— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145184
xxx: (image from the internet) Let’s admit, sex is for those who can’t find a normal series.
YYY: I have sex like a series: I can’t find anything worthy in a new one, so I take over the old one.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145183
Comments to article with demo scenes from a 64Kb file size
x: For some reason, the majority of demos are offended by Microsoft antivirus.
Y: Because they have inside what they don’t do in normal programs.
Z is optimization?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №145182
and sweet. She will show him on the Breastfeeding Day, he will show her a festive salad and a cake with candles. That is what I will say, Jedi.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145181
I bought a house with my husband, we finished it with our own strength. With the fact that he puts a fireplace and covers the walls with stone, I accepted. But yesterday he seriously stated that he wanted to put a knight in armor in the living room! I seem to be losing much with my demand to have a cat...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145180
xxx: a miracle began to play drama-n-beas at the level of decibels so 120... attempts to talk nothing led
xxx: well I think to cut off the light, and this s$ka through the door says that the shield is closed
xxx: well in general closed - no problem, we use contactless methods. :) I take the supply, rub 5 W and attach an antenna to the "your" UZO body. Pressed on the transmission - huyax - UZOška thought it was time for her to work (and not surprisingly)
Let him now think where to find his keys to the shield.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145179
A smart home still needs to be able to conduct a video blog to make money on YouTube for its owner

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145178
Flirting with a guy on a dating site. During the conversation, he asks me in what posture I sleep. He replied, “Are you sleeping on your stomach?” You have too small breasts for my taste. Goodbye »

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №145177
YYY: Thursday is a small Friday.
XXX: For me, Thursday is the fourth Monday.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145176
a message from the forum of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the topic "how to bring to justice a person who gave incorrect forecasts on sport":
Ready for your grandmother to predict the sex of your child. If I don’t guess, I’ll get the money back. Write 24 hours a day.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145175
Everything is evolving, evolution cannot be stopped. Millions of tons of bacteria and arches do not really understand what it means that the Earth belongs to humans. They normally divide here and swim since the times when oxygen was not enough for everyone, in all the depths where there are no people. Plankton was seen, and people are such a fairy tale for amobes. Humanity is also developing. Soon there will be a mind that doesn’t have to be taught for 18 years. And it is evolving very quickly. It merges into a plasma-like state and goes to extinguish the stars, because there is no more important task in the universe.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145174
Love is love, but you have to have sex.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145173
I paid for coffee. has gone. I remembered that I did not give up. He returned, took the gift, and left. I went back to the office and realized I didn’t have coffee. Back for coffee.
Barista: I made you stronger.

Roman Rosengurt

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145172
Yesterday, the top manager of Gazprom finally spent the entire salary for February 2013!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145171
I am an adult aunt. A few years ago in the mail was drawn an old acquaintance in the theatre studio, where the teenagers went. With a sad story - the head of the same studio is accused of disgraceful actions against the students, he himself says that, by accident, the width has broken, and the children have seen that it is not necessary. Guys from my generation are writing a petition "Hands away from the respected teacher!", the public of the city is advocating... In general, the classic picture "chicken mothers" condemned the poor man, only one problem - I still know at least three girls (well, that is, now no longer girls) who before graduation of school did abortions from him. Two of them signed the petition. In short, your will, but to the stories of the “absolutely innocent man on the same spot accused of what he had not even thought of!”

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №145170
I found a reason to be passionate about photographing food.

xxx "Symptoms of Autism:....For autistic children, how food looks is very important... "

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145169
In the wake of the new film, the protagonist was expelled from work, deprived of the home, abandoned by his wife and defeated by creditors. But since the film was Indian, the hero first danced and only then stumbled.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145168
Now the girl was going in front of me, the whole world on one man-one: the lower part of the body in warm loins with Scandinavian patterns of deer and snowflakes, the upper - in the skin of the innocently killed plush leopard. Globalization and IoT

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145167
I’ve heard a new word today, but I don’t understand how a trick can be concentrated in this place.

Judging by the grace with which the Kinderthe had circumvented the mention of this word out loud, he heard it not just so.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145166
XXX: What did the developers of this Libya use?? to
YYY: With the invention of the Darknet and Bitcoin, this issue becomes urgent.
zzz: By the way, to determine what the code was written is not so difficult.
zzz: under the grass the code is accurate, scratched in detail
zzz: but some decisions without a thoughtful study (or a crunch) fuck you will understand
zzz: on stimulators - comes out such proof-of-concept style:
zzz: seem to be a bunch of tasks solved in a short time, but with detailed consideration
It turns out that the exhausts are not caught, the input is not filtered, step to the right / step to the left - and everything breaks.
zzz: in acid programming can only those who have understood the true zen, I do not know.
Zzz: Well, those who are very friendly with opiates have more serious problems than writing some code there.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145165
From the overwhelming: I mentioned on the phone the “evil Marsians” and got a long conversation from a companion in the air express that it is chauvinism and they are good.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna