— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117992
Another historical battle, comment:
At such a rate, the USSR destroyed the Jews, and tolerant Germans tried to hide them in the sanatoriums of Dachau, Auschwitz, etc. c) DrWe1rd

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №117991
The consequences of working in a female team: probably many remember the ancient strange fashion of girls - to keep one cigarette in a packet turned by the filter down, and not to allow it to be taken by strangers (or, on the contrary, to steal:)
So I recently heard the truth: this smoked cigarette had to be swallowed! The tears! Dry in the candle!! and let smoke the "victim"!!!! to
You have understood, yeah? Harsh Revolving Magic at the recruitment point, fucking her Tibidoh, Orthodoxy in the wreck!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №117990
xxx: There will probably be an expansion in our company, do you have any acquaintances or former colleagues you could recommend?
YYY: Hello to you!
YYY: Yes, I don’t have known programmers, group salesmen, and friends of alkashi.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №117989
Did the candy end?
For you yes.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №117988
xxx: I don’t remember my grandmother, but my parents told me how they took some effort and time to explain to my mom that you shouldn’t be afraid of a little child who doesn’t listen. Especially given that he and his mom and dad work in the IMD)

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №117987
HH: I don’t think of anything anymore!
What, even for three?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №117986
It is!!It blows!
"Can we light up the office? :^) We know a father here,"

I want to speak Russian!!! to

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117985
Den Stranger: There is a rubbish in the courtyard near our office. In recent days, a huge amount of paper has begun to be thrown into this rubbish, apparently some of the offices are closing or moving. The paper is immediately burned, and then begins the fun. Apparently, all kinds of air flows are perverted in the courtyard, because a huge amount of paper ashes rushes into the sky after the fire. A volcano in miniature. He does not fly far, but settles immediately in the surroundings and in the square. As a result, when you go for lunch, you enjoy images of snow from ash, which is accompanied by a rather nuclear smell of fire. This is how you go, shaking the ashes from your shoulders, flattering from such a visible demonstration of the End of the World.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №117984
A strange paradox.

The fools in the world are the majority, and the people are considered wise for some reason.

Joseph of Egypt

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №117983
The School. The ambulance. P form of construction. Between the legs of the letter type pedestal. announced by the Department. It goes from the switching of letters between children, teachers and parents.
Here they give music. A solemn parade theme from Star Wars.
Parents are standing... holding up... roasting not... Minutes and a half went. The rear rows trembled quietly. The festival’s sound is beautiful.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №117982
Small tricks. If you put a photo of Yevgeny Vasilyeva on the phone’s screen, he will never sit down.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №117981
xxx: entered the day in the exchange, while considering bills the rate changed at 6 tenge))

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117980
It is necessary for the penalty to be paid from the cost of the car, lowered the value when paying the penalty, suffered in a traffic accident damage to be assessed by the specified cost of the car which is calculated when paying the penalty.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №117979
Am I not such?

not eaten
Only in the morning when you wake up next to you

You still spit and lie with your mouth open.

Because I am so beautiful.

Yes yes!

these puffy sponges and dropping saliva from them)

And a naked puppy coming out of the blanket.

And this is a wonderful morning unclear whispering when you say to you “Rise up,” something melodic and light like “Wham bue mm няяа.”

But more often you just sneeze and don’t even think of getting up, and then you ask you "you hear" and you’re so cute.

It is horror :)

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №117978
And here again:

here here :

xxxh: I saw a lot of interesting in the process of finding a job, but when in the section of "Jurisprudence" the only job is " office cleaner", I begin to doubt that I have chosen the right path.

I once saw the vacancy "Driver of the concrete mixer" in the section "Sphere of entertainment"...)

I once in student years took work, published all sorts of announcements on the boards of announcements. The sex shop, for example, looked good in the category "Happy Pants" C:

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117977
YYU: From a liquid terminator would come out an elegant sanitary.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №117976
The bestseller! The answer is 50OS!
The "Sex Academy An orphan and one-legged dog, in the sense of a young virgin, enters a special group in the Sex Academy. For them - a special caste of virgins - on a budget without a line and not even through the bed.
And in general, on the very first day she meets the rector, who, little of what the BDSM leads, is still madly in love with her. And suddenly he fell asleep that his wife should be a virgin acky cover on yogurt.
Five volumes about how he deflects her from practical classes and labs, and eventually drops, because his wife turns out to be a theoretically subdued barrel.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №117975
here here :
With the development of cameras in mobile phones, the number of people who have actually seen UFOs has dropped dramatically. Now the scratches "no time to get the camera"no roll...

UFO I did not see, I will not lie, but when arranged for the current job. A psychiatrist and a narcologist. And when he received a certificate from the latter, he went home, cheerfully whistling (the case was in the non-ferrous, in the VAO), passing past the building - or the court. The prosecutors, the experts. Correct, near the Partisan - among the houses saw a cock. The first thought is to go back to the narcologist, because, it seems, not everything is so cloudless, the second - where to run or get away from this beast, the third - what is going on? And only after hearing the voice of the woman "Well, we go home already, a long wait for you" and seeing, like a cock (healthy! Not a mini pig any) goes up the stairs to the entrance, where he was waiting, probably the mistress, holding the door open and holding the dog on the leash (the dog tifu, a little bit, but the cock even without a caller), I was not what phone take and shoot all this thing forgot, I forgot how to speak. You say UFO.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №117974
Oh yeah
This is the worst word for you at the barber.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №117973
I: Tomorrow night I’m going to take brain pictures! (Mort at night with discount)
I: for 300p I can write on a disk, do you want to look at my brain? and :)
I would have written in your place.
There would be evidence.
Wife: that he still is 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna