— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120352
Testament and Testament.

If you already see any problems on this subject during your life, you simply donate your precious property to a loved one, you live your life without property (at least officially decorated) and all the clowns go off, because they will be able to share only those tapas in which you were buried.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №120351
It’s easy not to take bribes, especially when you don’t give them.

[ + 53 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120350
If it’s time to change, take the example of the Japanese. When a Japanese company finds itself in a difficult situation, the first person to be cut in salary is its president. If the situation becomes even more serious, he is the first to resign.
In Japan, they don’t start with dismissing ordinary employees – the Japanese believe that there are no bad soldiers, there are only bad generals.
Yitzhak Adizes

[ + 46 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120349
School and open lesson. The subject of the Suffix lesson is “Shiper”. The teacher begins the words, the children finish them.
The Teacher:
The freezers...
The children:
“The Thief”
The Teacher:
The mannequin...
The children:
“The Thief”
The Teacher:
Children of the Choir:
The mouth

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №120348
At lunch, colleagues discussed, say, what a foolish thing to call the son by the same name as the father. They began to come up with examples: Ivan Ivanovich, Mikhail Mikhailovich. I: Vladimir Vladimirovich... Further conversation somehow did not happen.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №120347
In the years I worked in IT, I managed to get a bicycle, a car, a wife, children. One colleague is an avid fisherman, the other is a kms.

The specificity of the kind of activity of the Aitishnik gives him some charm, for which this site was once appreciated. As soon as he has a wife, children, a house with six hundred gardens, a father-in-law, back pain, etc., and most importantly, when he begins to talk about it, he becomes a little more than completely depressed, like any other housekeeper.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120346
XHHH: Hit this movie stamp about the phone. When a hero is asked the cell phone number, and he doesn't know, he is asked, how, why don't you know your number. And he, Scuco, answers that he is not a fool to call himself.
Well right, in principle.

He is not a fool to throw money on his own balance.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120345
Henry Lion Oldi

Spam came with a remarkable headline: "Exclusive live transformation training". Are they teaching in the reverse? I would go! and :)

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120344
of advertising. A fat teenager with rare chicken hair, pig’s pink skin clothed with candy. A fat girl with ugly eyebrows with a speck cleaves a candy from his skin, swallows in her mouth, and all of it is covered with the same candy. From their sad dialogue, she became infected with the same disease as he was.
And these advertisers seriously think that now I want to buy and eat these candy? O_0

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №120343
The sister sends a picture of the shelf, apparently just hanged by her (independently). Dialogue between brother and sister:
Are you screwed into the concrete fire?
How do you kill them, and how do you kill them?
B: This is a betoon! It needs to be drilled, inserted and then screwed!)
C is yes? Well, good that I didn’t know it))) Nothing is impossible if you’re free from restrictive beliefs!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №120342
xxx: (Ok Google works through the Internet)
I say turn on flight mode. He claims and claims.
yyy: the laws of robotics in action

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №120341
From a discussion of a series of photographs of scattering dissatisfied manuals entitled "the most emotional cats":
XXX is terrible! Is it my cat?
Yyy: Ohhh, these are Om-nom-nom cats.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120340
Hakuna Matata
For the first time in my life, I do blends. It is all a lie that the first fucking comma. Who were the third and fourth. And then? And then, fucking, the fire alarm O_o worked.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №120339
Ten or twenty years ago, the "cursed America" had already been in the fashion of a savage pre-religious fanaticism, the "protection of children" from all kinds of scars that shocked only the grandmothers of children - now Russia has come to the full calcule of the same thing and has called it "the way of Russian identity". As a cherry on the cake, Americans are now developing state health care, realizing that the clean market does not work there, and the Russians are rushing to the ass, apparently simply because the wave has hit.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №120338
>There is another guy in 2 months of angry taxes

And we have a aunt with two taxes. They begin to rotate wildly at their legs, wrapping themselves around each of them three times, and at some point, with a quick movement, unleash the ropes (=⌒‿‿⌒=) Those are the crushed nuts. Their game is like that.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №120337
zzz: Judging by the new cartoons in Charlie Hebdo again, there is a surplus of journalists.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №120336
Only after my own cooking of the real borst, I appreciated the popularity of cooking purchased peelings.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120335
It smells like fifty shades of grey.
Lena is fifty. I forgive...
Yegor: Xenia, fifty years
Sergey: Egor, I drink, I write, I write, I smell here
Who has not washed?

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120334
I have a fence in my yard, such a iron fence, made of bars.
There is a car at the fence.
Recently someone attached a motorcycle to the fence and covered it with a blanket.
After a while, a scooter was attached and covered with a blanket.
Today I go out to smoke and see a bicycle attached nearby.
For an hour I have been struggling with the temptation: to go down and stick the car nearby.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №120333
I once corresponded with a girl, and put a smile at the end :). The talk came about me unknown and I was surprised. The girl was also surprised, and said that I have something with the smiles, they are text, probably watsapp glitters. I told the girl that it wasn’t watsapp glitching, I was just Batman 8. When she was even more surprised, I thought at first that she was choking, but when she got angry, I realized it wasn’t. I had to get upset immediately, and say that we won’t do anything, because she will never understand my inner world :' (.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna