— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №155195
The iPhone 13 will cost 35 thousand rubles.
and oh! Why so cheap?! to
There will be a box. The phone must be purchased separately.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №155194
At the children’s playground with the father of two and a half-year-old children.

I said, “It’s hard with two, probably.”

Happy father: “It’s better, the main sleepless nights are over. I am now morally prepared for financial losses. After all, every toy in a double option to buy.”

“It’s not just toys. The dresses are the same. A bit of a different shade and they’re going to struggle.”

Happy father: “Well, if brother and sister will still fight for the dress, I will definitely go crazy.”

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №155193
A friend called me a day ago at night, asked urgently for 30,000 in debt, drunk. I refused, said no. Then he got a great idea in his head, you say you have a credit card, throw it away from me! The next great idea visited me, I sent it to x%y and turned off the sound on the phone. And now the story, as he told me now sober.

He wanted a paid love, found a number, called, transferred a 5k prepayment, went. Upon arrival, the closed door, he calls the prostitute, he is told a story: The door with an electronic lock, just doesn't open, you need a minimum payment of 10k then will open. It translates 5K. The door does not open, he calls the prostitute, she says what is happening, the door has been locked. The acquaintance requires to open the door or return the money, he is given the number of the owner and the owner of the protons finally explains everything to him: It turns out, there are 4 prostitutes and the pass system is set up in such a way that at the moment there will be paid at least 40,000, that is. 10 for each, the door will not open. But you, say, translate, the door will open and you will take your money! He started calling everyone he could, no one gave money and the door did not open. That’s how, I say because of you 10,000 lost))) The choked scheme)))

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155192
In the past, people loved to read books and listen to each other, but now people love to listen to books and read to each other.

© Police

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155191
Do not be afraid of divorce.

I will tell you the story of my divorce. I got married early at 21. On a very good girl, but after some time began to live with her somehow not very, then a son was born, and living with her became worse.

I drank endlessly on various occasions, and often without a reason.
"Look, Yulia's husband drives her three times a year abroad, and we only once were in Egypt.
- Natashkin's husband gave her a jeep, and you just bought me a fiesta.
- That you are constantly working, you are going to be at home, you need to spend more time with me.

I thought about divorce as if it was out of place. That would be good, of course, but it is all in some way. What people will think, the son is small again. How do I give up. The apartment and other properties are already in use.

Then I started having pressure. Specifically such a joke. And six years ago I went to the hospital, and I was hanged a device there to measure pulse, pressure and so on over the course of the day. And when I gave this device, the next day the doctor invited me to a conversation:

Meet me, this is my psychiatrist.
I am not crazy, I smiled.
“We are all a kind of psychic,” said the psychologist.
Did you have a scandal at home yesterday?
It’s okay, but why are you asking?
"Well, look, in the morning you went to work, the pressure and pulse is fine, and at 6 o'clock you went home?
- Yes
And it started. Look at the schedule. Pulse slaps, tachycardia, pressure 180/120 and so on to the night.

Then I told him everything. That I don’t want to go home because there’s a depressing atmosphere, that I’m the first volunteer for long journeys, that I prefer to go out to the production with a overnight stay to watch the tech process, though it’s not my turn. Because I am well there, and my home is bad.

He listened, left me and said:
I will be brief. If you want to live, you have to decide something for yourself. You either get divorced or you die. I am not joking. I will not advise you to go to a family psychologist and all that. Too many years you’ve been married, 14 years is not a joke. My advice to you, as a man to a man, and as a doctor to a patient. and divorce.

It caught me very well. He walked to the car like a lost man. There was no courage to divorce. I thought, I thought, I didn’t invent anything, because the tuffak is not brave in this regard. Even the thoughts were like this: it would be great if she had changed me, and then I would have accused her and divorced in full law. Tom is such a nonsense. But I did not have the courage to come and say. Well, I thought that this is my karma, and I will continue to live, and the doctor may be wrong and generally tolerate - fall in love and all that. It was so until a moment.

I bought furniture for a new apartment. There was a bunch of cardboard left in the corridor. I wanted to throw it out, but the wife said that her brother would come and take what was there in the garage to bed on the roof. This card is for a week. On Monday I have a plan, a meeting. The call, wife
I feel uncomfortable calling again.
What a meeting, listen to me!! When will you clean your card? Twenty times I told you, I just fell through it, broke my nail, you are a man or not, how much to endure?

I turned off the phone, something inside me seemed to be broken. I apologized and said I had to leave immediately. He sat in the car, came home, went to the bedroom, collected trousers, socks in the sports bag, put carabines in the blankets, took them into the car. He returned, took his jacket, more things, and took it back into the car. I returned and said that I would not live with her anymore and divorce. He left and did not return.

That night I slept on the office sofa. Then I rented the apartment, there was a week of depression, I was released from work, nobody touched me. Then he began to live slowly. After a while I realized I was alive. Fuck, I don’t exist, I live a full life! I have a great job, great prospects, I am still young, I am only 36, I am strong and healthy, I no longer have a headache! Let it go! I am living!

Then I started living with a good girl and bought a house. She lived with her in a new house. And what’s interesting: I don’t like traveling anymore, I don’t want to stay after work to work anymore, I want to go home. Home is the place where I feel comfortable and comfortable. Where there is a good person I want to come to soon. I stopped being afraid of my home, I became interested in living.

And once an adult already my son told me in secret:
Dad, that is the case. I don’t know how to tell you, but I must. It may not be right, but I respect your wife more than my mother.
I am an officer. And he asked him:
Why is that so, son?
I do not know. I think she loves me. And you too. She will never go with us. rightly?
It is true, son...

Do not be afraid to change your life. She is alone with us. If you don’t want to live your whole life with a person who “kills” you, divorce, it’s not at all painful.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №155190
Why do we have this, where have we sinned so much?
in the polling stations.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155189
XXX: 29 years old, the milk chest grows. When trying to grow a fox (in isolation so far no one has seen) got a virgin's fox. On the chest 5 hairs - 3 on the left nipple and 2 on the right. But, Blade, you have to constantly pull in your nose...

Yyy: Be careful with your desires, I look like a failed clone of yeti grown by an urn in a hairdresser. In general, morally, it is already ready to go on epilation, because it was hard to "haired" on the entire surface.

Zzzz: I hope you’re not a girl

[ + 11 - ] Comment quote №155188
A man from work. An old lady is on the way. The old lady stretches him a paper twisted several times and urges him to say, "Don't read yourself - let others read!" The man comes home, tells his wife that he met an old woman who gave him a note, but insisted, “Don’t read it yourself – let others read it!”

The man went to his best friend to ask for a bed. He comes and says that his wife has been driven out of the house. He wondered: for what? The man tells how he met an old lady who gave him a note and said, "Don't read yourself - let others read it!" A friend asked me to look at the note to find out. But as soon as he read it, he said so wickedly, "After these words I will never be your friend again!"

A man goes on the street. A police officer meets him, wondering why he goes alone late on the street. And the man tells us that he met an old lady who gave him a note and said, "Don't read yourself - let others read." He showed to his wife, and she drove her out of the house. I went to my best friend, he also read the note and also put it over the threshold. The police officer was interested and asked to give him this note. He read and said, “You have to be judged for these words.”

On the day of the trial, the judge asks the man to explain what happened. The man recalls how he met his grandmother, who gave him a note and said, "Don't read yourself - let others read it!" My friend rejected him! Then a police officer met, who was also interested in what was written in this note. I read, and then the man was here, in court. The judge was so interested in what might be in the note that he asked to show it to him. After reading the content, he said, “Yes, for such words you will not be shot!” The man was shot.

A man came to that light. And there the apostle Peter meets him and asks, what has happened? Well man and let us tell how he met an old lady, who gave him a note and punished him strictly: "Don't read yourself - let others read it!" He gave a friend to read, but he denied it. The policeman read it and brought it to trial. The judge sentenced him to shoot. The Apostle Peter was interested and asked to show the same note. He turned it out and said, “And for such words there is no place for you in paradise!”

A man went to hell. He meets him and asks what happened and how he got to him. The man began his story again about how he met an old lady who gave him a note and asked him not to read, but to let others read. The wife was expelled from the house, the best friend renounced, the police officer gave to the court, the judge sentenced to death, and also expelled from heaven. The devil was curious and he asked to show him a note. The devil said, “For such words there is no place for you in hell.”

A man fell in the summer. I was in a boat with an old man. The old man asked, what happened that the man was in the summer? The man told him how he met an old woman who gave him a note and said, "Don't read yourself - let others read it!"The woman for reading expelled from the house, the best friend also put out of the threshold, the police officer gave it to court, the judge sentenced to be shot, the apostle Peter expelled from heaven, and the devil from hell. The old man was interested and asked to give him a note. After reading the words in it, the old man cried out, "For such words there is no place for you and in my boat!"... and threw the man out of the boat.

A man is swimming. Swimming for a long time. He said, “Let me read what is written there.” He gets this note, unfolds it, and the letters are washed with water.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №155187
My friend’s daughter went to the garden. After the first day at home, we talked:

How was it in the garden, what did you do? Liked it?

We played, walked, ate and all liked it. I am very tired, I have no strength.

Well, sleep, rest until tomorrow, you will get the strength.

Do I have to go tomorrow?? to

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №155186
XX: I need your advice. The deputy director asks me to write reports instead of him, and I have enough work to do. There is no mention of additional payment. Should I go into conflict or reconcile? How would you do?

Yyy: I played billiards once in my life. A long time ago with my partner rested in the prophylactory, I went to the billiard room, and he is playing with someone. He suggested to me, I said that I could not, but he did not listen to my denials and rejections. I forced Kim. Well, I crushed the ball from all the doors. The bullet flew over the table for a meter and flew to the opposite wall. It is good that the guy who stood at the table in front of me had a great reaction - the ball passed exactly where his head was... Kiy was taken, removed from the table, and never offered to play again.

XX: That is, you are proposing to make a report so that you are not forced to do it anymore. A good advice!

YYY: Yeem, foolish, I wrote in the wrong window, I was called here for a billiard. But always please, glad to help with advice.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155185
A Jewish grandmother argued with her grandson Sema that he would not eat 25 peelings. On what he will clean up in the apartment... And here Sam eats the 24-year-old, and the 25-year-old is not in the plate... This is all you need to know about drawing up contracts.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №155184
On the way to work one road must be crossed. Lighting with a button.

After pressing the button, the desired signal should wait for 2-3 minutes.

Yesterday I approached this lighthouse and at the same time a local Dog runs with me. I have known this dog for a long time.

Smart and not aggressive. She always waits for people and only crosses the road with them.

He came and sat not far away. Since I don’t know his name, I just call him Dog. Everyone calls him so.

I greeted him as usual:

It is great, dog!

Wait for the green. While waiting, I decided to knock on the phone. Two minutes later, the light becomes green.

Go here, green dog! I said and looked around.

There were no more dogs. There was a man. He looked at me very badly.

There was nothing to explain. Accelerated the step.

I hope he saw the dog. If you haven’t seen it, you’ll forgive me someday.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №155183
It was 10 years ago, when my younger brother and I were in school. Therefore, in the evening, the whole family gathered in our three-room apartment: Mom, Dad, my brother-in-law, a turtle with a German name and a poppy who was afraid of even his own voice.

A slight immersion in the atmosphere:

Our two-story building fell under some state program of modernization and in addition to being insulated, painted and all residents put plastic windows, it was decided to build a third floor in order to increase the number of apartments for doctors from our village.

Everything is cool, only the thing is happening in Russia, which means the repair is going late in the autumn. The roof of the second floor has been removed, the builders are preparing the site for the superstructure.

In fact the essence. The evening. I’m doing lessons, I’m preparing for EEG. I took a bath, filling a new for my little brother. Meanwhile, instead of the usual evening child rage, it is constantly applied to the pillow. Mom begins to be disturbed by his lethargy, and while she tries to figure out what is happening to him, he begins to be unreasonably sick to all sides of the world.

Dad calls the ambulance, and it should be noted that the village is a happiness for the sick in terms of the speed of reaction to the problem.

An ambulance doctor examines my brother and at the same moment my huge (like the invincible Bruce Willis) daddy falls faint. My mother and I, gently speaking, do not understand what the hell is going on. Mom is even a little angry, like "Dummy, it's not time to lie here, our son is sick." Doctors take the father under the white sleeves, catch his brother and go to the hospital to examine strange symptoms.

Mom tells me to gather some things, asks a lot of questions, and I’m just very tired and want to sleep. I stop thinking about the fact that the male half of the family is in the hospital, I am so warm and just want to lie down for a moment. I wave my feet into the room and see that my mom is already lying on the couch. I take her hand and say:

We’ll sleep a little and do it all, okay?

Heavy as lead. There is a heavy, but pleasant fatigue on the body.

Mother sneezes and asks to call her cousin and tell her that Daddy is in the hospital and he needs to be taken. And then I begin to realize that the number I call from my home phone several times a day, I do not remember at all. I look at the pipe and in some wonderful way (maybe the muscle memory interfered, realizing that I am in a crane) I type a number from five digits.

As in the fog. My mom and I slept so quietly.

My sister and Daddy’s brother came and opened all the windows. We were crushed from the couch, dragged into the car and taken to the hospital to another part of the family.

Sitting on the door of the hospital with green faces and blue fingers, we were told that it was carbon dioxide.

Comrades builders filled our mine with garbage and other remains of the roof of the second floor. The gas column that heated us water for those water procedures that day was slowly killing us.

We sat, hugged together, crying and thanking the forces that saved us that day.

The body of the brother, who was the only one who reacted to the gas by rejection.

Dad and his strange fainting that surprised him more than frightened him.

The sister who opened the windows and saved the bird and my favorite reptile.

We have not won any courts. I don’t even remember that we care so much. My mother said, “The most important thing is to be alive.”

There are three doctors in the parents’ apartment.

Even if we don’t need their help anymore.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №155182
It was summer 2004, when I was 14 years old. My mother and I, while resting in Evpatoria, bought a ticket for a one-day tour of the sights of the southern shore of Crimea.

At 6 a.m. we were picked up by a bus.

While I was enjoying the views from the window, my mom was talking to the girl who was sitting next door. I remember that she introduced herself to Svetya from the city of Minsk, she also rested in Eupatoria, she looked like she was 25 years old, I remembered her blonde curly hair and a pleasant smile.

In the continuation of the entire tour, my mom told the light already well-known story to me - "Oh, husband, an alcoholic, oh money netu, my daughter is raised in the university, ahh so difficult to live!!“Aha, Aha Aha”

When our companion was interested in how I live, my mother was responsible for me, said that I was just wonderful, continuing my heartbreaking story about my difficult fate.

Upon arrival at the first paid attraction, my mom loudly and proudly stated that we don't have money, Light immediately called to pay for us, my mom first refused, but after a short deal accepted the offer of a new acquaintance.

This story was repeated at the entrance to the museum, and at the tasting of Crimean wines, and in the cafe. My mother thanked the good girl for her help.

To repay the debt, Mom and her new acquaintance agreed to meet in Evpatoria on the beachfront near the entrance to the nightclub.For every case, Svetha wrote on a towel her contact information, her temporary address in Crimea and permanent in Minsk.

On the day of the meeting, my mother and I came to the beach, my mother began to look for a nightclub, but after a short search, she gave up with the words, "Oh, Oh, I will never pay back my debt! When I reminded my mother of the note left by the Light, my mother replied that the towel had been lost.

The summer has passed, I was preparing for the school year, rushed into the boxes in search of some shit to my amazement in the pile of bills and papers was lying the same towel.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №155181
A few years ago, my friends moved to Israel, to Tel Aviv.

Once they went to a local supermarket with the desire to buy something for a quick snack for lunch. They were in a hurry, but in front of them was a lovely grandfather at the only working box, to whom the cashier pierced each item separately, and paid for it.

When finally their turn came, they asked the cashier what the gentleman’s behavior was related to. It turns out that this is their regular customer, and he always does so that the amount is rounded in his favor for every purchase, not for everything at once.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155180
In the middle of the zero, having completed the first course of the institute, prepared for a planned operation on the knee joint. Before all operations, tests for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis are always taken. I passed the analysis in a paid clinic (the deadlines burned), I come for the results.

- Yes, graforlov0904, your results are ready, test for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis - positive.

In the sense? Can’t, it is a mistake! - I understand myself that I did not do any injections, with the girls in the first class at the technical institute a little worse than at all, and it wasn't before them, the main task for most was simply not to leave the university.

“No,” says the nurse, no mistake, the result is positive. and pause. Well, in the sense – good, not sick.

Pulling out the brick from his pants, he boldly hinted to the nurse that it was not good to do so. Whether the information reached her interstitial nerve node is uncertain.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №155179
Yesterday I went to the studio, I needed to replace the lightning on the jacket. Since I don’t carry cash with me, I asked if I could send the prepaid to the card. The woman agreed and began to look for a map - broke the entire wallet, looked into her jacket, looked at the table, under the table, nowhere to find. I could not stand it and asked:

Do you have a card attached to your phone?

She cried out:

Oh of course! Totally forgotten!

I took the phone, bended the box and got a card from there.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №155178
xxx: This contrast is of course in communication with 22-year-old boys and 36-year-olds. The first would write to me at midnight, and the second would go to bed at 22:00.

Yyy: Just the phone shines in the eyes of my wife))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №155177
Time is good, and happiness is good!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №155176
Funny story from the early 1970s. My husband was sent to one of the small countries of West Africa for 3 years. Then for such a long period of time Soviet citizens were sent with families, along with my husband, I flew with a small child. The flight was quite difficult. From Moscow they flew on IL-18 to Lagos (then the capital of Nigeria) with an intermediate landing in Tripoli, and in Lagos they were transferred to a local airline aircraft.
The capital of the country in which we lived was built from the time of existence of the French colony with one- and two-storey villas, in some of them there were still ground floors. The more modern were the quarters of the houses in European style, the further they were located from the center of the city.
Soviet citizens dispatched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs lived mostly in the embassy house on the street adjacent to the embassy. Employees of the trade office, the TASS, the consul, the counselor of the embassy, the correspondent of the newspaper "Pravda" lived in the city at different distances from the embassy. The entire Soviet colony did not exceed 50 people.
The climate in the country is equatorial, the temperature depending on the season (dry or humid) ranges from 25 to 32 degrees Celsius. You want to dress in something natural and easy. Before leaving, I bought a satin costume at Tsume: trousers (not shorts, God put it) and a shirt under the throat, shoulders covered, in front of the shirt reached the hips, but the back ended a centimeter below the shutdown of the shirt, i.e. Part of my back, horror, was naked. At the time, I was 27 years old, no folds on my back and protruding abdomen, my skin smooth. I could not offend the eyes of others because local ladies, not working with Europeans, walked topless, simply wrapping their thighs with a piece of fabric, rather brightly painted. A second piece of cloth was rolled into a burn, a ring of this cloth was placed on the head, and a enameled pelvis was wrapped on it, replacing the local sailors and a women’s bag, and plastic bags, which in those years were not widespread. But the attitude of the African women was royal.
One day, a senior official from the Old Square came to this African country with an inspection. He checked how Soviet citizens live and work so far from the borders of the Motherland. The event is not ordinary, so when visiting the places of residence, the visitor's employees were accompanied personally by the Ambassador of the Soviet Union and high-ranking diplomats. Because it was working time, only we and the baby were in the house. All the explanations to the high person was given by the Ambassador, everything in the house was okay, there were no comments. My participation in the conversation was reduced to “Hello, please pass!” and “Goodbye.”
Approximately half an hour later (the time of the commission to get to the embassy and settle in an air-conditioned room with refrigerated drinks) a roofed husband calls: "Start gathering, we are sent to Moscow at 48 o'clock, the head - an excuse." Soon the husband and head of the unit come and explain that, in the opinion of the inspector, I am unnecessarily dressed, disgrace the high rank of a Soviet man, submitted to the corrupt influence of the West, etc., etc. The expulsion meant the complete collapse of my husband's career and an indelible spot on reputation.
To the sewing products is usually attached a cardboard with indication of the details. Such a card from the shocking inspector costume I, fortunately, did not have time to throw away. And on the cardboard in addition to the article it was printed that this product was sewn by the Soviet factory in accordance with GOST, therefore recommended to Soviet women. A piece of fabric with a button was always sewn to such a cardboard, so that her belonging to the scandalous suit did not cause any doubt.
The testimony of the origin of the costume was immediately presented to the light of the eyes, to which was complacently spoken: “Go, work.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna