— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №123894
That uncomfortable feeling, when the leader of the LDPR declares that in all the misfortunes of the country are the liberals and Democrats to blame...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №123893
Vegan, why are you silent?
The vegetables come up for their own!

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123892
A colleague (man), a small troll, walks up to the staff with provocative questions, to submit what we are not all like we should.
He looks like me and asks.
Imagine you have everything you want, but I have twice as much, what would you want?
Third size breasts and three children

People were under the tables.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №123891
“I was saying!”
The only situation where it is appropriate to say this (in such a wording) is when claims are made to you in the style of “why didn’t you warn” (if you warned).
In other cases, it sounds like bullying. Man is so bad because of his own mistake, and here you are still angry. Half of the negative attitude to the situation immediately passes to you.
If a person, even after the mistake did not make the correct conclusions, then - we do not teach, and "I said!" no longer helps.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №123890
The colonization of Antarctica:
Wild frosts and constant snowfall can still be tolerated, but environmental organisations make life simply unbearable.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №123889
Today on the street a guy shot me an electronic sigh. The future has arrived.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №123888
With a pickup.
Once I watched a Russian film, I do not remember how it is called, there the action takes place in the village, or more precisely, in the guard of the eger, forty kilometers from the village. He has an old icon there, and this icon has been stolen by criminals.
Well, in general, I watched the movie, because of the interest of titles, I started reading at the end of the film. Pyrotechnics with five names. Where is? Two candles were lit for the whole film.)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №123887
XHH: I read the description on the movie search:
After Sato Tetsuhiro, 22, left college, he barely left home, not counting supermarket visits, and slept 16 hours a day. So he spent three years. Then he came to an important conclusion: all his problems with college and lack of work due to the conspiracy of the giant organization NHK.
HH: And then I realized who was really to blame for my problems!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №123886
I bought a tube from the cockroach instructions:

If the cockroaches have been long, but not a lot of them: 1 package per room
If there are many cockroaches: 1 package per 5 square meters
If there are many cockroaches and there is a constant source of infection: 1 straw per 3 square meters

So I want to add if you wake up from the fact that the cockroaches take you out of the apartment run away from there at x%y

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №123885

In general. I wanted to know how long the screen was. Well, it would seem, there is nothing easier. We know the diagonal, we know the proportion of the sides. We take and count. I went to myself, took a leaflet, I sit. I return satisfied with the result. And local workers already know those lengths. In my "it’s like fucking, right??" showed the roulette...
I feel like a dick.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №123884
[15:04:19] xxx: In Tyumen, an unknown man robbed "Zapsibkombank" and escaped

A bank was robbed today. In the morning in the office of Zapsibkombank, located on Permiakov Street, 69 broke into a man in a mask and threatening with an object similar to a gun, stole bank property and fled.

He stole items similar to money.
A man who looks like a man.
[15:05:11] WOW: a building similar to a bank
[15:05:21] in a city that looks like Tyumen
[15:05:25] zzz: a human-like organism
[15:05:25] yyy: yes
[15:05:38] yyy: a piece of matter similar to an organism
[15:06:08] zzz: the atoms in this point of space were formed so that it all looked like a bank robbery.

The swimmer

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123883
by Machinery

American colleagues explained to me that the low level of general culture and schooling in their country is a conscious achievement for economic purposes. The fact is that, after reading books, an educated person becomes a worst buyer: he buys less washing machines and cars, begins to prefer Mozart or Van Gogh, Shakespeare or theorems. This affects the economy of the consumer society and, above all, the income of the owners of life – they are trying to prevent culture and education (which, in addition, prevent them from manipulating the population as an intellectual herd).

© V.I. Arnold, academic of the RAN. One of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century. (From the article "New Obscurantism and Russian Enlightenment")

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №123882
“The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people.” It is definitely not possible to refer to it.

I read it as “many suffering.”

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №123881
When a man has sex, he is tired and resting at the same time.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №123880
Here are the participants of car racing, mostly mistaken by this gentlemen car enthusiasts. All the pedestrians have ‘neds’, and they do not have ‘neds’. And it is not given to their miserable intentions to understand that a persuaded pedestrian can have two apartments, a share in the business and money on the map for current expenses more than the average iron column. (By the way, I personally saw the owner of a small company with a good income, hating cars).
On the contrary, the most frequently "guard on the steep car" is the "manager of the middle line" with a salary from 40 to 70 thousand, who bought the car in credit, while paying the mortgage.
Who is this poor man, gentlemen?? to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №123879
It often happens that the ambulances in time to come to the call are hindered by car hams. This will quickly stop if the Omon and Special Forces groups will ride exactly the same cars on their calls.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №123878
- Close the door behind me, I'm a mushroom, - I say to Egor, going to the balcony to smoke.
Do you want me to tell you an anecdote? He thinks for a moment, son. - So, so: meeted somehow the Mushroom and the Ripper of the Lion...
) ) )

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №123877
In a business correspondence. from English.
Sorry for not responding to your letters for three days. Our dogs rushed into the house of Swansa, and under the stairs his nerves couldn’t stand.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №123876
I had a case. He once drank from a Chinese acquaintance in a bar, and there he talked to one of his friends. Well, he says, you - here I will learn Russian and go to Russia. There are more women than men, not vice versa. Army without competition. For children, there are no fines, but payments. Quarter wages are cheap even in cities. Clean everywhere. Schools and institutions are free. Luckily, he says, people - take a job, or create a family, what you want to do.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №123875
xxx: What do you think: can a good designer re-qualify into a good programmer?
yyy: no, it will stick to the font settings in the IDE )))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna