— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №9555
She is:
I need you, I want to be with you and only with you.

He is:
I need you fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

He is:
Oh is

He is:
Fuck how I’ll wait for you!!!! 1

He is:
I’ll wait to meet Stubby.

She is:
You are a fool.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №9554
Yesterday I finally realized that my mother has telekinese.
It moves objects without using the power of thought.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №9553
Wikipedia is a gateway to the brain of Onotole Wasserman.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №9552
Fascism is bad!
Strong repair is bad!! to
Scenes of death are bad!! to

This is what I learned.)

She: MDA

He: Did you just think about something or do you disagree very much?

She: My head is angry.

She: She is short

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №9551
<Aminatep> September 1 - Day of Knowledge. Thousands of schoolchildren will go to their favorite schools, thousands of students... in general, they will also go, but to the universe.
<Aminatep> A little over a week ago, Chris Taylor finished Star Siege.
A new Stalker came out.
Legendary, Spore, Crysis Warhead, Mount & Blade, Far Cry 2, LotR: Conquest, Sacred 2, new Call of Duty, new Prince of Persia, new Tomb Raider, Battlefield Heroes, Dead Space, Left 4 Dead.
Not beyond Starcraft II, Fallout III, Diablo III.
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich-King.
<Aminatep> I can’t see logic alone?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №9550
If you want to make a curtain, twist the hard on four screws.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №9549
Give it up as it burned...
-I go into the kitchen and there drops from the ceiling, I think the neighbors flooded... running to them...
-they open the door, I throw on them with a scream:"what x, you melt me", I get into their kitchen and scuco reflectingly open the refrigerator...())

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №9548
xxxx (20:48:24 30/08/2008)
You are sexy like that.

yyyy (20:48:46 30/08/2008)
Why are you lying?

xxxx (20:48:52 30/08/2008)
I am not creature. I just got drunk.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №9547
xxx: I know today.
Globalization is when in the courtyard, on the outskirts of Moscow, four blacks in leather jackets sit on the bench and drink the Baltic.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №9546
Pepe has a cat. I bought him a toy at the zoo. He didn’t even look at the shit. But the beer jams are chasing - the electricity is like that. This is what male education means.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №9545
XXX: I am waiting
XXX: The joke happened
XXX: Going to the grandfather's corridor
XXX: The Mosque
XXX: He runs to me with wild eyes
XXX: Speaking
Here in the 75th year the toilet was, where to share, tell the son

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №9544
Black (20:11:12 31/08/2008)
Which one do you have?

Ilun (20:11:26 31/08/2008)

Black (20:11:36 31/08/2008)
And yet?

Ilun (20:11:48 31/08/2008)
Huawei is

Black (20:15:36 31/08/2008)
Mahahahaha, I can’t stand up.
Dick, what is your problem?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9543
The day was so... so... very phalytic.
WOW :?
Tagged: fucking

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №9542
xxx (17:41:56 25/08/2008)
How did you feel about working with me?
yyy (17:42:09 25/08/2008)
Describe all the benefits you see.
xxx(17:43:05 25/08/2008)
for you :
I am not jealous.
2. can be trusted
I do mine well.
I like spontaneous sex.
I am smart!)
xxx(17:43:21 25/08/2008)
6. and also I am happy looking and funny)

yyy (17:39:44 25/08/2008)
That’s why I need to find a vacancy at work.)

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №9541
My grandfather recently burned. My friend comes to me screaming.
"Free Blowjobs!!!“Well, my grandfather heard and asked, ‘What is this?’ I’m fucking sorry to tell him... gryu "Volunteer in English." Well that eyebrows clogged and issued "We have in the army such if caught in the mouth of e@li!!!and "
Not a fucking...

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №9540
The Americans did. On the flag in Congress someone saw the inscription 'Made in China'

c) Akuma

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №9539
I sit in a cafe and watch the scene.

There is a guy with a girlfriend and his friend. They introduce them, introduce them, etc. A friend asks the girl:
How did you get caught up with this fool?
My friend sneezed intentionally
You’re lucky, I’m scratching. How will you take care of her? You are unemployed.
The guy under the table tossed a friend’s leg, and the girl is already starting to red and smile.
Well, you’ll have to take your lazy ass off now :)
The guy can’t stand it and says, “If she doesn’t give me today, I’ll fuck you at night.”

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №9538
by dr. of Zivago:

He almost died of surprise. My beloved fellow citizens mocked me as they wanted.

The first episode:

Lovely dressed woman 30 years old with a tail. Two children. The second child is 2 weeks old. The breast feeding.
My child has been constantly coughing since yesterday.
What did you eat and drink yesterday?
A bottle of dry red wine.
– and?!!! to
Well, you are a doctor! I didn’t know I couldn’t! My aunt has a second child. I also had a birthday. Do you know that red wine is good for you?

The second episode that followed the first:

A mother with a 9-year-old girl. The girl is specifically stormed, she is madly smiling, periodically shaking. There is a clear smell of fresh drink in the room. The mother does not sown begins to list all the helminths, which in her opinion colonized the unhappy child.
Please wait. Your child is drunk!
My mother cried, and then said the phrase that caught me:
We treated it by popular methods. Half a glass of cognac with half castor oil. They say it helps well from worms.

Tom Sawyer and his aunt Polly with the "Universal Pain Remover" are nervously smoking in the corner.
What should I do with them :(?

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №9537
Why shouldn’t our government declare that Georgia has weapons of mass destruction?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №9536
and Igor! Stop reading this shit, take the phone and call me! people

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna