— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №21008
I stand at a stop. Two boys aged 17. A toned 9ka comes in with all the twists. It comes out of the "advanced bead" (money is, but the mind is not purchased). He does not shut down the car, goes to the barrel and pushes the guys off the way. Of course not apologizing. He stands in line. The guys whispered, looked around and rushed to the car. Started by. "Bydlo", ran behind his mother’s car. Due to the large number of cars, the driver cannot handle the steering and enters the pillar on the side near the stop. They flew out of the car and knocked in the direction of the armor park to the owner of the car:
You have a great car!!! to
2nd was it!!! to

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №21007
thx(23:12:11 3/10/2009)
MKAD (known in narrow circles as the Moscow Ring Car Road) is a Russian frontier separating civilization from the periphery, chewing with bears with balalaics, in the legs and with the monkey.

Wicked(23:12:59 3/10/2009)
In Moscow, there are bears with balayks, in the legs and with the sameon? O_O

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №21006
W: There is a question.
How can we fight global injustice?
by Bukaka:
You enslave the world and do everything in justice.
W: very nice

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №21005
When I lived alone and worked at home in Memnitz, one time I was friends with a scraper in the ward.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №21004
X: What happens to the gas cloud when the temperature drops?
Y: It is living!
X: O.o
Z: Ah, she grows the peys and starts dancing Havanagil.

[ + 65 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21003
Do you read the abyss? Someone is fucking now!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №21002
we show the drawings of the prepuce on a sketch (the grandmother is very similar to Faina Ranevskaya in the way she expresses her thoughts)
"What did you write to me here...Perpendicular??? You’re so perpendicular to your girlfriend you’re going to squeeze, and I STRONGLY NEED 90 degrees!!!!" ;))

[ + 59 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21001
I just don’t know what art + pfush is.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №21000
Karl from Clara stole the MacLaren, and Clara from Karl stole the Corvet.

[ + 118 - ] Comment quote №20999
But where are you?
I don’t know your area, but it’s written on the wall.
And I understood. Stay there. I will be happy.

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №20998
MaSHa: Continue the phrase: high, high, somewhere there, in the clouds, my heart is melting in your gentle hands, I know, you know, I know, you know, you know, you know.

by Nikita:
The bridges burned.
We will die, you and I.
The pockets are empty.
The tails slid.
What shit I and you.
The blind crows.
that shakes the bushes
Fuck the cats.
What fucking cats, touching their tails
...that the bushes tremble, where cats chew their tails
... that blind crabs eat bushes, where cats are rattling their tails

[ + 67 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20997
We sit at the lectures, the lecturer, as always, that bubbles. Next to K is sleeping. Suddenly he shook up and said:
Q: Listen, does the electromagnetic pulse only damage the working equipment?? to
I: Yes (O_o)
Q: Does this mean that after a nuclear explosion I can start my car?? to
I: Oh yeah, probably
Q: Get ready, you need to buy another shot... and it falls asleep, scotch!!!! to

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №20996
Do your parents always go into the room at the most intimate moment of the movie??? They are looking at you 😉

[ + 72 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20995
Here you go to the bus stop and see how your bus has come. You can’t walk, but run reluctantly. And then you think "let go, next I sit". And he, the shit, stands as if he is waiting for you. And to run and quickly enter it - pride no longer allows. And you’re approaching like that and you’re pretending like you’re waiting for another bus.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №20994
Today, passing by the television, I accidentally learned that Dr. House had a family and his surname was Little. He had a wife, a son, and a white Persian cat, and judging by the fact that there was a speaking mouse in the family, everybody (or any other substance) in this family, including a cat, consumed викодин.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №20993
Go to the ass!
Hi Hi, I say!
Go, I say, go to the ass!
HH: I am glad to hear you! I want to communicate!
I am a horse! I cannot endure you!
I immediately see a decent man.
Do you die, e@lan, plz!
A pleasant meeting!
Mountains in Hell!
HHH: You are great!
WOW :....
WOW :....
You and I painted a painting.
WOW: great such, symmetrical little, screw.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №20992
Our accountant (very poorly seen) in the impetus of discussing Star Wars, rushed to the director entering the office with the screams "I will cut off your legs!". The director with round eyes ran away. Everyone is in shock. It turned out that our buzzholder confused him with his colleague Kirill (he was without glasses) and tried to portray a duel on light swords. The one-and-a-half-week salary was paid immediately. In a month we will talk about the Lord of the Rings :)

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №20991
The green fence, black paint is accurately written the name of the site. After all, I guessed that it was written on the site, but the mla went anyway.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №20990
Today is Friday and in an hour I will be a huge, drunk, Russian man!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №20989
It is easier to seduce a girlfriend than to understand why you did it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna