— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131239
I work in an electronics store.

Now the man went in, shaved with a Philips barber (with three mother’s floating heads)

He went to the manager and said:

He shaved the fire and left.

H. I don’t even know how to react to it.

They will be coming soon :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131238
That feeling when everyone is discussing sex, and you are 25, always respectful to girls, and you have had sex once, with a prostitute, just for interest...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131237
With sandwiches, everything is simple and understandable: you take and eat. Not what people...

WOW: What about people? O_O

HHH: People cannot be eaten.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131236
Just cool after a dozen posts about the attitude to rape looks like a button "I want more"!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131235
A wife brought me to her countryside to meet my aunt for the first time.

Sitting at the table, everything is done. Then I noticed the chess board.

- What, someone plays, I ask (and I have a 1st class)

She says she plays a little.

Sitting at the board. I thought I would surrender for decency. I felt bad on the 7th.

As a result, she became the champion of the area. The KMS.

What a nerve this party cost me.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131234
But if you were to fuck only for mutual love, such a hernia would not be.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131233
You talk to her for half an hour, an hour, and she cuddles and doesn't leave, but everything says "no" with a playful intonation - everything, you have to fuck.
And in general, remember "all things are difficult for women. You are a goat. You can’t do that.""

The rapist said.
In general, guys, it is very convenient that you write this. My daughter is growing up with confidence. She has good and good circles. Here I am gathering quotes from here - I will scare a dose of what kind of men are in the world of fools.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131232
When will humans become half cyborgs?
I am looking forward to it!
[17:10:09] xxxh: sat down in the chair, kicked the stitch in the roof and all okay
[17:12:12] and all will pump themselves
[17:12:23] xxxh: "Evaluate what I have for light"
[17:12:35] WOW: it is cool!)))
[17:12:37] xxxh: "This is fucking, I have changed the suspension"
[17:13:08] Vow: and also the glasses bleaked)
[17:13:24] you are both fucking, I have put myself a new battery!"
[17:14:45] xxxh: and there is someone flying with a jet ranch and all three get stuck.
[17:16:24] ууу: with a cry - suck off, salads)))
[17:16:49] hhh - hamlo!
The big majors!
[17:17:36] WOW – Wake up!
[17:18:13] xxx: Generally speaking, cyborgs will all become, and the social difference will still remain

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131231
Okay, let’s reverse the situation: if the 18-year-old girl called me – the 17-year-old Win to update, but took advantage of my inexperience and susceptibility to alcohol and deceived – should I be sued for raping + rape? I’m no-ni before that, right?

OK is
Who interferes with it?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131230
And what about the situation when a drunk lady begins to climb her own man in her pants?
and ==
Who would stop her from pulling her out of her pants?She is drunk, and you see it, are you ready to have sex with a drunk woman? You are not upset? Not to mention that you understand what caused her sudden attraction to you, and you should understand what the consequences could be.
Your own logic, but the opposite.
If women have to think in such cases before drinking with you - this is what you think before agreeing to have sex with a drunk woman who sticks to you. Obviously, this is the only way to protect ourselves while we use each other for sex as toys.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №131229
Actually not:

No, well, I understand how a woman can rape a man with a strapon or something like that. But how can she do it in a natural way? If we do not take bandages and other deliberate member damage, does not the man’s sexual organs look like a declaration of intent?

Physical excitement is not equal to consent. For example, he says no to you, and you give him a causal place (say, he can’t push back or resist). The body reacts against the will of its owner, and yes, it is rape. The body of both men and women can show symptoms of excitement even from fear. Therefore - said no (or lack of consent) means no that would not stand there or wet.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №131228
Unpainted female eyes look - small, clever and shameless, and painted - large, kind and seductive.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131227
Advertising on the Dating Site:
I am looking for a girl with whom I could live in revenge.
Boy, I wish you could find her, maybe then you will learn the language.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131226
The little devil sitting on my left shoulder repeats, “Go out of medicine. Go away forever. You don’t need anyone here.”
On the other, there is a little angel sitting, looking with his crying eyes, and whispering, “Listen, the guy is talking.”

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131225
Meut is the only speaking Pokémon.
YYY: How is it?
xxx: he was the only one who fully spoke in the cartoon, all the other Pokémon only pronounced their name with different intonations, or parts of it, like Pikachu: Pika! by Pika-Pi Chou-ou is
XXX:...blin, comes out Chodor is a Pokémon? 0 O

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131224
You are so different, and yet you are together – I say to socks, and I wear them.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131223
And therefore against the Soviets (Russia) used some weapons of mass destruction that made people debilitated.

The vodka?? to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131222
by Tana33
The oldest son told him how he had disbanded the messengers the day before.
He writes to a friend in VK, with whom he has not communicated for a hundred years.
Borrow money urgently.
The son immediately asked for divorce and replied,
No problem, how much?
Thousands of two,
Give me the card number, I will translate.
he dropped, the son in response takes the left SMS from the bank about the transfer, copies, inserts the necessary data, the amount, and the balance on the account about 40 thousand and downloads him this SMS, type here translated, catch
Lohotron, seeing the balance on the account, - eyeyeye, can you still borrow?
Not a question! How much?
10 is urgent! I will transfer back tomorrow.
It is now! ) and again copies the SMS with the translation and throws it, wait says, the shakes will come!
Lohotron in a few minutes writes, - That's not the money then!!!! and (
No is? Strange, probably because you’re dumb.
The answer is, who is the smartest?

Definitely not a fool.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131221
has earned.
I saw a point on the screen. I thought it was dirt, tried to wipe it out - it doesn't work. I decided that a beaten pixel had appeared, and even almost had time to get upset. Suddenly I realized that it was not just a point, but a point above "i".

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №131220
The whole people have eaten!

-"It is dangerous to drive without a belt - a penalty... with the headlights off is also dangerous - a penalty... children without a child's seat can not - a penalty... And the fact that the roads hole a meter per meter - it is normal, it does not affect the safety of traffic!!and "
— — —
Do you want to pay fines?! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna