— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №136781
I recently saw the Big Cat Scare.
There are two cats and a cat at home. There was no day — idylly: I sleep, cats sleep, the cat has found the perfect place — my black wool dress — and also sleeps. At some point, I wake up from the fact that there is a top of elephants in the apartment... How does a normal cat run? So far I go. A couple of times here and that’s it. Soon I can hear how I go-to-to-to-to-to! And it does not stop! I get out of bed: a chain of things lost by the child, socks, packaging from under the condom stretches down the floor from under the bed - in a word, a whistleblower. At some point, Tigdim-Tigdim is quiet, my mother in the neighboring room is roaring.
And now the puzzle: the cat slept on a dress and grabbed her neck to the rope, for which it clings to the hangover, and then got up and went on to his cat affairs. The dress (black, long) is behind her. The cat run - dress after her! The cat under the bed - the dress behind her, and then out of the bed, simultaneously pulling out everything that there was not waiting for the swab - and behind the poor scared cat! She, not knowing how to get away, runs around the apartment, the two stunned cats run after it, all have a wool of oatmeal, tails like oats... In general, the animal hit the couch from where it was pulled out and released from captivity. The dress wiped out the floor and went to laundry.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №136780
Talk about role games

XHH: I would probably be upset about the need to be constantly in the image.

WOW: Well yes. From that point of view, they look stupid.

HHH: And the very hell, when people continue to stumble in life
type "I am a fox, fire-fire",
Or there, I am a vampire, blabla.

Someone really does well. For example, the role of the pitcher. Direct for a lifetime.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №136779
When I was a child, I read a book in which a girl came to her grandfather for the holidays. Grandfather had hats for every occasion of life - for work, for sleep, for a holiday, and there was a cat without nails, who slept in a suitcase, so that the mice didn't catch him. There was also a magical horse - Pegasus, the wizard bird and her assistant.

Dora Alonso "A Walk in the Magic Valley" The only publication I know is, together with the stories of Maurice Karem and the novel of Sven Wernstrem, The Crash of the Black Knight.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №136778
The US aerospace agency NASA is recruiting volunteers to study the effects of muscle atrophy, who will be paid $18,000 each for 70 days of strict bed rest and cannabis smoking.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136777
Imagine a vessel with an absolutely flat bottom. And put on the bottom a flat piece of wood so that it lies completely on the bottom, and there is no water left between it and the bottom.
Question: What is the force of the archimed with which water acts on this piece of tree?
Your missing theoretical physicist.

In Wikipedia, which is used by schoolchildren, it is stated that the law of Archimedes is not applicable to this case. Popular - there is no pressure of water on the piece from below, it will not pop up. Because of this, sometimes submarines can not break off from the bottom.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №136776
About how two managers came to Rao EES to check "the warehouse of finished products".
Tell me how it went, don’t be ashamed. As the chief engineer showed them on the wires and boxes and said "Please read". And two of these red men from their own debility of the ugly then returned to Gazprom and fired the man. A professional who has two years to retire. And then the other professionals were replaced by managers. What a difference, it’s just the energy of the country.
Have fun ch.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №136775
When the new version of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. will be released? to

Just after Half-Life 3.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136774
Something in my house smells hot.
What did you cook?
What I cooked, I’ve thrown away, it smells like something else.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №136773
Cats and mice (in the context of the current trends):

Two o’clock at night, the bar is closed. A German mouse rises out of the bar, looks around - there is no cat, carries to the bar, fills herself with beer, drinks and flies back to the bar.

After a minute, a French mouse appears, looks around - there is no cat, he also goes to the bar, pouches himself wine, drinks and also runs into the cave.

The Mexican mouse is raised - there is no cat, tequila, norca.

It looks like a Russian mouse - no cat, runs to the bar, pouches 100 grams, drinks, looks around - no cat, pouches the second, drinks - no cat, pouches the third.
Then the fourth and fifth... after the fifth he sits down, looks around - no cat!
- smashes the muscles and cries so badly: "Well, we’ll wait..."

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №136772
and lying. Mom soon to retire, of course, for the grandmother we have been caring for a long time now, and not the grandmother for any of us, but the confidence in his non-earthly greatness and the right to all indicate this grandmother did not lose a drop. And my mother will not learn to report to her as a second-class girl, although everyone has only problems from this (including the grandmother, who adds to any received information Something Terrible Happened, and is taken to be fun to shake the nerves of themselves and others).
So don’t listen, it’s absolutely unclear who helps whom and whether it helps at all. You are not respected because you have not formulated the correct analogue of the formula, and this is MY business, and you allow parents to go where they absolutely do not need it. They have already raised their own children.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136771
Lord, can anyone explain in two words what the post is about?
yyy: Logical chain: Friday – evening – alcohol – consciousness flow + Internet availability. That is all.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136770
I decided to try something new, it went well, in the end they both stunned, I hardly raised my thorns because of the vertebrae's shaking, she stood up to the bath because of the lumbar. scratched through tears.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136769
My husband and I go to Peter for the weekend. The first trip together after the birth of my son, who is a year old.
He: and the main thing is the return train not to sleep, or we can.
I: Why are you all about sleeping? I specially booked a room with sound insulation...!
He said, “Nobody will stop you from sleeping.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136768
Liana: fucking, overdried, and it looks like the skin broke
Scorpion: Don’t worry, it will survive
I don’t want to wear gloves (

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №136767
Review of the film "The Dark Knight" about Batman:
The hero saves the city from the tyranny of capital, which is subordinated to both the mafia and the police, awakening in the people humanity, and he is interfered by an oligarch in the costume of a flying mouse, which covers technology.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136766
I read the rules of one website:
1.2 The If you do not agree with these Rules, please write to the Resource Administrator. It will deactivate or delete your account.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136765
xxx: My phone thinks I am at the airport in Vnukovo. He is probably a dreamer.

xxx: I just used to all sorts of settings, and it turned out that the Google map knows everything about my movements in the previous days. And in those days when I didn’t turn on the GPS, I was swimming somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. He was doing something suspicious. And I do not remember anything about it. You can start to be scared.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №136764
About the little jokes of the neurological department: called once neuropsychologists to the patient in the chamber. Grandma is well over 80, with a stroke in lSMA, paresis of the left side of the body and sight, as well as with the absence of speech. The treating doctor was worried – the patient was sad and breathed hard and seemed to be quietly driving to a depressed state. While I, young and inexperienced, looked sadly at the sad grandmother, thinking about how to bring her out of a depressed state, my wise and experienced colleague, and at the same time a mentor, first inspected the chamber and shrugged her hand.

“Listen, so move the grandmother over,” she said, “and she looks into the wall. I would also be sad if I looked at the tiles all day.

Grandma was transferred. She was drastically amused. I realized that sometimes you need to treat life much easier than you try at first.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136763
I spoke on the phone with my companion, normally talking about affairs, about life, and about different things. He was just telling me about his work, as suddenly in the middle of his story he interrupted himself with a phrase:

A second, I’ll call back.

He did not call back. Not in ten minutes, not in a week, not even in six months. I tried to call him first, but the phone was turned off. I tried to reach him through common acquaintances, but no one knew neither in the dream nor in the spirit where he was now and what he was doing.

And then the other day he called again and as nothing happened to know how I was doing things and all that. When I asked him what he was talking about, and where he actually stumbled during the last conversation, the comrade calmly explained that he was tired of all this shit.

He told me something on the phone, suddenly he became sad for his meaningless life (apparently cosmic urine hit his head) and he wildly stumbled, well, he decided to bring diversity to life in a very reluctant way: swelled up and left to Vladivostok (the case was in Rostov) for 8 months (! ) is Why his wounded soul decided to treat it there - "and the hell knows." And the phone specially cut off so that no one refused him to come back.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136762
My husband came from a business trip. The child wraps around the suitcase and says, “Dad, get the toy!” You brought a toy, I know, get it quickly!" I decide to squeeze the impatient child a little and say, “Our dad usually brings dirty shirts, trousers and socks in his suitcase from a trip. Why do you think there is a toy there now?". What the husband philosophically notes: "This is who gets out of the suitcase. Who’s the dirty shirts and shirts and who’s the toys?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna