— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131199
It remains to be understood what to do if in the evening she said “yes” and in the morning “Cazel!” You took advantage of my condition!"

Therefore, in Europe and America, it is legally prescribed what ‘consent’ means to have sex, and many men are advised to get a ‘clear yes’ before starting the process.

And my personal opinion is that if a woman is already drunk enough, then hold the horses anyway. If she really wanted it, then in the morning she will answer your attempts with a sober head, and there will be no "Kazel, used" or "Baran, did not use".

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №131198
Ingress chat game made by the same company as Pokemon Go

xxx: People, do you know that the hotstops in Pokémon are where the portals are in Ingress?
YYY: Yes, this has been known for a long time.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №131197
Roadster: I am tired of going to school to go to the gymnastics and explain to them that the norms need to be voiced (this is a problem for everyone) and to punish everyone for harm to 2-3 children - it is wrong. I will only explain one thing, Herak, it is in the decree, the next one is coming...
How wrong you explained in my view.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131196
"Russia has allocated budget seats in universities for Syrians"

And you give up the EGE, study for a fee, work for a penny, die young - you are Russian.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №131195
In the process of talking about the Siberian smog arrived in Moscow

The sun is not so hot.
Dinosaurs first thought so, too.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131194
The foxes took fireworks, went to the sea blue, the sea blue lighted...These are the mushrooms.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131193
Talk about black holes or dark matter, the string theory.
There is also much more space for discussion and debate.
The first string breaks much more often than the sixth.
A coincidence? I do not think!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131192
I am here looking at all this controversy and afraid of the heat of losing consciousness somewhere in the public place. Instead of calling an ambulance, they also fuck. and what? She doesn’t resist – that is, I agree, I don’t want to – I would go home fainting. According to your logic, this is the case.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131191
"In Germany, a Syrian man with a machete captured a shark seller".

I remembered:

“Sir Thomas, why did you get this distinctive mark on your armor?
Thomas said proudly:
I saved the whole army of the Duke of Bavaria.
Ogrin looked proudly, the eagle looked at everyone. He had no doubt that his nephew would be a hero.
How did it happen?
I got their cook.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131190
Another one...

Tell it to the puppets. Imagine the scene - you go in a dark street, here three people come out and ask the citizen, You agree to give us your iPhone and wallet? " - he is such "no" - they give him "then all the good" and they go by.

No, they will rob him. Then they will be planted. And no one "he himself went to a dark street with an iPhone" will not save them. On the contrary, an attempt to justify your crime, rather than pure repentance in what you have done and awareness of your wrongdoing, can increase the potential term.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131189
So go on, feminists! Married - go and don't fuck anyone, you want it or not. Don’t give it today – in the best case, you’ll be a former wife tomorrow.
And if the poor man married a normal man and lives at his expense - he should generally suck on the first gesture!

Tolstoy is. In such foolishness already and anonymous everyone is ashamed to admit, I don't believe the chat :))

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №131188
Lovers of Race
The Republic of Belarus ""

There is such an island in the Caribbean, in Russia (and several other countries) it is called Haiti. In most countries of the world, the island is called Espanyola, and the residents of the Dominican Republic also call it Espanyola. And when the Russo-tourist begins to scratch something about the island of Haiti, the Dominicans simply ignore him with his opinion, as mentally inferior.

Unfortunately, it is yes. But if a Dominican tries to call this island Espanyolola, being in Russia and speaking Russian, he will be mentally disabled.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №131187
On Skype, a friend wrote:
Boys, advise me, yesterday the drunk decided to shave his ankles, got caught up and shaved his ankles, the whole chest and half of his forehead, and the whole was cut off. The girl came home and stumbled upon this activity, bloody in blood and without hair. How to convince her not to drag me to a psychiatrist."

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131186
I have never condemned women who want a good life. I just didn’t understand the men who complain that women just need money... And they themselves look at the cared for, in beautiful dresses, with long hair, from which a nice smell of perfume and on whose hands a clean manicure. It is said that beauty requires sacrifices. The noise! Beauty requires money.

by Karl Lagerfeld

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131185

This seems to be the basic instincts and needs of man. If you want to eat, eat.
If you want to drink, drink. You want to fuck - stop-stop, it's not so easy, now we
Let’s play a fun social game, my dear friend.

If you want to fuck, fuck. Want to eat at the restaurant? It will be an exciting social (and not only) game. After all, you are not allowed to go to a restaurant naked, untouched and without money. Also, if you want to drink good wine. If you want to fuck someone.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131184
Do not stumble:

The All-knowing
I am embarrassed to ask why I like when my girlfriend has unripped cheeks.
Is something wrong with me?

The shaving of the ankles is an artificial invention of society, which came into fashion relatively recently (for some 50 years), the natural condition of the ankles is hairiness. The fact that most bought bald ankles as a job doesn’t mean anything. They like and like it, it's such a small thing in the overall scheme of things! The important thing is that your girlfriend is not against it.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131183
Environmental police are alarming

According to
Batiscaf Jacques-Iva-Cuccott, during his first expedition, barely stifled a sea pig.

According to his first book, In the World of Silence, Kusto began to dive into the water using a mask, a tube, and lashes.

Before it became known about the ability of sea pigs to echo-locate, Custo suggested the possibility of its existence. In his first book, In a World of Silence, he that his research vessel "Élie Monier" was heading towards the Strait of Gibraltar and noticed a group of pigs following them. Kusto changed the course of the ship by a few degrees from the optimal, and the pigs followed the ship for a while, and then sailed to the center of the strait. It was obvious that they knew where the optimal course lies, even if people did not know. Custo concluded that whales have something like a sonar, which was at the time a relatively new element on submarines. He was right.

[ + 26 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131182
This fucking fucking cute:

This seems to be the basic instincts and needs of man. If you want to eat, eat.
If you want to drink, drink. You want to fuck - stop-stop, it's not so easy, now we
Let’s play a fun social game, my dear friend.

This shit XX considers a girl to be something like food to eat. And in the class "man" does not include. That’s why you don’t give it. You don’t have to reproduce like that.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №131181
Studying in medicine, on the occasion of the end of the session decided to order food from the restaurant. I called the courier, I told him where the community is, and he said, "Oh, I know where it is, I myself finished medical." and encouraged.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131180
Cereteli received an order for a 55-meter statue of Pokémon.
The location of its installation is kept secret.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna