— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №121973
My father called from an unknown number. I think I will add the da-ka to the contacts. I open the last calls, and there the call is already signed in a delicate grey colour: "Maybe, Dad".

I sit down on the brick, reflecting on the vanity of everything and the fact that the phone holds a voice portrait of my contacts.

True, it turned out that this number lit up in the automatic signature to the letter from the working email of the contact "Papa". But the settlement remained. Which vegetable phone reads my letters?

[ + 22 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121972
Palm branches are rich!

Palm oil is poor.


[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №121970
In the shops "all by 36" brought oil.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №121969
Layk: The theme arose to make a shishel in the January holidays, respectively the question where to get the steamed meat on January 1st? Imagination helpfully painted the picture: on the morning of January 1, the farmer will freeze with a tail to the pig. It’s a good day for you "New Year’s Eve"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №121968
A colleague (K) speaking on the phone and explaining how to get to us.
Q: We are at the address....... big building one half blue the other grey, we are on the right.
The courier found us without any problems 😉

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №121967
<xxx>One of my acquaintances psychologist said:"Selfie is the quintessence of narcissism!"
<xxx> I’m talking to you.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №121966
yyy: Here’s how to answer a person who is interested in whether I’ve worked in a morga?
Answer: No in the morga, yes in the morga.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №121965
See also "Culture" The funeral of Count Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. It is with sadness that I note that the peasant male zippoon of the 1910 model is one-in-one as my new costly coat... A crowd, sad faces... and here a luxurious tomb on their hands is put into the wagon with the inscription “baggage.”

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №121964
From this I realized only that musicians are not like programmers at all.
They have a zero note twice counted, and they at least have something.

They are even more fun. The octave contains seven notes, consists of six tones (twelve half tones) and is the sum of the quintet and quartet. In general, "remember this, children, because to understand it is impossible!" (c)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №121963
The New Year's Lighting Elephant was put on the reception. Two employees are talking next to him. Suitable for the boss:
What are you standing here, the elephant?

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121962
If a person says that at the age of 20 he was getting 50 thousand – he obviously does not live in Taichung.

If a person says that at the age of 20 he was earning 50,000, he is either lying or his father-owner of a large firm took his child to the management position. As in the anecdote: “Come for three hours a day, do nothing and get $6,000.”

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №121961
Maybe Russia-mother has not grown up before this, but in the United States, the entire infrastructure of the enterprise is held on the roads. In our office, the damage from the fall of the mail server for 5 hours was estimated at almost a million and a half dollars. So they are paid just for everything to work and when to get up. When he comes to work, and what he does there during the regular operation of the network, everyone is foolish. The main thing is that it is reached during working hours. And overtime is also paid in full, yes, 1.5 times more per hour than usual.

You have to be a stupid idiot to offend the idiot. Even if he just stands up from his place and leaves - the job will get up for a day at least 4 and will then go through the penny-top for a month or two, until the new айтишник finds out what to do. But this is in the United States, where the printing machines have long since come down and the functioning of an office without a network is either dumb impossible or extremely inefficient.

So, dear Eichar with 30 years of experience, you have not gained brains in those 30 years. Please enter the name of the company where it is treated with ATI. To make his idols from his homeland widespread.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №121960
XXX (13:43:58 17/12/2015)
Deputy suggested the Central Bank to issue coins with a hole for savings

yyy (13:44:12 17/12/2015)
and ROFL

xxx (13:45:05 17/12/2015)
Zhirik proposed to destroy Istanbul, and you about the coin.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №121959
I wanted to punish Danka for the three in the exhibition, but after reading the title, fell into a stupor. After reading the first sentence and realizing what the essence is, there was no more strength to argue.
The title is promising.
The voices.
Surprisingly, I didn’t even notice the red paste correction. The first thought - Worms with the letter E wrote. The second is why I should write about it.
The next text.
In the parks, on the snowy branches, up the feet are small birds. Their names are...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №121958
A compliment...
The Dear!
I think if you’d hit the tiger Amur’s wheel, he’t have touched you.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №121957
There are three things in the kidner: chocolate, a toy and a great container for grass.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №121956
The World Congress of the Crimean Tatars... It sounds no better than the Universal Confederation of the inhabitants of the house number eight on the street of the Uritsky city of Orenburg.

[ + 54 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121955
There are some smart guides that bypass traffic jams on the sidewalk. I’m going home yesterday, I’m already approaching the “Alphabet of Taste.” There’s another thing in my back. I am walking on the sidewalk. I specifically slowed the step, but I was already approaching my path through the snow on which I was bending, so without turning, I showed the fact and turned. In the back of the door, someone knocks, “You are fucking, go here fucking.” I turn around - a man, forty years old, with a huge mouthpiece, in a jersey with a spat. And then I get a brilliant idea... while he is doing something there, I retreat a little more on the snow, glue the snow and throw it in. He threatens to kill me and is chasing me. I calmly, in the winter comfortable shoes, scratch this fat chmo in the shoes on the snow, and still annoy on the run "Isn't it cold? You were waiting there in the traffic jams, out in the tail.” And so I ran around to his car and with the scream "AZAZA ZATRELLI" took the snow in the cloth and threw him into the salon.

It still ended well. We were both shouted, “Well, Bennyhill, Harosh.” I see there are three mentions. They have been watching for a long time. To the man fit "Serzhantakoi yourdocumentary", and judging by the smile of mint, the man slipped. They did not ask me, and I went home. There is justice in the world!

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121954
Before last New Year, we hired a small house in a forested area. How 20 people entered an eight-seater house is not a story. The toilet fell from the second floor, too. The story of how my friend Dima fed the deer. Elephants are not uncommon in these places. They are often hit by drivers. We saw them from far away. Therefore, when Dima said at three o’clock at night, “I will go and feed the deer,” we were not too surprised. Per the ability to be surprised was dampened by alcohol. Taking a pack of mushrooms from the refrigerator, Dima fled. He appeared two hours later. His face shone. His eyes were bright and enlightened. “You guys,” he said. “I think he took my mushrooms from my hand with velvet lips.” In the morning, when we got out of the house, we saw a curved chain of dimmy traces on the snow. They went across the corner of the house and ended up at the plastic sculpture of a deer. Fungi were scattered around him.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №121953
It is genius!!! to

It turned out that I live in a city where the secretary of the city council offered to drink the pigeons with wine and take them out of here.

Take care of the guy. Using winery waste (drunk berries) to non-lethally kill birds is a supercombo. I’t even touch it. I hope that the drunk bull disconnects the navigation system, otherwise the whole plan is overwhelmed - the pigeon, as you know, is fucking stubborn about returning ;)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna