— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №9535
On a morning erection, I had sex with a girlfriend, as they finished:
Good morning dear.
I just haven’t woke up yet.
Did I wake you badly?
I woke up, but my head is still asleep.
“Blynn, what’s up to you next time?”? to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9534
xxx(02:15:24 30/08/2008)
xxx(02:15:26 30/08/2008)
here here?
xxx(02:15:45 30/08/2008)
Listen... Throw me a basket... Or I fucked my own somewhere...
xxx(02:15:47 30/08/2008)
= = (

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №9533
I sit so beautiful, in front of the basement, I answer the bell.
I don’t know how it was, but I wanted to sneeze very much.
I hardly suppress that desire.
Trapped in the last question. The treatment scheme had to be described.
"Now, and what will you argue in favour of this decision?"
And here I sneeze. This is why my white coat is shattered. Under the coat - a maid with a very large cut. (Cut out my 85C)
Prepod: "This is not an argument!"

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №9532
I figured where the world goes.
WOW: What about CHO?
xxx: my sister offered to help tie the ropes, so she jumped away from me in the corridor with screams "unexpectedly, David Blane" O_o
He really jumped from me in the direction of the kitchen, high and dumb! My father started x_x
Well, a normal sister, advanced :D
Oh, given that she is nine months pregnant, she started fighting and I was going to take her to the nursery. All the way she stood, then roared and asked, “Where do you take me, demon?” and when she saw the doctors at the entrance of the nursery, she said, “Here are these guys!”
O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9531
Since I was a child, I have been used to living in Sparta.
When I was a child, I was thrown off the rock.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №9530
The woman burned:
As I told her I was eating happy tickets.
We go here in the bus, my wife buys two tickets, looks at me, gives them to me with the words:
Will you have dinner today or not? :)

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №9529
From the Stalker Forum
In the game, I would like to see some transportation.
The type of bicycle)

ууу: Stalker in the exoskeleton and on the "Aiste" is something more than just a gesture.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №9528
Rose is
Hi virtual friends!

Do I have anything for you instead of Tamagochi?

Rose is
To feed you?

You read your thoughts.)

Rose is
The breast?

of course! Give me two. c

Rose is

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №9527
A bad man is a chess player who does not dream of becoming a boxer.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №9526

One of my acquaintances, Oleg, loves doing good things.

absolutely free of charge and sometimes completely unfamiliar people. This is what this

Sometimes it turns.

He goes home in the evening, thinking about work. A girl on the road c.

A child of three or four years. “If I go down the road,” he thinks.

It was on the road.” “Sit down,” Oleg cried out. The back door of the car

It opened and shut down. Oleg has gone. Brake to place, brake to place

It turns... and just in the car! The child is sitting alone!! to

Where is my mom...? Almost whispering the child asks.

“And she didn’t go with us right away,” the child replied reluctantly.

It was only here that Oleg began to get that having thrown the child on the back seat,

Mom tried to sit on the front... but he couldn’t get into his mind.

What is possible!! Here he walked on the cotton closing back.

the doors.

He turns around and brings the baby back where he took it. My mother was not there.

Do you know your address? He asks the boy.

We were driving my grandmother. I don’t know the address, but I can show you. It calmed

The little Oleg.

My grandmother’s house was quickly found. The child returned to his grandmother. asks to call

A cell phone, so that you don’t worry at least... They call. Revealed

The phone she forgot at home (Okay, she thinks, the child returned, and then let them go.

They understand.

I went to the house side. And almost arriving, he thinks: And Mommy

It must have been in the police!!! to

He turns around and goes to the nearest department.

Didn't anyone come to you to say that the child was taken?

and yes! We have already filed a search, the interception has been announced!

- No need to look for anyone, I came myself... - regrets Oleg.

The whole department whispered to tears... and nobody even questioned.

Oleg’s iron logic is that the door is locked – you can go. Probably w

All on the automation that a small child on the back seat no one

A normal mother will not sit one, especially in someone else’s car.

It also turned out that neither the numbers, nor even the colors and marks of the car.

My mother could not indicate in the statement. Looking for a long...

After two more hours in the department – explanatory, until it was

The child was right at home, whole and unharmed, Oleg went home.

Do not put children alone in the back seat of the car. They leave without

to you)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №9525
A cultural man will never say:

I am a miserable and miserable.

He will say:

I am a creative person!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №9524
SparkeZzz (16:57:56 2/09/2008)
In the universe today. Prepod asks the audience, “How many theories of the emergence of mankind do you know?” What a person (not heavily loaded with intelligence) says "two". Under it, well go, write it down on the board. Chel goes out and with a stone face, as if it should, writes in half-boards - "TWO". The audience under the table.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9523
He said, “Why are you arguing with me?! to
I: Just... And what, can’t you?
He: down, I am a mother xD mine hope to give in so I feel like a beat.
I: I’m a girl, I need to give in so I don’t feel stupid.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №9522
I went to the pharmacy for a pasteur.
She is stuck in the middle of the room and does not move.
I ask: you are what?
There is my girlfriend’s mother behind the counter.

Picture with oil: the guy approaches the stand with the words: give a pack of pastenor.
Are you flying?
I : Yes
Seller: You still say that your girlfriend was wearing a condom!
No, that’s why I came.

So this shit caused mentions and an ambulance!!!!! to

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №9521
neo_rage> Here's what I found in one README.TXT file :

"Congratulations to you!!!! to

Why? Because you are one of the very very very few who read the readme file!! to

But because the other, huge percentage do NOT, we moved the actual contents
of this file into IGNOREME file because the chances for most of the people to
read IGNOREME are at least the chances to read README (more than that, we
I think they are really much higher).

So now, go read IGNOREME with the actual contents what you would have
expected here."

and lol))

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №9520
Following the game J.D.A.L.K.E.R. , the GSC studio released the prequel V.Y.L.E.T.A.L.K.E.R.: and prepares for the release of the sequel: Z.A.V.I.S.A.L.K.E.R. and addon to him N.E.Z.A.P.U.S.K.A.L.K.E.R.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9519
Bayani: Well, how are the deeds?
Irko: Mole, bush and ass hurt (((
Bayani: So what is it? Was she stuck in the wall and fucking? ( ) G G G G G
It’s no shit if...
Bishop: What is it?? to
Irko: You know what we and dad loves to eat at night.
Bayana is no?
I went to the kitchen at 2 a.m. yesterday, and Dad is already sitting there.
Bayonne: And what?? to
I, sleepy, in pyjamas, open the refrigerator in search of food, squeeze my head into the refrigerator...
Bayani: What do you think of that? ))))))))))))))))
There is no NAH!
Irko: Mom comes in (I can’t hear it) approaches the refrigerator and says, “What, eat again at night?”and "
I have a lot to do with it 😉
Irko: I am fucking asking, chewing the calba, from the unexpected as I fucking about the calder!!!! to
Bayani: You are burning 😉 😉 😉
Irko: that’s not all ((( I’m the son fucking, and the shob not to fall grabbed the shelf of the calendar... and on me a pot with a borst (((
Irko: and the floor we have a cafeteria... in general, I scroll on someone wrong potatoes, net cabbage... like I scratch my ass (((((((
It is a good idea to take care of yourself. 😉))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Irko: I am lying all in the border, and my mom is standing and roaring, sock!!!! to
I’m going to go all day, naah ((
Bayana: Irka, come to me, I have a borst at home, Bush??? )))))))
Ignore her, Szuco! to ignore! At the IGNOR!!!!!!!! to

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №9518
Announcement in front of the store: "Repair of mobile phones (live master!)" 0_o
Zombie masters are no longer relevant this season.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №9517
A broken house:
The programmer follows the secretary who has gone out of vacation and from the excess of feelings says: I will bite you in the ass.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №9516
September 1 in the garden. I am in the area at 4 p.m. and my grandfather and grandson are coming back from school. I hear a conversation at the end of my ear.
Grandfather, what language do I learn?
The Fascist
Grandson: What is this?
Grandfather: Zig Haylevsky
Fuck my grandfather, right?
Grandfather: The good schools are now... they taught the second class to speak maths, and what language the fascists spoke is not.
The Curtain

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna