— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №141243
Aaa: Thanks to Disney, I have every chance to live up to Star Wars 20.

Star Wars 20: The Last Jedi, this time honestly.

bbb: And yes, they’ll have to switch to Arabic numbers on posters for the thirteenth film, because Star Wars XXX might be a bit misunderstood.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141242
The cinema. Therefore, the French Gabriel comes to Russia, and his friends beat him to star in a strange movie. The Frenchman there needs to grind sadly in a cabbage, squeeze with wine and cough.
But Russian friends have already exhausted the entire budget, and buy a bottle of wine for 200 r. The French. by 200r. Chilean wine spilled in Voronezh and purchased in the Abkhazian wine department.

No one has ever so convincingly pressed me with wine in the frame. "I Believe!" — cried the dead Stanislavsky. We held out 5 doubles and stopped the execution.

Gabriel later complained:
I feel bad even for good French wine, but what you made me drink is just beyond the line of good and evil.

c) assa

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141241
The site "Peacemaker" - information sponsor of the little-known and forgotten stars of the show business!

You only pay for a ticket to Crimea!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №141240
After a week on the ocean, returned to Moscow.
In Domodedovo, a pale border guard, with his eyes shaken from vigilance, looked closely at my fresh face, covered with beautiful sunshine, compared it to a photograph in a passport and thoughtfully asked, "What is the purpose of your return?"

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №141239
Two drivers and a drunk passenger in the rear seat.
The passenger wakes up and says:
I will smoke!
Yes please.
He smoked and got sick.
Fuck me, listen to me!
Blow to health!
The passenger stumbled. He will not shrink and speak.
– Listen, I can suck the hunt, and my legs don’t hold, let me go right here?
Of course! The driver permits.
The passenger sucked, relaxed, smoked again and talked.
You have a taxi, you can do anything. Smoking, smoking and sweating.
“I’m not a taxi driver, I’m an employee of the service of ‘treasury driver’,” the driver replies.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141238
This is what the trade deformation means - there was a broken board here in our house, we were looking for what to put on, and Sashka says - is there no way to find a substitute in the construction of bricks. and I sit and think - what can be the brick adjustments and how to put them on it...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141237
She made cuddles.

So tell me, like a chef to a chef – what do you need to add to them so they don’t break down?

The meat!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №141236
I had an epic win today. And all because I, the lazy ass, am the only one in the city still riding on winter tyres!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141235
Now the children blame the parents, say "why did not take over the factories in the devastating 90s?! Khalid was stunned! This is not possible now!"

I can’t imagine how we will be repelled by the reproaches of our children in twenty years. After all, they will say that in the 2010s, any smart intellectual could free, without a license and without violating the law:
(1) to learn to work with the computer on YouTube
(2) create a quiet botnet (do not spam, do not steal money from the bank - no one will notice it at all)
(3) to train neural networks on Big Data by creating a Advisor
(4) browse the letters of officials and find out who to buy what
(5) buy / scare officials with good price/quality ratio
To become the Emperor of all people

It is time to become the emperor of mankind now. After all, before there were no tools, later the already created Advisor will destroy competitors.

We’re going to try to avenge, saying, “The game went ahead, and we lost.” Kids are paring "what a game to advance, daddy, you all spent all your free time in friends and browsers!"

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №141234
XXX: It’s time to roll in the puddles, but... I’m afraid the puddle will get dirty (((

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141233
ZZZ: Hello to you! I finally got my iPhone 8! It’s unrealistic, it’s not that your Chinese misery! You walk with him like a poor piece.
Zzzz: By the way, there will be no coworking before the salary?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141232
<savangie> In the ugly duck it is told that the duck is not a deer at all, just he is not a duck, but a swan. But it’s a fairy tale, and life, unfortunately, is a bit more tragic. And no matter how beautiful labyrinth you are in your soul, you will have to live among the ducks for whom you will forever remain a puddle.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141231

The founder’s wife from Vietnam brought me a souvenir. I thought it was a funny towel in a plastic panda figure. It turned out to be delicious trucks. The point is not that.
The inscription on the panda is clearly not in Russian or old-bothronic. And everything would be nothing but the biggest multi-colored funny letters written by SUKA.
And the panda made a furor, I will tell you.
First by bringing the poor woman to tears, when she began to give it to me and read it.
And then on me when I saw it.
I have already chewed the weights, and the panda is proudly on the table. And returning from the Treasury or after communicating with a representative of the brave Factory, on the question of the collective "how did you come together?" I proudly expose the piece of work to the general view and announce:
The Panda!
No more questions.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141230
I will surprise you now.

To compare the smell of printing paint (which is also toxic, just a small dose) and perfume is very strong.

Many people love the smell of perfume. There are people smelling enamel paints (to the question of toxicity), gasoline, rubber. There are people to any smell who prefer kinza, for example.
But someone like you who thinks your opinion is the only one that is true does not understand it.
It’s normal to love something that someone else doesn’t like. This is your procrust bed.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141229
CW: The Knights of Marketing?
CW: This is some sort of the Order of the Variable TZ.
CW: The motto of their shield is "Variability and Instability"
CW: And from the bottom a golden veil on a blue field symbolizing the absence of thoughts "We don't know what we want, but we want it now"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141228
Printing instead of the "copy is true" reminded.
There was a factory where to export products it was necessary to collect a dozen signatures on the document, killing half a day. After that, the girl, making sure that everyone, from the prime minister to the deputy director, was scheduled, placed the stamp "export permitted". One day the stamp was replaced. On "Eggs of worms were not found". The girl was physically injured.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141227
Wut: - The inscription is the cry of the soul in the toilet of the library: "Observe cleanliness and order, Ai da Pushkin!"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141226
27 years I throw rubbish under my feet, I am in the entrance if I fall asleep, I pay monthly taxes including cleaning, I try to repair the rubbish, I put a thin wire along the wall on the staircase cage, painted it on top with the same paint as the wall, and connected to the battery, no one is attached anymore)

Lessons to do, fantasy. The battery is not powered, there is not enough voltage, and the second electrode needs to be grounded, ideally for such a high-frequency source with a low current of about 1m, but at 10kV, will not kill anyway, but it will hurt. But this will not help, the stream of urine is intermittent and does not conduct.

[ + 29 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141225
Sokolovsky, a blogger who caught Pokémon on his phone in the church, was sentenced to a conditional term. In a secular state in the 21st century.
In addition, because of the found toy pen with a video camera accused of violating the secret of correspondence.
So, a pen with a camera violates the secret of correspondence, and the Yarova package, by which all your actions on the Network can be studied by the FSB, does not violate the secret of correspondence. Ok to Ok.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141224
It was my turn to the box (I was the last). The cashier asks not to be taken after me, and asks to put a sign “the box is closed.” He disconnects the cash number and begins to break my goods. Suddenly, from anywhere to come, a lady with a full cart, decent in sight, removing the sign, begins to make purchases. The cashier says that the box is closed and indicates that the neighbor is working, where there is also only one person. A woman’s voice from the 90s:
I’m a client, I’m right, you’re working until I say you’re free.
I am lady:
I’m a customer too, and I’ll be right if I call you a consumer.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna