— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №11599
I recently communicated with a friend...And what do you talk about work.-where do you work?-connector in part...-and you get a lot?...and after 5 seconds of silence the answer:'so in time'))))))))))))))))))))

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №11598
Tell the people where you find the girls who give for the switching of the windshield...I will reinstall the windshield. About yourself: sports bodybuilding, without in / p.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №11597
I want to be so sorry...
YYY : Why?
Because nothing happens in life.
I wanted normal relationships – I sent a nahuy. I want to go to work, fucking.
yyy: "a true Buddhist is happy with every breath of reality"
This is what reality is... where is it, this reality?! to
XXX is fucking. The cat has also broken under the nose!! to
yyy: "Inspire the reality!" :-D

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №11596
ASh (20:37:04 17/10/2008)
Fuck the shit ?
Shesh brother sits watching the broadcast - I hz as the so-called, but there typically need to please who of the people who
And the variants of the guy - it is necessary to determine who of them is a programmer, who is a saper, and who - suffered from a lightning strike.

ASh (20:37:22 17/10/2008)
crazy))) in my understanding, these people should look the same))))))

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №11595
XXX is
Do you want a candy? ?

Who should be killed?

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №11594
You all say that the admines are angry.
Not true all this.
I was on the bus today, so a guy (beard, sweater, cape, cpk) gave me a seat.

And you say...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №11593
In a beautiful and intelligent child, it is much easier to recognize yourself.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №11592
The story of a doctor who worked in an ambulance 20 years ago.

Special pleasure in the intervals between life-saving

communicated with strongly drunk, picked up in a cabbage or

Just on the street.

They bring in. He sees the "illuminators" of the ambulance raffice, round

the lights from above, and the people who bowed over it and evil, with passion

Question in "Loman" Russian:

For what purpose and how did you enter the English submarine?

The boat!? to

When they are brought to themselves again, they explain the essence of the Decree of the CCC of the CPSU.

The fight against drunkenness.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №11591
The customer comes to the bank to take the money.

The cashier:

There is no money.

The Client:

very much need.

The cashier:

Why Why?

The Client:

Pay for the apartment.

The cashier:

Pay by translation.

The Client:

“Damn, I want to eat, give me money, I’ll go to a restaurant.

The cashier:

You have a card. Pay for a visa, and we can’t give you money.

The client (on the other hand):

Give me my money! Maybe I want to get rid of the prostitute.

The cashier (pointing the hand to the operating officer):

Please choose it!

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №11590
I have such a big penis that if I put it on the keyboard, it would cover all the letters from A to Z.
In fact, he is huge...

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №11589
The choice of antivirus.

Panda is
A female battalion composed of institutions armed with old rifles. At the slightest noise, they begin to whisper exhaustedly and burn randomly (usually - to the sky). When they see the enemy, they faint or run away.
Advantages: It is practically not visible.
Disadvantages: The beneficial effect is also not noticeable.

The tank brigade. Motorcycles rush, smells of lubrication, plumbery tankers catch the girls running past round places, and somewhere in the forest there is a sling. It looks impressive and weighty, in battle works quickly, efficiently and mercilessly. The enemy cannot penetrate inside at least simply out of fear.
The advantages: reliability.
Disadvantages: Tank lubrication today is very expensive, not to mention shells and fuel.Sometimes forget about enemies, if there are a lot of girls around.

Enemy occupation army. Officers on the rights of the winners free of charge drink snacks in luxurious restaurants, soldiers run through the courtyards, recycle the food, steal women, and engage in small household barbarism. Another enemy in the country, of course, will no longer pass, it is. But life in occupation, you know, is not sugar either.
Advantages: The border on the castle. and intentionally.
Disadvantages: The enemy is inside.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №11588
Alcohol is eliminated from the body within a week.
2 – He will never leave.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №11587
1: I will go to the catwalk
Q: What size do you have?
2 to 45
One is fucking...
The idea is to swim fast.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №11586
XXX is
Why do you delete emails if there is more than 2000 MB of free space?
XXX is
Why wash if the toilet is big?

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №11585
Do you go through normally?

Olive oil

You know ? ? ? ?

That you are silent, I am here in love, and you...

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №11584
When you are new to the company and at the first corporation after the 5th toast you declare that you are here now... you can see "your")

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №11583
This morning the alarm rings and rings, feeds and feeds!
I’m already hearing others in the room start waking up, crawling and screaming, saying, “Let’s get up and cut off the alarm clock!”and "

The first thought: fucking... well don’t scream you... sorry... late to bed... I can’t get up... five more minutes...

The second thought: Fuck! I am one of you alive!!! to

Go to bed earlier...

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №11582
I dropped my old toys today, and Mommy said she would not buy me anything like that again. I am in Ahua. How is it? My grandfather gave it to me!!! to

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №11581
Alx: We are here by the boss every day to write reports on the work done with an indication of the time spent solving the problem. Fuck you!

dmty:So you write that you were engaged in accelerated relocation of the means of reproduction (read the pinal baldu), optimized the settings of the mail server in order to minimize the time costs for linking and receiving mail messages, through the Internet browser produced the servering of resources to refine the system and figure out the limits of stable work.
Total Greenwich time 8 hours 5 minutes and 31 seconds

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №11580
Twenty-first: The child was born on the day of the elections, the doctors resort and speak with the vote, and I struggle every minute, I have no time to rest, and here the papers in my nose. Don’t go back until you vote.
Q: For whom did you vote?
XXX: I don't know, I was invisible without glasses, and what difference, the sex of the child was a surprise for me, and no one will be chosen

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna