— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120952
This summer I rested in Sochi, and fucking returning home to the ural all thought... What fucking people went to such a fucking place where it is cold and the living conditions are many times more difficult? The masochists are? before always rested abroad and the difference in the climate was perceived simply, another country is there everything friendly, and here it is also Russia...

Per because there was a possibility of getting puzzles from some puppy?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №120951
What would you do if you became a man for one day?
I would drink, the girl was holding her ass. What would you do if you became a woman for one day?
I would make a loan.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №120950
"She entered the login and password not there, and... nothing happened"
because the login must be entered in the field "login", and the password in the field "password";

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №120949
In the 19th century in Britain was a famous actor by the name of Foot. Once during a trip around the country, he stopped for a night in a small town. Having ordered lunch in the tractor, he eaten it with pleasure and on the polite question of the owner of the tractor, whether he liked the lunch, the actor, being in an excellent mood, replied:

I had the best lunch in England.

- Except for our mayor, - polently suggested him the tractor.

and Erund! I ate the best of all!

“Besides the mayor,” the tractor said again.

The verbal mess grew into a conflict, and the tractor pulled the actor to the same mayor.

The mayor, listening to the tractorist, told Futa that in their city everyone was ordered to express all respect for the mayor and to mention him at every convenient occasion.

And the violators of this order promise either a fine or a day in prison. The actor immediately paid the fine and, outraged by the ridiculous story, said in his hearts:

I have never seen such a fool in my life as this trader!

He turned to the mayor and added:

Except for the mayor, of course.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120948
I took it in a mobile coffee shop late yesterday. The barist, or as he was there, painted a flower on the top of a milk foam with some chocolate paste.
Today I went by, serves already another "operator". I asked Late again.
The boy painted a dollar sign on the pen.
The dialogue:
I: Oh, and yesterday I painted a flower...
Q: No, the’s somehow...not in a way!
I don’t know what I’ll be painting tomorrow.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120947
A man needs facts to get rid of suspicions, and a woman needs facts to invent new suspicions.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №120946
Mother Cat: I was angry. He lies on the couch and the telecast looks, rarely walks out on the street, does not catch mice at all, has become lazy. The cat looked and went out. A minute after 10 scratches into the door... enters a cat with a mouse in her teeth, throws her into her mom’s shoe and lies back on the couch...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №120945
The gene responsible for the existence, development and prosperity of corruption has been discovered – this is the Attorney General.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120944
Tatyana: I decided to see what was in the car under the hood... I pulled the wire for what.
Tatyana: pulled stronger, then even stronger...I thought he was stuck...
Tatyana: As my brother later said, I cut off the bulk from the clemma.
_Tatyana_: And that made me bother to go there... and I just wanted to know where the freezers are poured.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №120943
Dilesoft: We went on the street, argued about politics and Ukraine, and here from some cafe directly in front of us a couch is brought.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №120942
>>>I wished you a happy trip and advised which child holding device is cheaper and better.
I liked this service from the first minutes so much that I forgot even to offer a bribe.

You are, keep in mind that you may not have seen everything. I recently communicated with PPSnik and did not pay attention to the tiny video recorder on his loaded pocket until he showed it and said that everything was being recorded.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120941
In strikeball most surprising people with steep optics... to shoot light bullets on 20m

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120940
Andrei Artimovich
guys I am looking for a man, in the autumn of 2015 we were neighbors on the beds in the city of the CIS, he said that his aunt is the queen of England, and when he comes out he will move to England and take me with him..called him Stanislav..

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120939
The biggest problem of the Russian economy today is not its excessive dependence on oil and natural gas exports or the Western sanctions imposed against it in response to Crimea. It consists in the domination of the public sector, which suppresses private entrepreneurial initiative and leads to final inefficiency.

On Thursday, November 19, the Russian edition Forbes published its annual ranking of the highest paid Russian top managers, compiled on the basis of data on their income for 2014. The first three places in this ranking were occupied by the heads of state companies.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №120938
Have you bought marmelades in the form of breasts?
Dionysia: These are mushrooms!
Dionysia is concerned.
Lav: I bought the marmelade myself in the form of breasts and I’m still worried, well.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №120937
One astute patient wanted to get to the traumatologist in the clinic without a line, and went immediately to resuscitation.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №120936
By the way, statins are also taken after the last meal.
Yyy: After the last meal statins can no longer be taken.
Zzzz is cynical.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №120935
Nikita 1% also tried to patent the phrase "Debils, fuck!".

Sergei Lavrov has threatened to appoint Mikhalkov as ambassador to Honduras.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120934
My mother-in-law works in the police.
The Week :D
Call to Department:
We were robbed!! Everyone got out of the apartment!! to
The mentions go to the address, knocking at the door.
Who is there?
- Police
We will not let you. We have already been robbed!
and did not let
Peter is what!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №120933
I go somewhere in the bus. From the furniture store. I bought a hoodie in the office. No one gave me a seat, but when a bunch of people came into the bus, many took my newly acquired hangover instead of the roof. I told them, “It won’t help,” but they got caught up and caught up... And then they even tried to protest when I walked out at my stop. Somehow it broke out.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna