— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №156377
To wake up happy every morning, you need to go to bed happy.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №156376
I went to a network store in the province to buy water.

“Please make a mask,” said the saleswoman politely.

No pocket, I forgot it in the car. I shake my hands, hoping for a relief... The seller closes her eyes and sounds the famous word: “Haaalaya! “Sell the young man water!” In the hall floats Galli (in a mask). It pushes me away with its considerable dimensions from the box by meter. Silence takes money from my unwilling hands, gives it to the treasurer, takes and gives me water and floats back into the cage.

The law observed? Yes is. Did the client get what he wanted? Yes is. The Combo!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №156375
and 500 million? It’s about six months of eternal friendship. Would you extend?
Alexander Grigorievich, you’ve gotten out!

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156374
And now Vladimir Vladimirovich will give a session of simultaneous play to the strongest grandmasters of Russia.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №156373
Anyone who has ever lived with relatives in the same apartment will definitely understand me.

I went to Moscow for money, my aunt convinced me to come. In my small town, wages are small, and prices are like everywhere. I thought my aunt was sorry, but it turned out to be different.
I brought the guests a couple of bags, and a couple of bodies and a couple of bodies of goats, and meat and fish, all natural all its own.

Aunt lived in a three-room apartment with a daughter and a son-in-law. They gave me a room, and I went on her advice, to her acquaintance for an interview, at which, I was already promised to take on the job. Everything went well, I approached them, and the next day I had to go to work.

I think once such a good news, not if I buy a cake and a bottle of something for the mood for my new family.

I came home, I told the news, we sat down and ate a cake with my aunt...
And here she asks me.
You are doing repairs, right?
Yes, and what then? I stressed
I need a balcony, can you help?
I will help, I agreed.
- You buy there, everything you need, and I will give you the money, - asked the aunt.

Money then I had for the first time, I thought to take them out, and if honestly the thought was blurred, if anything, then you can not take the money back, still the fee for housing, such as the Dumbell accord.

In general, I worked as a carrier in warehouses, in the night shift, and during the day I did not rush to repair the balcony. I ordered plastic windows, the amount of course is decent, but I thought it would be a good price for a couple of months, if you rent a house somewhere. He set it up and set it up, as he did for himself.

The repair was completed, in a week, if it wasn’t my main job, I would have finished earlier, my aunt took the job with joy.

“You can’t give money, it’s a fee for hospitality,” I said proudly, feeling grateful for “blood and feeding.”
“You’ll have to give me some food,” the aunt said.

During the week that I lived in the guests, I was for some reason fed meat and soup and even the fat that I brought to me on the table nobody put. No, I’m not complaining, but it’s somehow unfair.
Of course, I answered it.

It's time for the salary, I've so scattered my mind, I need to send some money home to my parents, and in principle, you can start saving a little bit, but my plans were interrupted by my aunt.

- There, for being taken to work, you have to thank Diana...
What kind of Diana? I did not understand, I asked.
- Who helped your reception to work, - explained the aunt.
And how much? I asked and was a little stressed.
Half the salary. My aunt answered indiscriminately.
Not a lot? I was surprised.
How did you want? You have to give the products!
What will I then have left?
- You need to plan your budget, - replied my aunt waiting for money from me.

And I did not endure here.

What did I do for the balcony? Do I often buy the products myself?! to
And what? My aunt asked me.
And I wanted to leave them so much that I just replied:

And nothing!

I left with a scandal, or rather, listened silently to how bad I was.
Then I rented a room for seven thousand rubles a month and had nothing to worry about. My aunt and I don’t talk anymore.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №156372
We are your only ally, we are the fortress of Eurasia!! to
- Alexander Grigoryevich, the money is over?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №156371
It was necessary to make a video of the young goat. No camera in the phone. I am forcing young people to move in the right direction. My mother asked me to leave, but I had no one else to ask for. Her mother is intelligent, she reads novels in French, drinks Arabic coffee, and reflects on philosophical topics.

She has long been distracted, and does not know how to shoot (well, and who does other videos for herself? ) is In other words, “I don’t want, I won’t. I cannot!” I persuaded. Worth removing, the goats are crushed, the mother turns, removing something. I prayed that at least in the frame they were and desirably whole. Photography is complicated in itself. And here without experience... And to sell goats must be urgently and not for meat.

I see. The video is perfect. No one shot of the camera, everything in the frame, the camera didn't even shake a little. It was perfect for moving after the small puppets. No one has seen such a home video of the young man.

The question is: KAAK?

He answers, yes, I was engaged in stand shooting in my youth, the first places in the city were many times. The main thing is to imagine that they are a target and aim as competition...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №156370
xxx: I once took a baton of bread, smeared it with strawberries and, like Toska, wanted to eat it in one slice, but my mother chose. She said that I would catch the bite of the intestine and eat it myself.

Mother covered her body.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №156369
We are divorced and we are all married.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156368
This story took place in the distant 1974. of Kazakhstan. The Kustan region. Our battalion helps clean the bread. A solitary field. Here in the only house was located the management of the car.

On the first day, as we arrived at this place, until the senior had time to unload the property from the trailer, he strictly ordered those entering the suit not to sleep at night, and that, say, the Kazakhs wiped their boots and sweaters, and at the same time a new Zylovsky trailer. To me, personally, he said, the trailer is unlikely to be taken, but to remove the new wheel - how to drink can give!

At night we slept as well. At two o’clock I went out to the yard to cast and I saw that there was no wheel on the trailer. I am in horror. I woke up another daytime and we moved quickly into the fleet (1.5 km) to remove the wheel from some car. Everyone in the car park slept. We twisted the wheel from one ZIL and rolled it to the trailer. It all took us three hours. Before dawn, we went to bed with a feeling of deep satisfaction. After a couple of hours I woke up from some noise, listening. The senior shouted not with his voice, proving to someone: "I myself, personally, fearing that the daytime will fall asleep and the trailer will pull - I took off one wheel..."

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №156367
It was an ordinary sunny day, nothing predicted trouble. Then the wife asked:
Am I not fat?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156366
A year ago we had a case in the receiver: three drunk fools killed a lamb and carried him with a demand to a neighboring village, to which they never arrived - they got into the dungeon. The ambulance was stuck: three unconscious bodies in the blood, on one piece of the intestines rolling. They threw them on their bags and into the hospital. The surgeon for ten minutes thoughtfully stared at a piece of the intestine and mentally tried to resemble the victims.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №156365
Pugacheva sang when there were not many picabushnikovs in the world

Yyy: When life came out of the water, Pugacheva was already standing on the shore and meeting her.

A farewell concert.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №156364
Old age for you comes when you begin to defile youth.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156363
About a guy from Volvo (help on the road)

This happened at the end of January 2011. I had a toy store.

One of my salesmen got married in a neighboring town, but continued to work for me. She and her husband bought a cottage, which she used to drive to work and back.

In the winter morning she went to work. Stir on two stripes through Vinogradovskaya pit for the fur, without risking, and not wanting to go past. When suddenly, a car that had surpassed her — she did not remember what — sharply fitted between her and the fur. This girl reflexively pressed the brake, the machine began to cuddle, caught the side, and flew off, curling, from the road to the right, and stood on the wheels.

She was attached, her pillows worked - she was not injured.

Her car has left.
Only the back door remained intact.

She walked away, got out of the car.

On the side stopped Volvo, from which she met the driver - a young man.
And this is what happened for which I am writing this text.

The action of this guy:
How do you feel?
Is something hurt?
Move your hands.
Raise your head. Do you feel pain anywhere? The stomach, the rib?
Is there someone else in the car?
Maybe an animal, a dog, a cat?
Go back into the car, take your bag, phone, all the documents. Check out the barbecue - there may be something needed there.
- Let's go into my car, so that I don't freeze in vain - call GAI, and somebody close to you - husband or father - who will help.

Her phone was broken. I only remember my mom’s number. From the phone of this guy called her mother, and already her mother called the store, telling her that the daughter will not go to work today.

Her husband was at work in Moscow and without a car. My father is also working in another city.
I went straight to her.

She moved from Volvo into my car, and the guy left immediately. We did not thank him.
You may read...

She then told me about these questions while waiting for the GAI, and then the evacuator.

I have never used it, and God do not give it. But if something happens, I will do the same: “How do you feel? Something is hurt? Is there someone else in the car? The animals? Take your phone, your bag, your documents, your money. Check the mess!“”

Thank you, you guys from Volvo!
You have good karma.

PS is
I just wrote this text, describing the events as I remember. It was like Wolverine had that guy.
I sent her for agreement.
She replied, “I think the car was Ford. The one who helped me. But maybe I am wrong. I asked where my glasses were. Do I have glasses on my face? They have to be found...”
Well, Ford or Volvo, it doesn’t matter to me. Per by the photos that guy will remember how he helped a man on the road, and he will be pleased that his help is memorable and valuable.

I will add photos later in the comments.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №156362
Do not believe that after vaccination you will not have children! Just returned from vaccination, all three children at home.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №156361
My son at the age of 7 with friends arranged a harassment of a classmate. When I learned about it, I removed the console and forced him to watch the movie.

After he finished I asked or he made conclusions. He replied what he did when I asked what he replied that he understood that if he would arrange a harassment I would make him watch boring movies.

No complaint has been filed since then.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №156360
xxx: At the biology lesson in 9th grade, the theme of reproduction and sex in humans began, I asked: And will practice? The teacher replied that some of you probably never :)))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №156359
I also turned from the lodge, from the 4th floor. It is obvious that he is not very sober, or even very drunk. It was about 96 years. A friend's birthday, parents dropped to the country, the house is free, the people are 20 people exactly. And the loggia was repaired, and part of the boards that come out on the street were removed (there was no plate, and not a metal pattern, as in the video, and boards parallel to the floor). At the next smoke I, machinewise, wrapped my hand on those perles, and they are not. A moment, fucking, and I am on earth. It is good that under the windows grew a healthy sirene, just above the second floor, she took me as a native))) I lie on the ground, my fists are compressed, myself in the shower, on the side of my grandmother on the bench: Low went, socks, did not get broken? I squeeze my fists, and they are full of sirene leaves, looking machine-taken while I was flying. He got up and went back to the fourth floor, there was no questioning yet. I call, the name opens, I am in socks on a bare foot, all encouraged, smell fresh green and smile. He said to me: Where were you? I smoked on the balcony. He said, “Well, then you will be punished!” In short, it all happened. There is no morality, just a coincidence.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №156358
When I met my second wife near the end of the 1990s and moved to her at the PMJ, I quickly discovered that the homework for the winter is not her. No, you could put on the table at the holiday without shame and guests picked up everything, especially under the water. But this is so that every time the refrigerator is opened, it is necessary to pull the cucumbers out of the bowl and eat them - there was no such thing. And with other preparations the same.

I had to take the matter into my own hands. Well, I’ve been doing cooking before, there was no problem here. The rest had to be taught. I went on a tribute to my aunt, the main specialist at the time in the family of crafts. While just in the garden the cucumbers started singing, well, I re-written her a recipe from a precious green notebook.

I came home, started this new business for me, constantly checking with the recipe. And the recipe was written - three tablespoons of salt on a three-litre bowl, then all kinds of herbs and leaves and at the end of 1 st. The Sugar. I wondered why this 1st. I have a glass, I don’t understand. Thinking decided that the aunt was more visible, but the full glass decided not to put, cost two-thirds. I twisted these two or three liters, when they were cooled, I put them in the warehouse.

In his next visit to his beloved aunt remembered and asked - and not a lot of it - a glass of sugar for a three-liter cup of cucumbers? You ask me, did you cook the strawberries? - and a green notebook is given, and there black on white is written - 1 tablespoon of sugar. It was I myself, coming out, lohanulся - lazy to rewrite word in word. Well, I marked these banks with a black label, so as not to be confused with others, and then began to act on the correct recipe.

In the winter, my cucumbers only went on the way! The open three-liter in the refrigerator stood constantly and was enough for a week - one and a half. And here somehow I come from work, and my wife begins to torture me - and what are you about the cucumbers in the corner? I opened them today.

I hung my head, I answered - this is the first shit, which is called the commo - cucumbers compot. I was forbidden to throw out the frog in the summer. You - I ask - have already eliminated them, or have you decided to let me try, so that I don't care? You say, the delicious cupcakes! The rest of you are great, too, but these are all out of mind!

I tried carefully - well compot compot. Of garlic, garlic and straw. A sharp such. Because with oxygen. As they say, for taste and color.

And since then I have had to every year in addition to normal cucumbers to make special, compot, for my wife.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna