymph in the whole sauna.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №157250
Xxx: I once so out of the air, and behind the window hanging neighbor's balcony is insulated. I was scared and naked.

Yyy: He was not naked. She was playing. ))) I knocked on the window, a little bit. They asked for a drink, made tea, smoked.

Zzzz: And then I dressed up.

Then I smoked again.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №157249
After the change of the name of the police police, the problem with garbage only worsened.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №157248
Crew of AN-2 The second pilot tells the KVS on SPU yesterday's arrivals:
I took a bottle and went to a woman’s room. We drank, danced, the matter came to bed. Valerky's friend did not break - went to another room to raise the demographics. I have no... I have already removed the shovel, the rubber from the TPYCOs has already begun to knock...
There is a woman’s voice on the air:
- Boat seven and a half hundred and nine, stop blocking the broadcast!
The second pilot:
- Commander, I seem to have confused the "Radio - SPU" buttons.
From all sides in the air:
The tower is silent. 7759 and continued. What ended?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №157247
The government has approved the poverty limits in Russia.
This is good news.
Tens of millions of Russian pensioners will finally be able to stay abroad.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №157246
In general, money is so little. Mostly money just does what ends up.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №157245
The Holy

There was not long ago in India a famous teacher and sage. A very smart man, by the way. He was raised to the rank of a saint, which is characteristic of intelligent people of that time in India. The most fortunate thing about this teacher was that he was a well-educated man, and his students were people with a good British education. Desiring to convey to the descendants all the greatness of his thoughts in primordial purity, the students carefully recorded them, practically stenographed them, took several photographs of him and even recorded one of his speeches on Edison's phonograph. In general, this teaching was possible to study not in the mode of vague oral translation, as the teaching of most ancient (and modern) saints, but almost from the first mouth.

In his young years, this teaching seemed to me very interesting, and communication with fans of his talent in the USSR was also very curious. I counted on his works and discussed them to such an extent that I began to consider him almost a native teacher and studied his views deeply.

The teacher’s views were extraordinary. In particular, about the saints he wrote that people should not devote themselves to them at all, but should follow their teachings. As a ridicule to religious fanatics, he cited an example when an ancient prophet taught people good, and instead of doing good deeds, they put his statue on the statue, every day on their knees slipped around this statue and beat their heads at its pedestal.

- It is impossible to do so, - wrote the teacher directly in his books, - the lobbying of statues does not give enlightenment!

Generally a good lesson. Right and vital. Do not create a cushion.

So, by chance, I found myself in India, in Delhi. There is a metro station named after the teacher. Next to it is the Temple of the Teacher. Well, how not to visit almost a native person, suddenly what new and interesting I will learn, I will meet with good people.

Having declared myself (and not shaken with my soul) a Russian fan of the Master, I will enter the temple, and there... There is a statue of the Master in the middle of the hall on a stone piedestal. Around the statue on the carpet people crawl on their knees, considering themselves his disciples and followers, sing him praise, and in ecstasy beat their heads at the foot of the stucco.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №157244
A man resembling an investigator, in a state similar to being drunk, in a car similar to a BMW, committed an act similar to hitting objects similar to people. Human-like objects ceased to exist like life.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157243
My 4 year old son is constantly asking, “What? “Whatever they tell him. My husband and I checked his hearing. My husband, I am, my son

Smoke, say to Mom

C: What is it? ? to

M - say six

A: What is it?

Smoke, will you be a cake?


[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №157242
I went somehow from work. I worked as a sanitary technician next to the house. Sometimes I went home in working clothes. I go home after an active day of work, I consider the crown. We meet a beautiful girl with a small boy, a four-year-old. The boy looks at me closely and says, “Mom, let’s take my uncle. My mom says we don’t need that kind of man. I smile, Mommy is a little embarrassed, and the little after a short pause gives out, it's because he's a bombe.....?

Mama gets red, grabs the little on her arms and falls beyond the horizon. And I was covered by a laughing attack, so I did not laugh until or after. The boy is inscribed in my memory for a lifetime. Thank you small!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №157241
xx: I met in the 3rd Army with a man, he was far beyond 70. My uncle was great, but he died a few years ago.

Yyy: So fucking, in the Army if you die you can start a new game.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №157240
The waste of people’s money has finally become lawmaking!

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157239
This is how you think it is possible to raise the salary of people so that they pay less, but at the same time it would be possible to report, scream out of every whistle that people have raised the salary, and that no opposition fool could challenge this?
The task seems impossible. But it just seems!
This is what we did with our doctors before the very beginning of the covid epidemic.
Take care of your hands.
In the first place, the increase in wages was carefully replaced by the increase in wages.
And everyone who lives in Russia knows that in the last 20 years in Russia has established such an order that the salary of people is copies, for which it is impossible to live (usually - MROT), and the main money is a premium. This allows you to implement prohibited penalties - the employer does not punish (what you, it is illegal!He simply takes away the prize. It is the lobby of employers and does not allow at the same time to raise the MROT, by the way.
So, the wages were raised (from the pebble mortgage it was not difficult to do), and the prizes were fully earned. That is, the salaries formally increased, by a healthy percentage, and you can’t argue, but in fact people began to get less.
In the second case, most nurses (especially low-paid nurses) were transferred to healthcare. And nurses, first, are not considered medical staff, and secondly, they can be paid less, this is not a nurse! And the statistics of salaries of medical workers immediately used up. Translated very simply - carried out a reduction (optimization) of nurses and they were expelled by reduction, and if you do not want to be unemployed - agree to a sanitary.
But that is not all!
Since you can only live on a doctor's salary if your position is not lower than the chief doctor, then those who are lower are literally forced to take one and a half, two bets - up to three (and it doesn't matter that three times eight are twenty-four, this is an employee's problem). So, when calculating statistics, where it is necessary to take the figure is not the salary on the rate, but the salary per person!
The result is excellent, documented indicators, and people get less. And this is under conditions of inflation, like a snowball rotating from the mountain.
And then the coward began, and the miracles began at all... But I will tell you about it another time.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №157238
And you know, if immigrants are settled in the homes of those who demand unhindered entry into the country, then the flow of migrants will disappear the next day?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna