— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №158882
Here the entire internet is friendly to Keanu Reeves, who talked kindly with the boy at the airport. Oh, the star has descended to a simple man. I remembered this.

Lenka, my wife, went to the nursery for our younger daughter, and I stayed at home with the older one. The daughter for the first time in her two-year life so long separated from her mother, crying all day, and in the evening began to suffocate. We called an ambulance, which did not arrive for an endless time. In generally accepted units, this infinity was probably half an hour or less, but when a two-year-old child is about to sink on your arms, time flows differently.

I went out with my daughter to the yard, sat on the bench at the playground before entering. I thought that from here I would see an ambulance sooner, and the daughter would be easier in the fresh air. She really stopped crying, but still breathed hard, with terrible whispers. Then I heard a very familiar voice. I raised my head and saw Tatiana Drubich.

Now, not everyone remembers this actress, she is almost not filmed. But then there was the peak of her popularity, just released "Ass" and "Ten Negroes". And for me it was... how to explain it? Well, you know how those who at the age of 13-14 watched "Guest from the future", fancy Natasha Guseva? And on my 13-14 came "One Hundred Days After Childhood" with a fourteen-year-old Drubich. Without a doubt, the most beautiful girl of Soviet cinema, it was she I imagined in my teens. And here she stands before me in the flesh and asks how Lena is doing, has she already given birth or not yet.

I knew from my wife that Drubich was taking her daughter to a kindergarten nearby and sometimes walking with her after the kindergarten on our site. But she saw me for the first time – that is, not only distinguished Lenka among other moms and remembered that she was about to give birth, but also recognized the daughter who sat stuck in my chest, wrapped in a blanket. It’s Keanu Reeves’s level plus 10, but it’s just the beginning.

Drubic nodded at her daughter and asked what happened to her. I was upset – what did she, a popular actress, do to our plebey problems? He replied reluctantly:
He has a bad breath and waits for an ambulance.
“Let me look at her,” Drubic said. I am Doctor.

I got a stethoscope from my bag. I did not understand anything. What doctor, why a doctor? He gave her a look at the girl.

– It is asthma, – decided Drubic. But don’t be afraid, the attack is not strong, they don’t die from it. Put her here (she showed), squeeze her chest here and calmly wait for the ambulance. Everything will be fine.

From her confident words I calmed down, the daughter took over my calm and began to breathe smoother. The ambulance soon arrived. It really was asthma. She then accompanied her daughter for 13 years, before we moved to the United States, and went there without a trace. Whether the allergen that caused it remained in our Moscow apartment, whether in general the New York ecology is so much better than Moscow.

Then I read that Tatiana Drubic is really not only an actress, but also a doctor. She graduated from the medical institute, in parallel with the shootings held a reception in the district clinic. Maybe the patients were surprised. Here are the artists we have, where there is Keanu Reeves.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158881
The child of Yandex employees, responding to the lesson, first tells two advertisements.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №158880
Xxx: here I can work and a colleague will come to me and ask in 10 minutes what to do. I will say, of course! And then, somewhere in a week, I’ll, for example, sit at dinner and say, Fuck, I forgot! Another month to worry.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №158879
In order not to get into history, it has to be well taught.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №158878
Criminology is the science of criminals who fail. Those who got caught.
The science that studies the fortunate criminals is called political science.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №158877
Once I started dating a guy. I came to visit him. It was great (I thought so). In the morning, he was busy doing business and smiling told me not to rush home, drink tea and feel at home. I was not in a hurry. He came back in half an hour, completely surprised that I was still here. On my smile, he said, “I’m serious. Fuck it now...”

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158876
In 2009, I went to my relatives in Ukraine. We were three, my wife and a four-year-old daughter.

Already on the way back, coming to the border, I understand that I still have a fairly large amount in hryvnia.

The next time I could go to relatives not sooner than in a year, I think I need to spend some money.

I went to the store, I bought all the food and for the remaining money vodka.

Vodka in Ukraine then (I don’t know how now) was cheap and good.

We went to the Ukrainian customs. Ask to open the luggage. The following dialogue follows:

So what is here with us? The Alcohol! How lucky are you?

6 liters of vodka.

Did you know that you can take out of the country no more than 2 liters of strong alcohol per person?

We three too.

The child is very small, but the girl does not drink.

How do you know?

Customs officers hit and missed without further inspections.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №158875
He tied his daughter’s coat. It was great, not to be distinguished from the factory. A week later, the coat was stolen from the school’s closet. The husband brought his daughter in his jacket. A few days passed and my mom called and told me that a girl was walking in the park wearing a coat very similar to ours. I climbed very fast, looking — indeed, a girl in our coat. Walking with Mom and Dad. I approached and polently asked where they got that stuff from. They say that my grandmother brought it from abroad. I explained that the coat was handcrafted, and that I tied it. The mother of the girl was surprised, and the dad became nervous and began to call his parents. A few minutes later, my grandfather came to me and began to scream at me, “Lying! The German coat. The company! We have a check!” I just flipped. She said I had evidence: remnants of threads, spare buttons, photos. And most importantly - the underlay is sewn with your hands, it is not a factory for you. After these words, the mother of the girl took off and returned the coat to me. She said, “I am so ashamed of you.”

[ + 39 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158874
She asked me to see what happened to her computer. She complained that the car is abnormally "silent" and pepiodically squeezing. I ppaevily stated that I refused the ventilatorp in the power unit. Subpuška was a fierce buyer, and apparently bought ppi pabote constantly; the tobacco resin hit not only the ventilator BP, but also the ppocessopic bullet. The CD-ROM subset also did not go out on the same lines. It was the only computer in my practice that died from buying.

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158873
When I was a child, I had a period when my mom went to the strawberry in Poland, and I stayed with my grandmother and grandfather. I was 6 years old, maybe? Maybe seven, I was already in school. No mobile phones, only a fixed phone. And in the evening, after dinner, (the grandfather worked as a night guard, he was not at home), I go to my grandmother before going to bed to wish her a peaceful night - and she lies and stands, does not speak. Bad for her. At the time, my grandmother was just under fifty years old, and her health was always excellent until then. I panicked into the neighbors (a house for two apartments, issued from the factory). The neighbor opened a few minutes after the knock, I was already licked with tears and soaps. I heard that my grandmother was sick... She told me to call the hospital. The door shut. To other neighbors to run is not an option - far away, and the dogs there for the night descended from the chain, not away from the fence to people.

I went back to my grandmother and grabbed the phone book, trying to find the hospital number - an ambulance then, if I remember correctly, was not. It was necessary to call the hospital and, if lucky, the car will be free and will arrive (a small town at all, one hospital and one ambulance). I cry, I try to find that fucking number, the grandmother is no longer standing, just lying. It was very, very scary and unclear what to do. Mother doesn’t call, to Poland... And grandfather worked far away, there half an hour on a bicycle to go.

Two minutes later, a neighbor broke into the house, I still remember - in pants, but without a shirt, barefoot. I looked at my grandmother and ran to start the car straight, undressed. He carried her there and took her away. I didn’t sleep that night, it was terrible. In the morning he came and said that everything was fine with her, her heart grabbed hard, a micro-infarct or something.

My grandmother was well after the incident, she lived for almost fifteen years. She was taken to the hospital on time.

A good man neighbor was, served us in a similar way a couple of times, carried me to the hospital twice when the ambulance was busy. I didn’t even say goodbye to his wife after that. She told me in the morning that as I could, he didn’t sleep before work because of me. A dog, not a man. In the head still does not fit how she could block the door in front of the child, I knew that the mother was not at home, only me and my grandmother.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №158872
Hope is a dream within the limits of what is possible.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №158871
Indian actor Amir Khan made a very unusual donation. From his face, the poor were given 1 kg of flour. and all. 1 kg per person. Since it was only 1 kilogram of flour, many people did not come for extradition. But there were only those who really needed and who had nothing to eat. As a result, everyone who took help found 15,000 rupees in bags with flour. The money was given to those who really needed it.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №158870
During pregnancy, I could not sleep: then the couch was uncomfortable, then the pillow was hard... She gave birth. Now I lean to the doorstep, and it is soft-soft.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №158869
My friend works as a babysitter in a private kindergarten.

This story she told me:

We have a boy, Cole, who, as I thought, was very much in love with Alice.

Very often I noticed that he gives his compot to her, and he doesn’t drink it very much. Sometimes he thinks that no one sees them and changes their glasses.

The children are always sitting in the same places and each time the same picture.

But later, when I made a comment to Cole and asked what it was about, it became clear that it was not about being in love. Just Father Coley said that compot makes a man more beautiful (the boy could not tolerate compot), and he gave his portions to the most ugly girl in his opinion.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158868
Brother asked to help him with the choice of a car in the cabin. As long as he looks at physics, I’m checking out the history. Question is shorter. We came, one looked, the second... Looking at "Renoška", on the glass of leaflets-300000r, run 150000. I sweep my face into the salon and I understand that there is no smell of 150,000 there, even in my unprofessional view. The wheel to the holes is wrapped, nothing can be seen on the lever of the KP, because it is wrapped, seated in the meat. Even the emergency button. Fuck it short. My brother is watching under the hood at this time. It is there, it is there, it is there, it is there. And I look at a pipe hanging plastic on some pipe (something). And on it, the GUR inscription was changed in 2018, running 286000. Call the manager, what do you fuck? In 2018, there were 286, and she then ran for another 3 years. No shadow of embarrassment: Well, I just forgot to remove it. Chick her in front of our eyes with a knife... Now exactly 150000km...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №158867
Usually, when a person wants to know something, he begins to dig in the refrigerator for some reason.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №158866
The case was in the late 90s. I, a very young, if not to say more, a boy, replaced our employee at the social exhibition of the government of Moscow. There were earlier such events, with the main purpose of the districts of the city to show "what we could" and also for informal contacts between officials, since visitors to such an exhibition had little interesting.
My job was to sell professional literature. It took three hours for the staff to resolve their urgent questions. The trade went smoothly - as the low-level officials, which formed the basis of the contingent, were very wealthy in those years. However, the usual theft at the time was not noticed, and this somewhat reassured. Until the end of my watch (and this was my first experience at a public event) there were 15 minutes left. Then a woman came into the shelf. She looked at the books very carefully and chose a thick and very rare reference book on medicine. I began to list him. Then I clarified the price. Then she began to list the directory again, praising the content. After a couple or three minutes, she sadly put the guide on the spot and wanted to leave.
Did not come? I asked surprised.
On the contrary, I need him very much. It is expensive, I don’t have so much.
I do not set prices, unfortunately, I cannot help. Are you interested in medicine?
I am Doctor. Emergency ambulance in the Riyadh region. Here on a trip. We are paying the salary and nothing is missing. And I have already bought one book on medicine, the second I will not pull, food is not enough otherwise.
I looked at this woman, her sad eyes, and began to understand something inside my soul.
Are you upgrading education? Do you want to graduate later?
Yes is no. We are in a very difficult situation with medicines. Sometimes you prescribe something to the patient - and take it from nowhere. at all. There is no money in man. And you cannot help him. Here I am looking for referrals, where there are some alternative options for treatment, from false remedies, what we can get cheaper.
I kept silent, then took the book and gave it to a woman.
Here is, take it. No need for money. I will give her to you.
- Boy, but she is accountable, you are fined!
I will agree. You need her more than I need my money now. Take it. Good luck to your patients.

P.S The way she said to me, “Thank you!“I remembered it all my life. It is the highest human gratitude that one can only dream of.

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[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №158865
The French can’t normally read “War and Peace” because of these stupid inserts in Russian.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158864
xxx: Dating services work like a centrifuge: light factions, or even people who are lonely for reasons not related to their own way of communicating and behavior, easily enter this centrifuge and get out quickly enough. But a heavy fraction of uneducated, ruthless, stubborn and ignorant single women of both sexes forms a thick accumulating sediment, which over time only becomes stronger. And here very soon seemingly a decent new service, where there were full of nice people, already abandoned by them, has already accumulated a lot of "heavy" elements, and the mattress from it is worth being healthy.

For this reason, dating services are subject to the cycle of ascension and subsequent rot, like centrifuges that no one knows how to clean.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158863
Once I chose a movie to watch with my mom in the evening, chose a great one, but with some excess of frank scenes.

I’m telling Mom – there’s a great movie, but it’s a bit crazy, can’t you? My mom said, yes, let’s see.

I think, what a progressive mother I have, broad views.

I checked out, my mom liked the movie, only then she confessed to me that she thought that my words about the film meant that the film was dramatic and touching and when viewing there would be something to do.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna