— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110349
When they started dating the guy, they were both poor students. I didn’t care about gifts, money and so on. Then the situation changed. I did better at work than he did. Wages are higher and more stable. I worked more. I started to feel like I was pulling everything on myself. And the guy also used complexes. As a result, you try and at work and at home, and watch yourself, and make him a gift for the holiday. And yet it is not that. And you feel guilty afterwards for your salary, that it doesn’t give him peace. Although the guy is great. Now he meets a girl from his job and is pleased. Their salary is the same, and the weather in the house is excellent. And I, no, I don’t want a millionaire or a daddy on a cool car. But I think, the closer the partners have the level of income, the less they have reasons for conflict. So the size of the wallet, although not a determining factor in choosing a partner, but an important factor
If you both suffer from some complexes and have not been able to get along together, there is nothing to spit on the wallet. We had long periods in the family, when only one worked and nothing: the second did everything at home, both helped and supported each other as they could.

[ + 31 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №110348
It was absolutely fair to the court to care how the car was parked there, because it had nothing to do with the case.
This is the same thing....
If the car is parked in such a way that it is impossible to walk on the sidewalk without hitting it, the court is very even dealing with this. Because she deliberately scratched / damaged a properly parked car " and "accidentally scratched a wheelchair / removed the backpack of the mirror, trying to stretch on the sidewalk between the car and the building" - two big differences.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110347
The member of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region, Yulia Alferova, does not consider it necessary to collect a committee on ethics in connection with the posting of a photo of a cat eating black caviar on the Internet.

And this is another cat eaten caviar from a bowl... What to do with the author, which posted in the Network the demotivator "Ordinary day of the Sakhalin cat", where the cat is sitting in front of TAZIK the red caviar...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110346
Shadow of the Sova: and I lost weight, the pants slipped))
Sapphire: by the spring? I also want a diet, what is it?
Shadow of Sova: diet... weekly, monthly
Sapphire: what is this method? I have not heard of such a
Shadow of the Sova: called very simple - the last week before salary x)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110345
News: Hope Savchenko asked for smoothies and fresh juices

Commentary :
Is she hungry at the restaurant?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №110344
Only our bank guard has such an expression of the face as if it were his bank.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №110343
The story is not to be humorous, but you can laugh in a couple of places.
Recently at the table met an old courtyard company, shared the news: who where and what...
And we talked about the fact that the phone night will not take any of us, but if something more serious...
Here I laughed, I said, big money needs to be worn as if you have no money for your soul and you have nothing to lose - I did so many times.
Everyone was left, said the best defense is to hide the very fact of the presence of value, and one comrade objected, said not always - even the story told (further from his words):
My sister and I, as companions of life, left the area - lived in rental apartments, in the old apartment our mother lived - we visited her on Saturdays... and here she was not - buried, and the apartment decided to sell. A spacious shuttle in Stalingrad and a minute from the subway in a good area in the center of Moscow - money would be enough for two pairs more easily somewhere in the bedroom area. I already checked the option, and my sister also had an apartment on the receipt. It was only left to sell, but the buyer also turned.
Only the money had to take cash and unexpectedly very - someone to call with you was - went alone.
And while I was - I thought - money, let's say, not small - for such can kill, if they learn, about what someone can do - I did not think. And I came up with a brilliant, as it seemed, scheme - went down to McDonalds - took lunch to take - in one hand a bag of paper, in the other - a glass of cola, went up to the apartment. The documents were signed, the money was packed in a package, the coke was in the other hand, I wished the buyer a happy stay and I walked through the street - the package was swallowed, as if there were really three big-makes and a cocktail, in my mind - all in my new apartment.
I bowed the head of the coca to drink, then once... and instead of a package in my hands only a small piece of paper - I didn't even see who pulled out of his hands - only the people in the direction of the backbone looked around. While stumbling - a couple of seconds lost, running around the corner into the pitch - he and the trail frozen.
It looked like a little circles - the hands do not listen, the lips tremble, the knees bend, the heart beats passes. How can I imagine that I now call to explain first to my wife, then to my sister... or first to my sister - it's no better that I'm just about... more money than I earned in my whole life - I don't want to live - I seriously think about suicide, but the surrounding reality does not provide easy ways: on the street traffic jams - you don't drop under the car, the houses around you - not high enough - you will fall - you only break everything. This is not the way out. It is necessary to call, but what to say is not clear - so much money I, even if from morning to night, I will only earn to the gray old age, it is if my sister will give her share, and not leave anything for myself at all. And my wife and I were so dreaming of having a child prepared, so much she had already promised to have time...
I took a few steps to the bench, I sat down and went away - I think like I would sell myself to organs or into slavery and what to say to my wife, I rethink my life. Suddenly, I feel, somebody shakes me behind the shoulder and something is stretching me... at first I wanted to give without dealing, but the stinging has not yet passed. I raise my eyes - I see the face of the hip-hoped and even punk outdoors, frightened by something that says something to me and ticks something under my nose. I lower my eyes - a pack of paper made of macdake... the first thought: "The good people decided that I was upset because of food - they give me their lunch." Then I watch the package twist, how it deforms under the weight of the content... I raise my eyes, I hear:
I don’t need a stranger! I wanted to eat – I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday – I thought the hamburgers...
I take the package unswervingly, I open it unswervingly.
I don’t steal at all, I just haven’t eaten for a long time, I thought.
I read with my eyes packages of money – like everything is in place, none is opened.
So you... it’s... don’t heart... I didn’t know.
I lay in my pocket and got a thousand and a half.
Oh you sing.
You are! I don’t need a stranger... I’d...
From the lengths of one and a half, shaking, he takes the five hundred, the thousand falls on the asphalt, he raises it and stretches it to me... I look at him with round eyes. He put a note in my pocket:
Do not need.
And he leaves.
While he was going home, he thought in turn: "It was necessary to hand him over to the police," "What I gave him so little money, I am ashamed," "It was necessary to give him this glass with a collar - it still does not climb," "And suddenly there is a piece of paper cut instead of money... no, everything is arranged as I put..."
I normally brought the money home, counted everything - no notes were lost. He bought flowers to his wife, called that everything was okay, then called his sister, went back, bought flowers for her too. We normally moved to new apartments...Thank you guys, I haven’t told this story to anyone.
There were tears in his eyes. In the normal course, the celebration was not able to return soon.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №110342
The female...
I slept on my stomach before pregnancy.
During pregnancy, be on your side.
After my baby is born, I can even sleep standing.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №110341
Or at least put on men and engage in their gender, for example?
Citizen, have you finally flattered on the ground of the upcoming Day of the Rock? Have you started slowly at work? If the orientation could be changed at your own will, a bunch of people would have many times less problems (and in some countries and epochs - problems of a criminal nature, for a moment).

Although it is worth taking on the arms - all the misspellers here whispering about the mythical female mercancy to be sent into gay. Let the other men draw out with their friendliness: “I’ve made a beer for everyone in honor of a football match, they’ve been drunk at my expense, and nobody after that has made me ******, I’ve made it, mercantile hypocrites, hunk-hunk!”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №110340
I went to chat. The girl came from Ukraine. For two hours they discussed political peripeties, agreed that politicians were goats, and broke up as friends. Instead of orgasm, he felt all the power and unifying power of the Russian language.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №110339
Review of the "Russian" buyer on Aliexpress:
Excellent quality belt. Children are happy! Living a new life as not dead. The joy of the child. I am Russian.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №110338
In general, judging by the art films on federal channels, 50% of police employees are corrupt.
— — —
Of course shit! At least 75 percent.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №110337
Gifts at work are usually such: bottles for vodka and ashes for non-drinkers and non-smokers and shampoo for colored hair for those who have never painted them in their lives :-)

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №110336
In general, I thought that idiots are raised, and children from idiots by default to write into the same category is stupid.

~ ~ ~

And I thought that the children of the foolish parents themselves were raised. Do you think they educate something high-spiritual? The same fool. There are, of course, exceptions, but their units

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110335
xxx: Developers are usually sober realists.
yyy: it doesn’t stop them from living their dreams that their software works.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110334
In the years of my youth I had to participate in a rough drunk in a fun company, by 12 a.m. one (very talented and creative) comrade so joked that he took off his pants, opened the window on the 4th floor, put the corresponding part of the body in the direction of the night city, and spoke louder than Concord in the take-off: "Joppa-Pageo!!!!He was forcibly kicked out of the window. Now it would be called an installation or flash mob.

yyy: installation is like a sculpture, a flashmob is when a lot of people through the internet, and you had a performance!

The comrade was robbed almost to the "sculpture" state, and to drag him from the window was harder than the sculpture (sculpture does not resist). There was something from the flash mob – his idea he managed to convey to very many, although without the internet.

yyy: if it was a flash mob, then a dozen asses would rise out of a dozen windows at the same time, and so there is a performance with the attraction of viewers as participants.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110333
On the subject of gender:

Tom is
and out of that

As one wise woman said:

"Oh all of you!"
What is translated into Russian means: "They borrowed with their sophystics and demagogues, evil egoists of both sexes"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110332
You’re drunk, I even feel you’re overwhelmed by the phone. You broke me all my life. The selfish is damned, you only think of yourself, you don’t care about me, you don’t care about children, you don’t care about work. No responsibility or help will be expected from you. Well, guess, you’ll grind me full if you come home...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №110331
Interestedly :
— — —
Only in fact, it is, as a rule, a full-fat baby, prone to excessive alcohol consumption, whose entire leisure time consists in lying on the couch in front of a calf, excessive craving and weekly "craving" in various kinds of chopsticks in search of a yabar for the night. All merits are the place of a personal accountant.
— — —
Married women have some fun after work (from 9 to 18 as in men): go to the store, cook food, check lessons, listen to their husband's nuts. The evening passed.
Married men have some fun in the evening: cuddled, watched the telecast, sat on the internet and spatnets especially conscious individuals will also play with the boy for half an hour. The man is working - he needs to lie down / rest, he has stress - he needs beer / vodka to pull, he is tired of the family - on the weekend for a shale / fishing.
Thus e. For a man, rest after work is normal, and if a woman does not want to smell anyone at night, then it is "FU".

Z is. “Full baby, you can think you are all Apollons.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №110330
A discussion among the guys on the forum, what to give a girl-gyka.

Altruist Style (Also works like a miserable style): Find a girlfriend, closer to the final stage of the stroke and just get in with her. Yes, banal, but sometimes it’s the best gift, unless of course it’s asexual. Also is working with the men on February 23. =) is

YYY: Are you sure that if I blow my friend on February 23, he will appreciate it?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna