— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154192
Recalled a note read in the early 1990s about how in American fucking a man penetrated into the house to single women, awakened them in the middle of the night, dragged under a gun into the bathroom, and there forced them to brush their teeth, from which he was doubled. No physical contact with people. And disappeared, leaving a dissatisfied and surprised citizen (with clean teeth).


Have you cleaned well?

and d.

This is great, I went for a peaceful night.

I’m sure she’ll get more than she’ll ever get that night.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №154191
How do you respond to your demands to raise your salary in the current situation?

With understanding.

It is cruel!

With the understanding that you will not get anywhere from them in the current situation.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №154190
I got a new job somewhere at the end of the last century. We were taken by bus to the company, our drive was a little more than half an hour.

And then I began to pay attention to some weirdness - when boarding the bus, the men broke the doors and took seats. They occupied them, and then gave them to women, including at the next stops.

It turned out that at the first stop there were almost one man, and when the bus approached the landing place, the ratio of Em and Joe was about 50 to 50.

(The ratio of men and women in the company was approximately 9 to one.)

And the strange thing was here - some ladies were driving standing from the first stop to the last, and others sat down immediately.

At first I decided that the seats would give way to the aunts from their shop, no! They could have caught a stranger. Age did not play a role. The pre-retirement lady stood, and the young woman sat. The same goes for the return route.

After a few days, I was completely confused and asked our men straight - why are some standing and others sitting? And I was explained.

Everything turned out to be absolutely logical - they are sitting at the office, and they are standing at the office. Why give up a place to a man who will sit at work all day and nothing heavier than papers in his hands? Here it turned out - there are ladies from the office, including pre-retirement grandmothers, whose working tool is a computer and a handle, and there are girls who work with a spade and a hook-key, those who may not be able to sit for a shift.

This is class antagonism in a separate bus.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154189
A lot of things can be done at home on self-isolation. For example, not doing anything.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №154188
Manokhin has an accident at the facility... (Kin-Zza-Zza)

There was a disarmament for a work trip, and "here" is still a joke-add-on, and there, in another country, at the facility, already a "pre-coronavirus" karachuk. In normal times: a bunch of desire for a trip + salary, and here all the "olds" have hemorrhoids or business. I regret the experienced boss of the young "fighter", not to avenge! Application or ride + 10% to the salary. When young, the sea is on the knees. He went to rescue the company. Saves the day, the other, in the evening listening to the news in the ears in the Basurman language.

And a lot of interesting things are happening abroad: the staff is getting smaller and smaller every day (everyone can go to the home office). Who is still alive in the navy, hands are washed three times a day, temperature is measured :-) One day the cosmonauts were hit in the scavengers: a positive colleague was found, the entire circle of communication - for 14 days in quarantine. The commander tried to explain to them that he had a plane in 3 days, and he could not sit for another 14 days, but the cosmopolitan was very convincing: the flight we will postpone to you, you are banned from the airport.

Thank God, after a week of house imprisonment, in the hotel, the results of the tests come - he has no virus, can fly away! But the airport is already closed together with the borders :-))) By the way, the hotel is closing too... the mayor's order - you would collect the suitcase, and where to go?! to

For the second time, luck smiles at him: he has not forgotten his fatherland about his offspring. There will be a special flight of the Ministry of Emergencies, but you need to reach not the local airport, but the capital. Closed cities and borders. A seeker of sharp sensations arrives in the three-way flight of the Ministry of Emergencies, ready to kiss everyone. No one wants to kiss.

A flight to Moscow arrives, tears turn out from the eyes of the young "fighter", but it is too early to rejoice! 14 days in isolation.It is already in the second!! The second step is morally easier. Certainly theirs! It is very close to the hometown of Mochosransk - one flight. During this time, the country is also undergoing drastic changes.

After long customs, a fireman-command aircraft finally arrives in the district center of Mukhosransk. Are you from Moscow? We are waiting for you, please come here! For you, almost heated apartments, for 14 days!Do not thank you!

And our hero moves the third term on the same article!It is 😉

Sitting at home is not the worst thing.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154187
After the epidemic, the authorities will resolve and punish the culprits:
People because their hands are badly washed.
Doctors are badly treated.
Heroes will be rewarded: officials and television callers.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154186
If there is chemistry, there will be physics. Divorce and mathematics.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №154185
How I almost drowned in school competitions and swam third

The third class. I and a few other classmates go to an athletic group (fortunately I don’t even understand why, apparently, it would be).

Fizruk says, “There is a possibility to put you in the pool.”

I said, “I can’t swim.”

“Well, at the same time you will learn,” persuaded Fyzruck.

Oh well ok.

The school with a swimming pool was located in the neighbouring district. The school was not a profile for athletes, but simply had a swimming pool that has not collapsed since Soviet times. In general, the pool also had its specifics - it was strictly for children (not even for adolescents) - at first it had a depth "by the knee", and at the end of my third-class was slightly above the heels.

Swimming in the pool, where you always feel the bottom, was easy. And "to the depth" I almost never swam, except to push away from the shore.

Thro the winter, we were engaged in swimming, and in my case rather walking, and in the spring, the physician told us that there were competitions between schools, including swimming.

“We need to introduce experienced swimmers in every age category! You went to the swimming pool all the winter – it’s time to show everything you’ve learned!” Importantly, as if from the tribune, he was speaking phyzruck.

Said is done. The girls enrolled, the quotas for athletes were covered. I took a calm breath and stayed on the “reserve bench.”

On the day of the competition, a fist comes to me:

Do you have a swimsuit with you?! to

And what?

Damn take it! I had a swimsuit with me because after the lessons there was a swimming pool.

- Katka did not come to school today, and we can't call her! It’s time to go to the competition!! You will be in her place!

I can’t swim...

Why are you swimming there? Just a hundred! In your age category other species are not stated at all. You will push back stronger from the border and forward!

Maybe I should not send anyone instead of a catch? I had an auction stage.

I have already submitted it as a member. From our team then the glasses will be removed for the unappeared athlete.

Okay well. Power for the team.

At this point no one understood the magnitude of the mutual misunderstanding.)

Competitions were already held in special swimming pools for athletes, and right from the start I went under water. Not feeling the bottom, I desperately wandered around the circle, trying to catch up with at least a tile of the border. It was honestly heroic. After a while, I felt the vector of the right direction – a pin in the back with my leg – and a miracle! I was swimming. There I could already, going under the water, feel the bottom, so I pushed back and cheered that there was urine. At the finish I was waiting for a rescue depth "by the chest" and a frightened physique:

What? what? What was it?!! He was grumbling.

Let me tell you that it is deep!

This is a pool for competition.

I said I can’t swim!! to

I thought you were humble!

Snoring with emotions (and I also with water), physruck and I did not notice that of the six tracks of "experienced swimmers of the younger age category" I went to the finish of the third.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154184
I and Abramovich, I and Greff, I and Sechin – this is the social distance... And with normal people on the street, I just have a distance between physical bodies.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №154183
One day I turned off from fatigue, my son was a year old with a small one. Lie on the bed, he was playing on the floor next to him, riding a machine with large wheels. I slept and listened. As I heard or felt it, I could be with my eyes closed. I lie. I sleep. He is playing. He is nearby. Everything is OK. He rides the machine on the floor. He is a little silent, but there is something going on there. He rides the machine on the floor again. Now on my back. How pleasant! and Kaif. Riding on the back and shoulder. Again on the floor. Now in the face. Poppy is Katy. Not to open my eyes. Running on the hair. On the cheek. It smells shit. It smells more shit! I open my eyes. He rolled a bunch, crushed with his fingers, crushed on the floor. She rolls on her wheels and then on me, on my face and my hair.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №154182
I went to my bakery at home, and they are collecting puddles. The bakery is cool, the guys are young, sociable, it is nice to just go even for a fresh bread. It turns out that the owner of the room called them and said:

“There are difficult times now, all my tenants have problems with money. Many were closed. This month, the rental will be a little different. We’ll go up at 5,000 and then we’ll see. You have bread, and you will not stop taking it.

Well, let him look "there", and the guys move to the neighboring room for half the price for 3 months, and then for 7 thousand. Cheaper than today. Hopefully they’ll all be fine, the bridesmaids are delicious!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154181
I work with the watchdog method.

We live in a dormitory together.

We go to the bathroom together.

We go to work together on the bus.

But you can only go into the dining room one by one. Is it worth saying that we are standing in front of the dining room together?

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №154180
I was very nervous about it.Now I looked at it all.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now my mom was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now my mom was nervous about it.Now my mom was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it.Now I was nervous about it

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №154179
It is a pity that in our time, fewer and fewer agree to black work and more and more agree to black affairs.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154178
So, I decided to collect puzzles under the tea with fleas tonight. Ordinary banal puzzle, puzzle, piece by piece.
Okay, it did well 😉

I have these puzzles tightly linked to two people. The first person is my daughter. I used to be a DJ on "Master Radio" once in the broadcast that my child loves puzzles.
The DJs were very loved and danced. My daughter gave me two puzzles. Being a smart kidner, she quickly studied them and in a couple of days already folded as a Korean soldier the Kalashnikov machine. It always took me, I could watch her collecting puzzles as they look at the fire, the river and what else.

And the second person is one of my former bosses, Pasha. A man he was, though young, but very focused, purposeful and demanding. He worked as a pharmacist and I worked as a translator. The discipline in the office was iron. The working day began at 8:00 p.m., who did not reach - for every minute minus a dollar from the salary.
Pasha treated me respectfully, but once because of the strong ice I was not just late - I was late for an hour and a half. Just the transport all stopped, because the ice road from the sky still rained. Pasha thought, but still everyone who was late then fined according to the scheme.
I lost almost half of my salary.

Evil I have hidden. And on her birthday she gave her favorite boss a gift individually from herself - a huge puzzle the size of a carpet on a wall, a landscape with a castle.

The next day at eight in the morning, Pasha was not there. Everyone was surprised because he wasn’t drinking at all. In other words, the boy was right.
He was not there at nine. There was no ten either. He appeared only without a quarter of twelve. With terribly red eyes and although restrained but blurred sight. Without removing the calculator, he told the accountant to deduct $225 from his salary, after which he removed a paper with his own order on fines from the wall.

And passing by me, stealing showed me the fact and quietly said:
And yet I collected it.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154177
In vain you laugh at those who burned the 5G tower in North Ossetia. Do you understand physics? No is? And they all have 100 points of EEG there.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154176
xxxx: I got the stuff! Is this a high difficulty for you? hands - two, legs - two, eyes - two, head - in availability, you did not lose when creating a Persian, you did not have a career in India or Somalia, did up to adulthood, free-to-play up to 18 years minimum, education free, from the crane almost drinking water, a roof over the head and an internet bonus - AND ALL THAT, SCKO, THAT IS LITTLE! And amins are goats, and donuts, and stuff shit, and more exotic complaints! It is all in your hands! All the manuals - there is, roll any branch (except magic - hz when fixed), and you want - be a multi-class (boxer lawyer - not a fiction) - but you did not read the manuals, did not listen to the mentors who said "learn", and now you do not know! I don't like - *RosComNadzor* and on rep on the Indian system.

Yyy: Can I get another specialist in the service?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №154175
One day, in a break between work, I decided to do it again. The Russian philosopher. Since the outcome of the admission was me, in principle, not important, my mood was extremely pofigistic. I would even say, a playful mood. And I got a difficult question at the literature exam: "Revolutionary themes in the lyric of Nekrasov".

My yo...

I, besides that this work, Vanya, was a terribly enormous and dull-poor Belarusian, remembered nothing. at all. Therefore, when I went to the examiners' table, my sight was insanely confident, my sight straight, and my speech clear and firm.

I said, “I fear that this work of Nekrasov does not quite correspond to the stated themes and does not reveal revolutionary nature, but I want to tell you about it...”

And with a glass eye and pathetics in his voice, he issued a two-page composition of a 17-year-old ballbess named Vitaly, that is, a poet who poets himself.

Brad type: And in the hot spot he gets, and in the high castle that on the rock runs. The men gathered together, strangely smiling. A large crowd is rushing out.

Moreover, since I declamated without speech and with a worthy Stanislavsky intonation, I was sure that I would be stopped in the second paragraph. But not. The fifty-five-year-old chairwoman and her young colleague raised their eyebrows and listened to everyone! Until the end!

of course! Absolutely unknown work of the great writer. Several times during the Benefit I was laughing, but I resisted, realizing that without it I would now be taken to clean water and crucified. Maybe even a couple of times...

Again I was wrong! The chairwoman fixed her glasses on her nose and said, “You o-shi-ba-e-se!” I stumbled in anticipation of the phrase "This is not Nekrasov", but Madame continued: "Nikolai Alekseevich in this work speaks precisely about the predisposition of society to rebellion. The meaningless and merciless" and further explained to me how the great poet was guided by creating this verse.

Assessment of 4. Free...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №154174
The call. The Polite Man (VH)

VH (the old friend’s tone)

Good day! We and you in February 2019 wrote to (the name of a well-known website for sales) about the stangist belt..You haven't bought it yet...

I: Yeah... well, probably yes...

VC (with enthusiasm)

- I have a great offer for you - Belarusian shower at a favourable price!

I :...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154173
and Taxi.

I arrived at the address, waiting for the client. A woman comes out. He goes to my side. A mask, which, unfortunately, is rare among passengers. I think I praise her, because I work in the respirator myself. She sits in the car, looks at me and takes off her mask.

Why did you remove the mask?

I’m tired, I’m walking all day today.

I am a virus.

These masks do not help. I can also get infected.

I: And without it you can infect me.

You have such a job...

Well, yes, I went to her.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna