— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 54 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27308
Animal rights activists disappeared after deciding to fuck up on bikers.

Police were looking for three missing activists who were going to protest against skinned bikers on the biggest bike slate. Two of them were later found in washing tanks next to the snack, packed with an insulator on the ears. The third cyclists wrapped the scotch to the tree.

"Something went wrong" – said the organizer of the protest, – "Everything went wrong!"

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №27307
When I came to a managerial position in a new company for me, on the first day I met a accountant. She gave me a note and asked me to sign up. Then I looked at the signature and said:
"Uff... all right, the signature is easily fake".

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №27306
Every time you talk to a girl, think of her ex. If the girl is read, smart and relaxed, thank him for not hindering her from developing. If she knows how to joke and be the soul of the company - thank him for not laughing at her sense of humor and lighting up with her before you. If she has her own style - thank you twice, for supporting in the difficult way of choosing this same style. If a girl is full of bad habits - it means he did not support in time, did not find the strength to solve her problems. If it is closed, it means it has developed its complexes. If she is afraid even to dress up with you, he laughed at her. If she is ugly, selfish, morally ugly, then he has destroyed her entire inner world. Just remember him. And think about what you can do. You can help someone near you, and you can turn her into a furia and her life into hell. It is your choice. After all, girls depend too much on us, guys, while we try to improve ourselves. Just remember and draw conclusions.

[ + 134 - ] Comment quote №27305
No more to report... the system is tired!! Judges on the side of the menta! I was deprived of my rights, despite the fact that I had witnesses... the judge said that he does not trust my testimony and the testimony of my witnesses, but he believes the mentions without fault... I am not the only one! Many are so missing! I am tired of the mindfulness of judges.! to

Z is. Judge Mikheev Y. A. (Court District 92) - a cattle who fears for its place and decides everything in favor of the mints!
Support them, everything has to be fair.

[ + 49 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27304
to this:
I will remember today’s journey home for a lifetime.
There were 7 people in the march.
In the front, there are 3 healthy skins.
In the back - three no less healthy guests from Tajikistan.
In the middle, at the passage, I was sitting and trying to merge with the chair.
= = = = is = is = is = is = is = is = is = is = is
What has ended?Interesting is...

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №27303
Elections are taking place here.
A father with a child is a 5-year-old girl.
D is What are they doing there?
O O. They give us papers and we choose someone.
D is I choose a horse.
O O. There is no such.
And sadly like this:
But maybe that would be better.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №27302
The yellow press is delighted with the news:

37-year-old American hit in a car accident, shaving the shoulder behind the wheel (how? Shit, how did she do that???

A hungry panda attacked a pig farm, but refused to eat pork meat (no doubt, everyone should know this!!)

14-year-old Italian woman paralyzed after watching the movie "Paranoid phenomenon"

“American intelligence services caught a terrorist in mined trousers. (The phrase "jabar-terrorist" acquires a slightly more literal meaning...)

Peruvian surgeons cut off a 86-year-old patient's two legs instead of one (well engaged guys little, who doesn't happen!)

Two-Year-Old Baby Accepted Birth from Her Own Mother

A grandmother handed her grandson to the police because he was screaming at a poppy

A drunk American was beaten away from the police with the help of biting children (why, I have a rich imagination!)

British tractorist fined for racing at a speed of 135 km / h (and you are all about Chelyabinsk...)

Indian family adopts ex-zack as ghost

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №27301
Vladimir Putin: “I wasn’t very excited to have spent the night on Bush’s ranch. I think he himself should have thought about what would happen if he launched a former Soviet foreign intelligence officer.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №27300
From “Leninka” stolen “Utopia” Thomas More for more than a million dollars. The thief gained access to the store of rare books by buying a librarian chocolate roulette

You are invincible?

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №27299
I sit in the cinema, I don’t touch anyone, I watch a movie. Two guys are sitting in front of me. In the film, the scene is somewhat sad, everyone quieted, the girls even cried and then one guy begins to ring loudly and loudly. The second guy did not get confused and wrote him three delicious slices, adding: "Camerad, I have just fulfilled the wish of the whole hall!"

[ + 93 - ] Comment quote №27298
I watched the darkness for the third time.
Why are you not romantic?
yyy:I've been offended by romantic movies since the "Titanic" DiCaprio screw didn't break

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №27297
When I was a child, I asked my brother, 22 years old, what is a monkey?
He said that when you grow up, you will know.
I know it, fuck it! Three days of cuddling!

[ + 74 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27296
Progy: The repair factory. The worker turns off the vinyl at the balloon with compressed air. does not go. He sits on the top of the balloon and begins to help himself with a hammer. As a result, the whole hard-blowing workshop watched how this worker, Akis Munhausen at the core, flew on a balloon about 70 meters — almost through the whole workshop. Flying with open eyes and ores. Then he was taken out of shock and sprinkled with vodka.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №27295
Have you seen what our Paralympic athletes are doing in Vancouver?! to
Not the same as those caterpillars that used to be.

[ + 51 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27294
Damn, people, sorry for ug, but killed to look, tell me what a song: ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля ля! and more! I can't remember what movie I watched as a child, there are shorter people shoot, I really want to see it again! And, by the way, I stopped the door of the elevator today when my grandmother ran away, I’m a hero now, right? And yet, today we tragically killed a cockroach from the tapk of the evil uncle, honor the memory! I forgot, I am sick. I have a cold, please, the collective mind, wish me recovery, or I am tired of whispering the second day. Oh, as if it was all!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №27293
To this: today I bought peelmen for lunch, I came home, I look, and on each smiley smiley, half a kilogram of smiling peelmen, I regret throwing them into the boil :(
This is ecstasy.

[ + 60 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27292
...and my girlfriend determines the proximity of monthly after the expiration of the trial version of Kaspersky %)

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №27291
Conversation between husband and wife:
She: Dear man, go and shave.
He says: Wait a minute.
She: Go and shave!
He: Well now, I will go!
She: Here is now and go!! to
Now I’ll look at the stuff and go shave!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №27290
In the sanitary store there is a large stand with mixers. In the center of the stand is glued a paper on which it is written "The cranes do not spin, the water is not "

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №27289
Talk to a friend on the phone:
D: My computer brakes, what do I do?
Maybe some viruses?
D: No, not exactly viruses, I have four anti-viruses worth it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna