— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №121952
The offended Eichmann:
But you ward off the Aitishnikov just because they are Aitishnikovs.

We are marginalizing the Aitishnikovs simply because historically it is an Aitish resource.
So is! and c)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №121951
I liked it on TV.
very very.
Judge yourself: Armenians and Georgians argue in Russian who is more humble. and ROFL:

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №121950
Yes, watching Malysheva on the first channel, maybe, and does not give out a fool in it, but the gap between the subject and the reputed - quite!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №121949
From discussions about the Hollywood film industry:
And in general, Americans should take Russian actors for Russian roles, well, it would be more plausible.
Oh, they will teach them to mother and it will not only be boring "s@ka, ble@t!and "
and ZZZ:
For example:
"Russian 2"
Seagal pursues another offender of his daughter on the plane and cries to his companion on the railroad: "Belka, I am the Nail. Cover double, what I will do from this goat pit@race"
The crap...
by Facepalm
The Wall*

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №121948
The brain premiere.
I picked up my son’s books and stumbled on the "Shameful Sitths".
Poems proved, of course, but the seconds of awareness are unforgettable.
May the strength be with you!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №121947
I receive medical certificates. The psychiatrist writes “there are no mental disorders” and the narcologist – “at the time of the examination there are no disorders.” That is, they still suspect, just did not burn this time!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №121946
xxx: always hated the phrase "one in the field of warriors". Who is he fighting with when he is alone in the field?? to
YYY: He is on combat duty

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №121945
And in general, this whole story with the staff is somewhat dark: first they hire a boy without education, who sets up all the work, after which they decide that once everything is done, you want to change him. The second, they hired an alkasha (likely to pay less for a good job) and when he again raised everything to a new level, they decided to get rid of him. The third hired an excellent worker who created everything that was not created by the previous two, and when he naturally wanted to get his money he was simply thrown out. They took the latter and did not forget to warn that their salary is stable, but that means it is not indexed at all. Among other things, the staff is apparently inclined to create a nervous atmosphere in the team: to monitor the delays, to choose who to give the prize to who does not, and as we see from the first paragraph, just he does not consider himself an ordinary employee.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №121944
From the Unitary Forum:

Is he half a Thai?
222 is yes. The second half is Thai.
333 and why?
222: Apparently this Thai had heterosexual parents, which is not typical for Thai people in general.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №121943
In Tor you need to go from the server on the Internet (broken or bought for battles) and before it at least vpn, and as a maximum a good chain where there will be a pair of vpn and tor embedded in i2p.
I am afraid to imagine how you protect yourself before sex.
If he had only had a snake, the snake would have fled.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №121942
Over the past few months, the news often flashes messages such as: “One million rubles were stolen from the car” or “Five hundred thousand rubles were stolen from the hand of the victim.” Someone point me to a fool who walks with such money around the city or leaves in the car, you need to solve the housing issue :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №121941
My blood every day saves at least one human life.
I didn’t know you were donating blood.
I don’t give up, I use it myself.

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №121940
I have one acquaintance - a dumb tourist, for whom the dirty and dirty weekend / vacation, the better. She recently started dating almost the same guy, and now I consider them both lost to a normal world. Seriously, they had a recent dialogue:

She: Here, the weekend route is something like that. Evening is not very clear. Tell me the main three words.

He (see the map): Let us spend the night in the swamp

It is these (^_^)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №121939
Many years ago I had a card of collector and in order not to remember its pin, I made a contact on the simka, with the last 4 digits being that pin. He called him Ivanovich. The card has been rotten for a long time and the contacts with the sims by default are not displayed. Yesterday came the notification that Ivanich put himself a vibrator.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №121938
I work in the electricity sector. Our brigade went to a remote village to search for theft and check the records. We walked a couple of streets, on one of which we noticed two men. Apparently noticing us, they desperately tried to remove the "soples" - homemade hooks on sticks, which in the private sector are connected to low-voltage air lines of power transmission directly. In other words, electricity is drawn “bypassing the counter”. Hi – hello to you. They helped remove their “technological” miracle. We formed an act of theft, they did not argue, signed and we left. In an hour, I decided to look there again. The acquaintances once again sweated and hanged other "soples", apparently thinking that we left. “Men, what are you doing that again? “Shot it yourself,” I said. What do those with sincere surprise and unfounded sight say, “Nafiga? You have already punished us!“”

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №121937
“Where we are going, roads are not needed,” Doc said and rushed to Russia.

[ + 22 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121936
The news:
A London court has acquitted a Saudi millionaire accused of raping an 18-year-old girl. The judge removed the indictment, satisfied with the explanation that the accused “penetrated the girl accidentally when he stumbled and fell on her.”

The classic "falled his back on the knife 40 times" nervously smokes in the side.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №121935
He filed an application for dismissal to the boss.
He silently signed and attached a stepler to the statement.
Is Bobby really free?

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №121934
The shit is bad, even if a thousand flies of admirers are hit, or hanged in a gallery, it will not cease to be shit.

Yyy: It is true that on the galleries it is so hanging that slaves from fear roar faster.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №121933
Charles Ogier de Batz de Castelmore, Count d'Artagnan is the real name of the prototype of the hero of the novel Three Musketeers. Well, what kind of damn did Duma choose only d'Artagnan? Much better sounded Bach and the Three Musketeers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna