— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №119952
I understood where this mysterious mole came from.
When I decided to cook the compot and put it in a bag for the dried apples, it turned out that they turned into flies.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №119951
They discuss an article on polygamy, where there is such a phrase: "In addition, polygamous families turned out to be richer in cattle and processed more arable land."

Pink Hoop: "richer in cattle" - is this a type richer than the babies that can smell for days?
Whc: Simply "with the cat" should be written separately.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №119950
Chere Mila: I'll go to the psychiatrist :) don't ask why, the whole life answer :) Then I'll tell you what's curious happened

Chere Mila: She said I’m more normal than normal people. It’s so similar to my own completely abnormal opinion that I now doubt if it’s normal. But she is so cool...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №119949
From Habr:

questor 26 October 2015 at 22:17#↵↑
My code is so beautiful that I want to dance it.
Peter, stop talking about the crap!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №119948
xxx: Happiness in poker the word Rakeback (Rackback) read as a cancer fucking. It must be a strange beast.

[ + 32 - ] [24 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №119947
Therefore, if someone thinks that a cartoon involving Christ or God the Father is blasphemy, but God does not impress the author, then a person whose “religious feelings” are “insulted” must think about the following:

1st Appealing to the court instances with the demand to punish the “prisoner” may indicate a lack of belief of the plaintiff in the fact that God himself can cope in this case, because they insult God.
2nd The claim submitted diminishes the dignity of God Himself, for God is Almighty and the attempts of believers to advocate for Him indicate to outsiders that God is incapable or extremely weak.
Three God may like jokes about Himself and His Son, because a perfect Personality implies a perfect sense of humor. Judicial lawsuits expose God as an evil tyrant with a vulnerable self-love.
4 is God in ancient times could independently express his opinion on various issues, so rather than deciding for God (whether He was insulted or not), believers should be allowed to personally give God an explanation of the situation. For example, through a voice from heaven with many witnesses, who profess different world views. If God does not respond for a long time, then God has no claims to the defendants.
5 is God may not exist, and therefore it is impossible to hasten Him.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №119946
From the discussion of the news about the existence of a serial maniac in our city:
Three people have already been injured.
I suffer every day by waking up at 6 a.m. Does that mean I am a victim of a serial maniac?
and c)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №119945
by gipsylilya:

I once read an ancient Greek complaint about youth. Formerly, the youths sang beautifully and slimly our Greek songs, and now they sing with wild roulades.

I was shocked. I expected that the complaints of the youth’s desolation were eternal, I reconciled that there was no generation that would not complain that women became mercantile, and the men were upset, but the complaint of the DURABLE YOUTH MUSIC from the guy in the chitona and sandals caught me.

Every time you see complaints that the present is not what the davecha is, remember the unfortunate Greek tired of teenage music fashion.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №119944
With Kosovo :

I listened to the song for my 9-year-old daughter.
That century was shattered like a melt,
Who knew how to live,
It begins with the letter L.
Finishing with a soft sign..."

The girl with round eyes:
“Mom, what is it, Lenny?”? to

[ + 36 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №119943
When you laugh at the Russian language and the grammatics of the gastarbayters from Central Asia, remember, about the same way we all speak English.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №119942
xxx: Classroom in honor of the beginning of the holidays decided to lead our class on a cartoon. On the cartoon "Monsters on Vacation-2". It seems to be a hint.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №119941
General chat department:
Today, IT technicians begin to change the old compas in the department, all urgently get backup, so that nothing is lost!
We have nothing to lose except our eyes.
Take care of them too! : r

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №119940
AK90: I read the news, there they write, a worker called "Super Mario" from Britain became famous for laying 90 bricks per minute
AK90: Best comment - And Super-Antonio then mothers translates normally. and :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №119939
“Doctor, no, Thomas, tell me what’s in there?
“Lord, how much you have in your ass – ambition, education, hope, life. And here, in the depths, the future...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №119938
I watched the OTW (Primorye) program of the Auto Patrol. The jeep drove from a steep slope, crawled, the car was fucking, eyewitnesses called an ambulance, the woman had only scratches. Interview with her husband.
No breakthroughs?
But not yet. He smiles.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №119937
and ZZZ:
20 years ago, when I worked in Singapore, it was a very serious problem. You walk through the hallway and think: have I greeted him or not?

I lived in Korea for 6 years. Lies, "on one face" they are literally the first couple of weeks. Then, like everywhere, you see very clearly different people.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №119936
They say, if you are afraid of the outside noise in the apartment, take a cat.
Recon105: Well, proven method!Pantylimone: and I am now cold from the cat's car in the kitchen at night... ((
Recon105: What is it?
I’ve never had a cat like that...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №119935
A grandmother came and gave the child a music book. A week later we went to visit her with Revenge, another music book. We will go back with the hammer.
XXX: The next step is behind us.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №119934
Spammers are out.
Interested in the “Guideline of Stella.”
Even on this, they trick to pull the link "download Stella's guide" on the first page.
If you don’t know, it’s euphemism for “taking from the ceiling.”

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №119933
I would like to turn the world around, but I have little leverage for it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna