— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №17183
I once noticed that in the winter the shrubs of the sirens bloomed as if they were in May, do you believe me or not?
I believe you, I know how to fuck myself.

[ + 590 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17182
I am a troll and an idiot.

All of. From tomorrow I will wear a section of the water pipes under my jacket. And if at least once a fool is going to drive around the traffic jams on the sidewalk and signal me to let him pass, I will drive his car to the fucking dogs.
I know you are in a hurry. Everyone is in a hurry. This is a fucking sidewalk. People have to walk, you know? Not another road for your car. I will not give up on your way. Even if you go out with darts, joke. Add the gas and smash me, well! The Eat? The same thing.
Fuck to fuck. Zhao-e-ba-li! to
Plus to you, gentlemen.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №17181
I understand drunk people, of course, but when the soup is poured out of the pot on a bowl and they start heating it, saying, "Now I'm burning tea!" - it's too much.

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №17180
When I was told that there was a photo of a blonde reading a book about installing and using FreeBSD in the electric drive, I naturally smiled, but when I saw that photo, and recognized myself there six months ago, I lay down from the hump...

[ + 53 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17179
Oh... when will Orbit "Socky Goodron" appear? The taste of childhood 😉

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №17178
xxx: Well what day... I broke the car in the morning, and now also lost the cap from the flash :(

[ + 56 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17177
There are no children added to me alone and they don’t ask me how I’m doing.? to

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17176
>>on: you can add more...
>>sitting around with a loved one, and pulling a glint wine
> and >
>>he: this is the truth I never drank it myself
Nothing is easier:
1) half a liter of wine (nk or more depending on how much you need...)
2) vanilla sugar - 2 bags per half litre
3) nails - by taste, here only after the experience is understandable, to begin a hint in the palm) unbinding!
1 half of lemon/orange
5) any other spices by taste (cork, muscat, etc.) not binding, as well as nail!
6) Warm up to state - hot drink
? ) The Profit!
bring the plz to the top, or people will dream of glintwein as unattainable perfection!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №17175
XXX - Dress Up
I am not cold, my love is warm.
XXX – Don’t let go!
Good alcohol...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №17174
We live in a wonderful country. He went to drink pizza, became a father and married...

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №17173
and Aska:
Kash (08:49:11 9/06/2009)
Can I have a medical question?
shusha (08:49:55 9/06/2009)
Go if I know.
Kosh (08:50:40 9/06/2009)
How to fuck a nurse while on duty?
shusha (08:51:35 9/06/2009)

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №17172
Broadcast on TV of the Stanley Cup "Detroit"" Pittsburgh". The first game. Solemn casting (like the beginning of the series). In the central circle there are two hockey players (as it should be) and two somewhat rough uncles in elegant costumes. The whistle of the judge and these rough uncles throw each on the ice. Overall, in the central circle of the two squads, the hockeys look at each other in confusion...

The old man is resting.)

and Grazhdanin.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №17171
Anything can make a woman hysterical.
A man is only a woman.

[ + 50 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17170
A deep night, on the illuminated central street, a subdued man tries to
The family cowards. The passing passengers “cracked” the pedestrian and
Engaged in service. The situation is a classic joke, the husband is not on time
I went back, well the second floor, laughed, let go.
A cautious man demanded a paper with a seal that was checked,
No complaints, although he lives nearby, but suddenly again the patrol!
After five minutes, he was brought by an out-of-premise guard.
We gave you the paper!
I lost my pockets! Can you bring it home?
I would bring you, Chewbacca! There are no cars, the battalion is dispatched.
The guard has gone!
The officer, scratched the pumpkin and placed the royalty stamp on the man.
shoulder, where drunk dumbals usually whistle “VDV”... Little, suddenly again
I looked like I was in the water!
Call to the pult from the UVD:
- You hear, Petrovich, here the haishniks of the man in the cowards brought, he
Strange tattoo on the shoulder: "October ROVD - for packs"...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №17169
I remember when in the fifth grade, my girls and I argued who better to be: a guy.
Or a girl. As an argument in their favour, they presented what we
They need to shave, but they don’t. The naive...

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №17168
b> They put a grandmother’s Ubuntu so that she could play Mahjong and Pasyance.
Now, in a dispute with the tainted windshields, I have a murderous argument: "... even my grandmother is sitting under the linen!.." ^__^

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №17167
If you turn the clock with a cucumber face to the wall, you get a clock with a cucumber))

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №17166
I go in transport. Next to her is a pretty girl. He reads the lectures (probably preparing for the session). Instead, she has a list of questions for the exam. Looked - 48 questions and subject to some technical "Design...", I think: oh-y smart means. And below under the name of the subject with large letters with an orange mark is signed:
Do you want a scholarship?! to
Do you want a red diploma?! to
Teach me fucking.
The Teachers!and "

Eric, Yoshkar-Ola

[ + 86 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17165
Do you have a cat or a cat that goes all over the apartment after going to the toilet?

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №17164
XX: What are you doing at the lecture now?
Tagged: Tokio Fuko
What is Japanese literature? 😉

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