— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №157457
She was filming in the center of Peter in the winter, in the service team. The frost. I wanted indescribable. I couldn’t wait until they brought the cinema and went to the nearest restaurant. As was, in walens, in a military jacket from секонд-hend, in a hat of uchanke.

I was surprised, but served. I talked to the waitress during the calculation. He laughed and said, “We thought when you just came here that you were either a zombie or a billionaire.”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №157456
The media covered the news that in the Russian Federation by 3% in the year car prices increased. Do I understand correctly that with an official inflation rate of almost 9%, it turns out that they have lowered by 6%?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №157455
I had a very warm friendship with my husband’s mother. We often go out together or go to the cinema. One day I was driving to the country, and in the traffic jams a man tried to meet me. I removed him, of course, and she said to me, “Well, what are you? A nice man and wealthy, you see. I would meet.” I look at her with the eyes of 5 copies, and here she, knocking herself on the forehead: "Oh, yeah, I forgot."

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №157454
In Kazakhstan, the Internet is disconnected. Now the citizens of the country do not hold anything at home at all...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №157453
In the class I was taught with Vityka. His eyes were irritated by the headstone, because the name is consonant. Zadyra, crazy, loved to be in the center of attention, had a two-three-man. He did not go to school, but studied poorly. The Huligan.

At school, we were fed lunch, but my mom always gave me 20 cents. You could buy a punch or a cake in the cake store, or go to the store and take a glass of delicious grape juice on the second floor of the shopping center. A glass of seeds from the grandmother. You can go home with an empty stomach. The way home seemed more fun.

On that day, I had a little bit of ruble in my pocket. A whole ruble. You could even go to the cinema or go to the neighboring micro-district in a cafe and eat ice cream from the machine.

And here after school I go and meet Vitka, who has not been in school for a week (sick).

We greeted, and I became Vítka complaining about his painful illness, telling about the difficult fate of the sick.

I was naïve and wrapped my ears.

At the end of his tirade, Vitka asked me if I had no money. He needs a ruble.

Truths and untruths ruble he stole from me.

I don’t blame anyone, thank God for the experience that was useful to me.

As soon as the ruble moved from my hands into the hands of a classmate, he, grabbing it, immediately hid and began to whistle with all his strength.

I was so shocked that I felt the unreality of what was happening.

After that, he stopped laughing and got a whole pack of rubles (about 100 pieces) out of his pocket. The same yellow, minted like mine. And he said:

There are so many good fools. How many idiots, so many rubles.

It was very offensive. But since then I have not given money to anyone, even if they are complaining.

Events of 1985, Surgut.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №157452
That was a long time ago, in my student years. Once I was on a late route, there were 2-3 people. And at some point, the driver turns around and says, "No one is bothering if we go to the gasoline now? “No one is in a hurry?” Everyone agreed. It seemed like nothing unusual, but when the driver returned from the gas station, he brought everyone a little ice cream. And that gesture raised his mood for the whole night. Thank you unknown driver.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157451
The ruling elite – the Gondons in the Law

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157450
A couple of years ago, at the entrance of one of the nightclubs of Tatarstan, a girl met me. Small-growth, curly-legged, dressed like the singer of the Tatar orchestra: slats, shiny paillets, complicated manicure, a dress made of golden fabric and the top of a nork jacket (in June); everything so that on the back rows of it was not only heard, but also visible. Do you remember how Genghis Khan chose his wife? The eyes should be narrow, so that Satan does not pass through, the face smooth, like the glaze of a salt lake, and the legs round and strong, so that the man more pleasure to deliver. A hundred percent hit. was presented?

The girl performed the duties of a fake controller, and decided whether I had the right, enough money, if I fit the face under the status of this provincial institution. You would see her face and her humiliating look. Although I looked at her sensibly from above (due to her height), with all her sight she tried to jump before me, and even jump over. Behind her shoulders stood two bullets of security. From all of our company, she didn’t let the guy in the old folded shoes.

Just shoes, and how many problems can be avoided.

When a flight starts, I often think of that queen of the country disco, and I think how great it is to have the same powers - to let or not let on a charter flight of one or another passenger. The look "you are not worthy to leak dust from my shoes" can not be repeated,, such a skill with a woman is born, and is passed on by inheritance.

Drunk in the wood of one passenger, two passengers, the company of young people is heard on the whole teletrap. They are approaching... I tremble inside. In such a tuss immediately indicates a drunk leader, around whom there is a vaccanalia. Someone is provocatively smoking an electronic sigh, another is rushing to smoke a real one. Under the foolish replicas: you cha, a cha, a nicho, that’s all!
Several times I saw men occupying passenger seats not in the classic way, but in a rough way, on the corks, pulling out brushes in front of them, as in the area. The people are justly outraged: don’t let go, drive out, do something! In flight, such people behave like demons on Halloween. If the flight is night, they do not sleep themselves and do not give others. They crawl, crawl, bite, drink everything they have taken with them, crawl on carpet paths, run on the ceiling. Somewhere an hour before landing, straight on the floor, in the passages fall asleep. In the light of God come out reminded and trembling, as the forces return, they start to bear again before the driver of the bus, border guards, customs officers. Ordinary passengers with children look at it with horror. And I, as a person who has lived a conscious life in Russia, am very ashamed of them. How about passports? As they say in Turkey, RAJA-catastrophe!

It also happens that upon returning to the historic homeland, the OMON or SOBR especially bullish are taken out with broken pins, laid face to the ground, leg on the head, under the automate's target, and then stuck in the car bag. Then the boys call their father or fathers and let them go. Having spent more than one night, immediately after the flight to the airport LOVD, giving testimony, I know exactly that the maximum that threatens them is a fine of 100 rubles. In the worst case, with me, a representative or parent will say:
Well, you think, the boys joke, we have them a-ta-ta! Forgive them, they won’t be like that anymore.
or :
- (for example) Sergey this year graduates from the university, then he goes to the administration to work, he does not need such spots in his biography, you understand?
Serge, what did you do there?
Oh fuck...

And immediately understandable, a man of culture in front of me, with a higher education, the future manager also cut the lifeguards from under the chairs. It starts small, so to speak.

I look at his shoes. and stopped. A sign that you cannot let go. Eeeeee...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №157449
Meeting in the Kremlin.
What conclusions should we draw from the situation in Kazakhstan?
Your personal aircraft should be kept loaded.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №157448
Once during the rpg game Divine Divinity to my hero approached NPC beggar. The dialogue started, he asked for 10,000 gold (the amount is not important). I had a lot of in-game money at the time and I did not refuse by a gesture of goodwill.

As soon as I clicked on the "Give money" option, a dozen more beggars came to me and there was something like the inscription: "While you were taking the money, beggars stole you for 100,000." I don’t give anyone anymore. And in life too. It was long ago, fifteen years ago.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №157447
The journey by three planes, a sleepless night on the train, and finally the final stage – I sit on the plane on a transatlantic flight. As she sat in the chair, she fell asleep tired. Wake up, we are already flying. And I feel - whether the air is dry, or whether the allergen is nearby, but the eyes suddenly began to tear, the nose flows. I went to wash, returned - they already distributed food. I call the steward-Canadian, I say that I was missed. They are very polite, friendly. With readiness asked what I preferred, stumbled, brought a nose. and does not leave. He stands, moves and looks at me with compassion. He says, “You are... don’t be upset, please, don’t have to! We have a lot of food, enough for everyone!”

And I sneeze, while squeezing my allergic nose, wiping my eyes from tears.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №157446
In the late 1990s, I was driving from Grodno from friends home by train. The ticket was in the box. I am so young and beautiful. Departure late in the evening, I don't remember the time.I sit in the car, I won't go in the coupe. Some sort of interpretation. A lot of young, slightly drunk guys get fat. And then I realize that these three are going with me in a coupe. I am in shock, everyone is sitting down and only I am an orphan in the hallway. I am a man, aged 40-45, shorter than my father. Maybe a little younger. This type of person has trouble. And that was not a question. The man spotted the situation and just offered to change places with me. A man, his wife and son of 14 years, were travelling to Moscow. It really saved me, this is humanity.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №157445
I was bitten by the girl's hand (just angry) and I got a big finger. I went to the surgeon, I explained the situation, he said, take off the pants, show me, I was a little in the shower, but the doctor said... I twisted my cheek, I asked if everything was okay. He says, and you’re not with the guy who was in front of you, I say no. Here he told me that the guy was bitten by the girl for the penis, and he heard about the bite from me, we thought together, and about the thumb did not hear, whether he decided that I was so humbu my name.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №157444
In addition to nerve cells, there are phlegmatic cells. Such cells are many in the pofigists.

[ + 47 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157443
In ancient times, there were always hundreds or even thousands of times more slaves on plantations than white planters. In addition to the plantator's family, the plantation was managed by 2-5 white guards.
How did they deal with the enormous crowd of slaves? All is simple. For different countries and times, the recipe was one.
From the slaves, several dozen guards were recruited, the most outspoken underdogs, who were given an unnecessary bowl of sweets, weapons and the right to beat and kill other slaves impunely.
And these guards devotedly served their masters, and were often more cruel to their fellow men than the masters themselves.
Nothing has changed since then.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №157442
The apk!
Be Healthy!
The apk!
I can’t see what you’ve done with me, creature.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157441
I had a friend who claimed he divorced his wife because she doesn’t know how to fuck. Young of course. No clarification could be obtained from him, which she does not know there. She just couldn’t, blamed her.

I do not understand. I always taught if reciprocity was passionate, but what did it not know. It was always great, but not immediately. I am sure some of them are still grateful to me. It’s not praise, it’s advice, be more courageous, more confident, gently break barriers, then there will be reward and gratitude.

YYY: So you taught his wife? It is not surprising.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №157440
We had neighbors like that. The man got sick and went home. His wife came, and he was already cold.

YYY: Was it cold with her?

ZZZ: for everyone

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №157439
xxx: I change one wife for 40 for two by 20. four by 10 do not offer!))

YYY: The market is full of offers one 30 and 10 in advance

[ + 35 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157438
When I was young and beautiful, I arranged immediately after sailing on a ship supply oil platforms by an assailant.

One of my many responsibilities was to provide food for the crew and passengers (we carried specialists from the port to the platform).

All passengers paid for food in cash for each day. This was agreed with the management of our company, no shit.

I went to the market and bought products for that money.

Some of the passengers refused to pay. They say that their company will be listed afterwards. On all my complaints and arguments they continued to stand on their own.

Go to the captain and decide.

We come in the crowd, they stand in the hallway, I am half in the captain’s cabin and half in the hallway. I explain to the captain, they still don’t want to pay. They say they will be translated afterwards. All my conversation with the captain is heard by the passengers.

And then the captain, listening to me, made a mhatt pause. And he said with a loud voice, Throw them out of the boat.

The passengers immediately whitened and began to stir up sharply.

I don’t know how I didn’t get stuck when they took the money with shaking hands.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna