— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №38298
Feeling awkward, Mummy had eaten the foamplast since evening.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №38297
I understood that the adult, when he saw himself on December 31 at 23.55 on television. smoke

[ + 97 - ] Comment quote №38296
xxx: why is an ibolite depicted in all clinics - he is a veterinarian?? to
yyy: killed )))

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №38295
Listening to the album in this quality is like having sex with the girl of your dreams through a metal condom. As well as their goals achieved, and pleasure - zero foolish"

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №38294
40 cars collided in Togliatti
What, right on the conveyor?

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №38293
I live in a dormitory.
The eternal problem of the toilet: everyone walks, nobody washes. Everything genius is simple. On the A4 is written the phrase "Strong representatives of sexual minorities can not be washed behind" and, shit, all like silk :)

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №38292
From the Odessa Forum:

G: Tell 3 software products that are in use but are not updated
M: Sapphire, Sapphire and Spider

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №38291
In her 67 years Zinaida Grigorievna looks a thriving, full of strength man. “Am I like a dying man?” she asks. In fact, it’s hard to believe that this woman... has lived without food and water for more than three years. So, at least, she and some of her acquaintances say. Is it possible?
Zinaida Grigorievna is 67 years old and suffers from marasma and sclerosis. So she often forgets that she drank and ate five minutes ago and her girlfriends went too, which is not surprising at this age.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №38290
The Halloween night. The club. We stand with a friend at the entrance, pulling a beer. Witches, vampires and other wickedness pass by... and here at the club’s threshold appears with a wide smile...Pope Francis. High such, in a red robe, with a cross. And with the same sweet smile begins to fall by the sign of the cross passing by Dracula... and then we met the monk... apparently came with him - the Holy Inquisition, she is everywhere.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №38289
Imagine she has four brothers and all the boys!
I : Yeah well! And all the boys?! to
Q: Did you not know?

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №38288
To demonstrate his speed, Bruce could replace a 10-cent coin on another person's palm with a 1-cent coin before he had time to squeeze it.

So he earned...

[ + 93 - ] Comment quote №38287
The early bird eats a worm. This saying has always been incomprehensible.
God gave her it because she got up early.
XX: I understand that, but the worm got up earlier and was eaten. Fuck what it is

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №38286
Esperanto: Dimabilan also sounds like a medicine
+ Stels+ : dimabilan??????? to
+ Stels+ : is it a vomiting like?

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №38285
The child needs to be wise! So we’ll wait a little while... :)
The mind or the child?

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №38284
of Moscow. 2 of November. Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy protodiakone Andrei Kuraev offered future priests an unusual way to arrange their personal life.

When asked how to find a mother, Father Andrei during one of his recent meetings with seminarians replied: Regents - students of the regent department - are Orthodox girls, mostly from Popov families. She will wipe your baldness all your life: "and my dad didn't do it, and my mom didn't advise it, you can eat it, and you can't eat it, kiss here, and don't kiss here, and so on".

Therefore, he continued, it is better, guys, yes, in a missionary way to say: go to the city, at the disco find an unbelieving girl. Catechize her, I can’t catch her. The merit will be yours: you have saved your soul for the Church!

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №38283
When are you getting married?
Why do married people ask me this question?

[ + 97 - ] Comment quote №38282
Glasses-stricker a-la mask of the welder, pants of the company "Ya obosralso", pink huniya with strawberries (strawberries larger), ladies-simple-lords-bags a-la dream of a peasant to collect the crop of potatoes, design shoes from the Shizofrenic, the motto of which "The more terrible, the more beautiful" and ahead to conquer the world! What a world, such are the conquerors.

Girls who are not crazy, keep up! We are less and less!
Blonde and untouched girl.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №38281
In its best times, the British Empire was governed by 60% of the Earth’s population (460,000,000 people), and it owned land on all six continents, including Antarctica. 70% of the world capital. The total area of its land was twice the size of modern Russia. Almost the whole land was suitable for life. At this time, they could have captured the rest of the world without much effort. And now they are sitting on their tiny island, calling their children the most hated name for the English people (Mohammed) and eating hot dogs. A great fall.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №38280
111: The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs has developed amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which proposes to legislatively fix the possibility of a 60-hour working week, the concept of "distance work", as well as to reduce to a month the period of mandatory warning about dismissal.
Is it possible to be fired only on Yuri's day?

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №38279
Can I ask you for some help?

Frodo to help you, I will fall to Mordor

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna