— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №10958
Yesterday I bought my wife's magazine My Child for Mom and Dad - a fun edition. At the end there is a little story. In this room was about a small eagle.
Type, he was born in such a summer, everywhere is beautiful, there are many mushrooms, apples, leaves.
In the next picture, the autumn has already arrived, the leaves have begun to fall, and the eggs are stuck to the white to find out who is dropping the leaves from the trees. The white shrugged and collapsed in double.
At the 3rd - the eggs did not understand the neck, lay under the bush and began to wait, waited and fell asleep.
On the next - the spring came, the eggs stood out, and the puddle - no leaves, no mushrooms, no apples... He let go again to the protein, type, and where is all this. She gave him a mushroom and swallowed, like - you will see where the leaves will appear.
In the last picture, almost literally: the eggs ate the mushroom and began to wait, and finally saw how the leaves on the trees began to flourish...
And I think, nikoya such a mushroom suited him protein, the eggs sadly sat a couple of months and stood on a tree.
PS, I think I need to pay attention to the distribution of drugs in the publications...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №10957
You may not be a chess player.

But to think in life forward is a duty.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №10956
Canada, Montreal, a huge store, auto parts department. Judging by level

noise, educational work is carried out in support of

the lecturer's voice, flowing on all styles, teaches employees the subtleties

Trade affairs: elegant French phrases drown in a thick stream

The Russian Mat. I approach the shelf, from the shelf appears

The salesman asked, “Do you speak Russian?” He, a little

I am confused: it comes...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №10955
Oil prices are falling!

Probably gasoline too.

There is no gasoline.

Why is?

I don’t know, it’s probably not made from oil in Russia.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №10954
In the chat entered Edward-rotmnogoy
Edward_Hands-Hirts: O_O

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №10953
When I was a kid, I loved dinosaurs.

He: It’s a pity that they went extinct afterwards, right?

She:... Scuco...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №10952
25968 (saved 2008-10-07 at 10:00)
Interestingly, all computer engineers do not understand why they invented the left wall on the computer?

by 5+
And everyone else doesn’t understand why you removed her.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №10951
From this day on, I refuse to look for logic in the actions of grandmothers.
2 is?
A week of divorcing a girl for anal sex. But in a complete rejection - the type is painful, and there is no spice and all the other things... I broke up, shorter, but I was very dissatisfied with the ppc. Next time I did without it. So what do you think?
Do you ask for it yourself? :)
1 is fucking! Did you say to Apache today without anal? Do you care about me???? to
How to fucking understand them?? to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №10950
The lord of the universe: I sit with a girl I know watching my mommy... it sounds like the song of Abba, I play a kind of cool song. I bought Madonna’s album for her.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №10949
A country that lives under the motto: “I will not quit smoking, but I will drink” will not help any Uri Geller. I did not give up.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №10948
He threw the boy, fucking!
You have always been able to make an effective appearance!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №10947
*Zed* (12:25:22 4/10/2008)
We are a legal entity for the processing of enriched uranium.

EcLiPsE (12:25:58 4/10/2008)
Figase OO

*Zed* (12:26:43 4/10/2008)
The company is also engaged in the cultivation of worms with the help of enriched uranium.

EcLiPsE (12:27:04 4/10/2008)
ppc * rofl *

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №10946
But here is a memorial for geological periods (MGU biofaces told):
Every Great Student Should Smoke Papyrus. You, Yura, little boy, grow up a little. What??and "

Cambrian, Ordovik, Silur, Devon, Carbon, Perm, Trias, Jura, Mel, Paleogen, Neogen, Quartz.

This is not you "sitting phasen". So is!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №10945
Kaman: I now know what Corbyn’s mail is going through. and :)
kaman@step-up:~$ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 by ESMTP
Tagged step-up

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №10944
I mean what the habit of bragging to hz how many nights left even if you don’t brag

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №10943
Todd-kun: Prep on a pair of fox philosophy. At the end of a long and useless dispute with one of the glamorous defacek issued:
The caravan of my arguments goes through the desert of your brain and cannot find an oasis in order to gain understanding.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №10942
Athos is full! I found a man's number to buy grass. He called, shot a shot, bought it. I look at the number in the notebook - not that! When I called, one number was wrong.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №10941
It is terrible:
Do not argue with me. Do not argue with fools. Me and Mr. Abdelli.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №10940
friend-sisadmin wrote:
xxx: here I scratched with one of the employees, now put him a casper, and the machine is weak... then I thought and knocked him a nod, let them treat each other... he sits behind the wall, 10 minutes already pig whisks are delivered... you can not argue with me

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №10939
I heard the news, the Navy of Georgia attacked Sevastopol... =))
Oh well... these Georgians are all crazy!! The Americans are involved in this!!! to
*ROFL* read the news more carefully!!! ))))
You’re trying to get me down again, Sevastopol, it’s Ukraine!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna