— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №12420
I realized what I wanted for a long time!
2 of me?
1 and you too.
2 And what else?
A huge piece of room!
2: That is me!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №12419
I look at the quotes, and in the background of all the red drop, I see one blue arrow up. The wind in Moscow.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №12418
To quote about "Save the Love":
You don’t live, you live. I am 39, in the far 86s fell in love with the first beauty of the institute, her friends betrayed her anathema - he needs you: a poor man, out of the commonplace, in the winter in rubber boots walks, came to Peter from the city, which you will not find on every map, you can catch up with such a guy... In the 89s married - I 19, she 21. Now I am the owner of the largest company in the Russian Federation in my industry with branches in six countries, we have six children, the eldest son of my company has already an internship. married old friends come to visit.))) When I am asked what I am doing, I always answer - just LIVE. If you can learn to live - and love will appear, and desire, and time, and relationship, and it will no longer matter how many North American rubles the car you buy...

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №12417
and Chimera:
Fuck, I knocked this fucking fly, but she’s flying slowly, boring and whispering louder!
The Ghost:
It is broken.)

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №12416
The girl has an info about herself:Write only to normal people!The concerned go through the forest or immediately ignore!

Interests: Strapon, incest, group vocation...

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №12415
xxx: Do you think there is now a Nigger in the world more cool than Obama?
YYYYYYYYYYYYYY Snoop Dog is the coolest of all!It is worth wishing him, and the black brothers will bring him at least a whole bag of grass:)))
Oh, but Obama should want – and the white brothers will bring him Snoop Dog with his bag.
The Snoop Dog! He will smoke the whole bag along the way, and Obama will only get a murdered nigger, who will not even be able to say.
Wauu: not that Niger Pendoza elected president, not that...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №12414
You were for whom?

Serenity Opinion
by McCain


Serenity Opinion
he is an old, dull chest with hemorrhoids and old age marasma. He is not able to govern not only the country, but also the collage. He is dumber than Bush. This is what the states need.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №12413
XXX is
This is when I wrote for the cursor.

XXX is
It could have been fucking.

XXX is
My text was scanned and I needed it in Word.

XXX is
I downloaded FineReader, but it fucking paid and save and copy the result does not, and there was no time to look for crack

XXX is
Then I downloaded a free analogue of FineREadera but it is curved and recognizes poorly

XXX is
then I recognized FineREaderom made the screen print and already from the print screen recognized the hollow detector

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №12412
Gray unfertile soil of 5 letters.
of concrete.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №12411
down so, release the foulaut third, immediately after doing three weekends, and then, scuca, once-and at 8 am to work (

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №12410
We have a working schedule, today sent for 2 months, at least once, and everyone was late, except me and the director.

The secretary said: as always, only the bosses and the most astute T_T were not late.

Maximum Damage (15:35:54 6/11/2008)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №12409
When I got home late yesterday, my mom was worried and said:
Here you will have your children...
I already have.
My mom was shocked, I joked.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №12408
Girl and girl (17:16:13 5/11/2008)
I want to see the movie, but it is not included.

StalkeR (17:16:28 5/11/2008)
What format do you look at? ?

Girl and girl (17:17:23 5/11/2008)
was the format of some MKV or something... I changed to.avi, it is not enabled anyway.

StalkeR (17:18:06 5/11/2008)
Oh... tricky can change the picture again in JPG?))))))

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №12407
I don't know either what's wrong with me or you, but I have an iPhone, a Vista, and a Lada Kalina and all the stuff works normally without glucose!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №12406
XXX: How is it?
YYY: It is bad.
xxx: what is it
Yyy: The Jewish people are oppressed everywhere: (((
XXX Who is Who?
XXX What Happened Again
Yyy: First the Egyptians, then the Persians, the Philistines, then the Romans, then the Spaniards and other European peoples... Then the Germans, Stalin...
YYY: And then my commercial director.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №12405
9: [ 25 ] added 2008-10-31 23:32
Today I go from the institute I see small boys 4-6 years old man 7 share something, and there are voices of the type "You gave him the most taste" "He did not break it equally" and so on. I watched and they there ROLTON share dry... pps brought the country

You are going to eat!! As a child, I also ate Dushyrak with my friends!!!! Not because it was the 90s, but because it was delicious!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №12404
I watched the series "Pseudonym Albanian". So there was a moment when the boss calls his sys.admin/programmer. An unbroken uncle comes in a sweater, with a player on his neck. The most crucial moment! To the question "Do you know why I called you?", smiling answers "You probably want to raise my salary" :)

Russian filmmaker ZBest!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №12403
Today's news on"Schwarzenegger understood: the country's economic crisis"
It quickly reached the Terminator.

[ + 41 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №12402
To the quote:
Guys, how you have gone! Here is what words to explain to you that if you tolerate everything, there are flowers, stars, romance to give, then you are a long-job, and not she a fool! Girls love sex no less than yours, if she doesn’t give, then she doesn’t want you! And finally start treating with respect, if you are caring for divorce for sex, it is easier to remove the prostitute! And remember, the calf is a cow so small, and we are girls! Without us, you would be pets!

Here is Fuck! I would shake!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №12401
It’s just my mosquitoes that it’s November.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna